by juicyjames
Checking diagonals in an array
[1 reply] : So you are looking for three in a row. Take any particular cell an... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by xiaoping1997
college assignment,text file~
[1 reply] : Hi, You should use code tags to make your code easier to read : http... (by aquavillan)
by selflearner
How can I continue my question until the user enter the valid input?
[3 replies] Last: No problem selflearner , treat it as a redirect for anyone planning t... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Expression Tree |
[2 replies] Last: Tinypic sucks I'm sorry. Sometimes you have to refresh the page a coup... (by coolioschmoolio)
by sw3bst3r
Why does this code return "3, 5" when the array is not called by reference?
[2 replies] Last: Array is passed by reference into the function, because a pointer is ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Anony
PLease help, grade depends on this.
[no replies]
by keanedawg
My pointer argument won't accept a byref to a pointer
[5 replies] Last: GameObject doesn't have a default constructor but it looks like class ... (by dhayden)
by saherch
Binary search tree not printing
[4 replies] Last: > Isn't a pointer an address itself. When I am passing a address, shou... (by ne555)
by unknown user
Magic Square
[3 replies] Last: Is that the definition of magic square? I thought it was just another ... (by Shadowwolf)
by totalnooob
Entrance to randomly generated maze
[3 replies] Last: You should give your already existing code so help can be given. (by Kartoffel)
by Blybarger7
Bytes in multidimensional arrays
[3 replies] Last: Okay thanks guys that's how i thought it was done. (by Blybarger7)
by DatOneGuy
Error "string" is undefined
[3 replies] Last: The CLI String is in the namespace System. int main(array<System::St... (by Thomas1965)
by vastrolorde
Biased random generation
[no replies]
by Leance
selection using arrow keys
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by Leance)
by grzybek
Segmentation Fault
[3 replies] Last: At the beggining in almost empty project my code also appeared to w... (by cire)
by Molly
Snake game using graphics.h and 2D arrays
[3 replies] Last: Hi Molly, To store the location of a circle you can use a struct like... (by Thomas1965)
by keanedawg
Can my code cause a memory leak with STL Linked List?
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! (by keanedawg)
by selfstudy
How to add ub before each vowel in c++?
[5 replies] Last: You seem to have the code down pretty pat. Looking at it, you already ... (by YFGHNG)
by technologist
pointer ambiguity
[3 replies] Last: Hi, My question is why add array_size + my_array? Why not just array... (by TheIdeasMan)
by closeclo
Housing Market
[1 reply] : Well you better get started then :) Goodluck! (by TarikNeaj)