by alik92
[3 replies] Last: Actually having trouble with one of my own... usually they look like t... (by a10e29)
by musicalcoma
Game of Life HELP PLEASE
[17 replies] Last: There is an example in the post where it's defined? ( inBounds , not ... (by cire)
by patrickcamp
Atom package
[no replies]
by syafhuan
How to put stack in my coding ? i want to pop the values that i already insert by linked list
[no replies]
by alex067
Difference with files
[3 replies] Last: That's an interesting question. I hadn't thought of making that sort o... (by Chervil)
by GamerOtaku
A problem with creating an output file.
[5 replies] Last: In: loadData You only read into a single element. You do not increa... (by cire)
by turtlesavage
Automatic Input To, "press any key to continue", to quit
[4 replies] Last: Perfect, thankyou (by turtlesavage)
How to convert .pgm to jpeg |
[3 replies] Last: i just need to convert these files so my program can process them (by closed account y8Cp4iN6)
by olsarets7
Keeping track of multiple random numbers
[4 replies] Last: however I want to keep track of all 5 numbers in 5 different variable... (by kbw)
by turtlesavage
Coordinating Music With Function Execution Based On Time
[1 reply] : Unless you've got some truly horrific sound library, the one constant ... (by Moschops)
by andrewllewop
command line arguments using system function
[6 replies] Last: Because you want the shell to see copy "c:\users\william powell\downl... (by dhayden)
by Sunjustice
use c++ for making a project
[10 replies] Last: ok ! then i start reading from classes . do you think when i can star... (by Sunjustice)
Need help with searches, pointers, and cstring |
[2 replies] Last: removed post by dhs2, troll JayhawkZombie was not the OP. (by TheIdeasMan)
C-- |
[1 reply] : Removed the post by das2, troll JayhawkZombie was not the OP (by TheIdeasMan)
by Kartoffel
Logging PC Keys
[2 replies] Last: Well, the thing is how one would be able to difference if you type a '... (by Kartoffel)
by keanedawg
Unusual behavior with C++ pointers (explanations?)
[5 replies] Last: Well, you know, I cannot confidently answer that. I won't answer that... (by JayhawkZombie)
by patrickcamp
Void function
[5 replies] Last: maybe try including math.h #include "math.h" instead of #include <... (by Marcusw1)
by Marcusw1
pointer data
[2 replies] Last: so should I use the delete operator on list before I assign it the new... (by Marcusw1)
by GamerOtaku
Print average score
[5 replies] Last: Glad you solved it! (by JayhawkZombie)
by Terribad13
Does String-A contain String-B (1,2)
[28 replies] Last: The more practice you get, the easier it will be to come up with solut... (by JayhawkZombie)