General C++ Programming - December 2015 (Page 7)

[:punct:] vs [[:punct:]]
Hi, What is the difference between: [:punct:]+ and [[:punch:]]+ ?? Thanks Juan
[5 replies] Last: Yes, I ran it and they are different... I tested by inputing comma or... (by JUAN DENT)
by SCB3
Stuck on Link List & Stack
So, I'm trying to read in a txt file to a link list, so that when a player chooses whether or not to go left or right, it stores the word into a stack (it makes...
[no replies]
loop expression question on int/hex
This loop works fine. <code>for (int * pp_ptr = val_array; pp_ptr<(my_array_size + val_array); ++pp_ptr) { . . ...
[7 replies] Last: I think that val_array is start address. The name of the array is ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Mid-Beginner C++ problem
In this code, the do-while seems not to work properly. It just keeps on repeating. I'd really like you to help me out with this. Here it is: //Write a pro...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the useful info and for solving the problem :) (by AgathonXXI)
Stuck on code
I'm trying to make it so that when pacman hits the left wall it stops him from going out the left screen. I got the right wall working but cant seem to figure o...
[2 replies] Last: thank you that worked strangely though it wasn't 0 for the left wall b... (by flamingwarlock)
ask a favor to correct this project
Requirement : Create a standard deck of 52 playing cards and list those cards on the screen, columns makes my life easier :-) Pause or "press Enter" after the...
[no replies]
by ohad
whats the problem ?
why is it bring me the menu and the qwestions after that many times ? i know its getting the details i put in because when i print it its show the details... ...
[2 replies] Last: im sorry but i have got no answer in the beginners room.. (by ohad)
drawing circle
Hello I am new to programming and need some support on understanding a certain concept. I would like to draw a circle with points user defined given as mous...
[7 replies] Last: ok cire thats the reason why i could not use the three point. for ex... (by leaner008)
Which do you prefer and why? Which do you find more readable.
[3 replies] Last: I typically use EMS_HEADER_H. Initials plus header name, for the same... (by cire)
Kindly help me remove the error from this code
//PROGRAM - TRAIN RESERVATION #include<stdlib.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<iostream.h> #inc...
[2 replies] Last: in line number 72 identifier display can not have a type qualifier (by arunrd2015)
Raw compilation
I'm currently building my own operating system. It's just a small test system to learn about operating systems. The operating system is designed to run in x86 p...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for those links. That should be enough to get the kernel loa... (by Shadowwolf)
Copy constructor.
Here is a way to copy a binary tree in a recursive way. It's pretty fine. But I'm assumed to write an iterative one as well. Please, someone tell me how can it ...
[2 replies] Last: It does. But I have an assignment to implement it in an iterative way ... (by The suffocated)
Help: not able to compile C++ code
I am getting following while compiling the code in CentOS5. g++ -c create_SPH_IC.C -I/home/sandeep/LIBRARY_GasIC/hdf5-1.6.10/include -I/home/sandeep/LIBRARY...
[1 reply] : You should move this to General C++ Programming . It would help if y... (by kbw)
by GTHell
So What is the basic of "C++ Language"?
Most of programmer said that you need to know the basic of C++ to easily learn other programming language. So, What is define by basic? OOP? Conditional?????...
[2 replies] Last: By that it's mean that I'm come across the basic right? (by GTHell)
Comparing two Arrays
My job is to compare two Arrays (Array A, Array B) and set another Array (Array C) to elements of the other two arrays in descending order. void setBigger...
[6 replies] Last: array C also needs to be 7 elements long This is not possible. If A... (by Thomas1965)
String Count!
Hey! Someone please help me with this lab. They asked the user to type a word and the program gonna print the value of the word. And each letter has a value. h...
[2 replies] Last: One way to do it: 1. Get the input and store it in a string. 2. Make... (by Thomas1965)
Random C++ codes
Please ignore this. I am just posting codes to this website so that I can copy/paste into my laptop. I am having problems sending them so this is the best alter...
[8 replies] Last: If you have a usb stick, you could always just copy paste the files an... (by YFGHNG)
dynamic array please!
I need help fixing the array of pointers I created. When I try to insert more than one element the program crashes. The function where the array of pointers is ...
[4 replies] Last: tree_to_array returns the next index that needs to be initialized and ... (by acorea20)
sizeof question
I don't get how sizeof(Array) is the size of the array pointer. sizeof(array) returns 28, which is 28 total bytes/4 bytes per element = 7 elements in the arra...
[17 replies] Last: that did it thx #include<iostream> using namespace std; // templ... (by technologist)
unexplained behavior/unexpected result
Consider the following code. It exhibits undefined behavior when I install the code below to to the bottom block marked : cout<<"this block added & below-->pr...
[7 replies] Last: By graduating to more sophisticated pointer, memory management and co... (by cire)
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