General C++ Programming - December 2015 (Page 14)

by alik92
i need help with this question. write a loop to ask for how many wins each team has. within the loop have a nested loop to check if user entered an invalied ...
[3 replies] Last: Actually having trouble with one of my own... usually they look like t... (by a10e29)
Game of Life HELP PLEASE
I am working on a game of life challenge and I am having trouble matching my final output to the one provided. Here is the program requirements, final output an...
[17 replies] Last: There is an example in the post where it's defined? ( inBounds , not ... (by cire)
Atom package
hi I was trying to find a package on atom to show errors. what package would that be and how would get that to work?
[no replies]
How to put stack in my coding ? i want to pop the values that i already insert by linked list
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; class nodeStack { int data; nodeStack *next; }; class Library{...
[no replies]
Difference with files
Simple question, lets say im opening a file and reading in data whats the difference between while(file) and while (!file.eof())
[3 replies] Last: That's an interesting question. I hadn't thought of making that sort o... (by Chervil)
A problem with creating an output file.
Hi, so I've got a HW and am little stuck. The gold is "Write a program that reads students’ names followed by their test scores from an input file. The progr...
[5 replies] Last: In: loadData You only read into a single element. You do not increa... (by cire)
Automatic Input To, "press any key to continue", to quit
I have a function that when activated, asks the user if they are sure they want to quit. I the use the exit(0) function if they say yes. The exit(0) function...
[4 replies] Last: Perfect, thankyou (by turtlesavage)
How to convert .pgm to jpeg
I have a file called of 1000 images. I want to connvert all of them to .jpeg. Is there any code to do it? Can someone pleae help? Urgent!!
[3 replies] Last: i just need to convert these files so my program can process them (by closed account y8Cp4iN6)
Keeping track of multiple random numbers
I am making a game with C++ and i need to generate 5 random numbers, and keep track of them. I have tried searching for other people trying to do this but i hav...
[4 replies] Last: however I want to keep track of all 5 numbers in 5 different variable... (by kbw)
Coordinating Music With Function Execution Based On Time
I have an intro screen with intro music. At the moment, the music is the first the executed when intro screen is launched. It continues to play until...unimport...
[1 reply] : Unless you've got some truly horrific sound library, the one constant ... (by Moschops)
command line arguments using system function
I am having issues with sending arguments to the command prompt using the system function to copy and paste a file. Here is my code: system(" \"\"copy c:\\user...
[6 replies] Last: Because you want the shell to see copy "c:\users\william powell\downl... (by dhayden)
use c++ for making a project
hi guys i dont know how can i use c++ for make some little project ! may i help me about this !
[10 replies] Last: ok ! then i start reading from classes . do you think when i can star... (by Sunjustice)
Need help with searches, pointers, and cstring
What kind of searching? Here's a page on pointers: Here's a page on cstring:
[2 replies] Last: removed post by dhs2, troll JayhawkZombie was not the OP. (by TheIdeasMan)
Fewer than the number of posts you'll get off this account before you get banned again
[1 reply] : Removed the post by das2, troll JayhawkZombie was not the OP (by TheIdeasMan)
Logging PC Keys
Hello' Guys, I'd like to do some sort of TypeScript (Linux) for Windows. I've had something good working untill now. What I'd need to do is register special ...
[2 replies] Last: Well, the thing is how one would be able to difference if you type a '... (by Kartoffel)
Unusual behavior with C++ pointers (explanations?)
I'll just post the code and explain why I'm confused. using namespace std; #include <iostream> #include <list> class animal { public: animal() {} virtual ...
[5 replies] Last: Well, you know, I cannot confidently answer that. I won't answer that... (by JayhawkZombie)
Void function
I have to make a math problem using random numbers for a class and i keep getting this error #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; // ma...
[5 replies] Last: maybe try including math.h #include "math.h" instead of #include <... (by Marcusw1)
pointer data
when I reassign pointer-a to other data in memory, what happens to the data pointer-a was originally pointing at. I'm asking because I am implementing some data...
[2 replies] Last: so should I use the delete operator on list before I assign it the new... (by Marcusw1)
Print average score
Hi, so I've done a homework but I have still a couple problems. The goal is: "Write a program that prompts to read students' names followed by their test score...
[5 replies] Last: Glad you solved it! (by JayhawkZombie)
Does String-A contain String-B (1,2)
This is a homework question so please do not give me an exact answer. I want to figure this out on my own for the most part so that I absorb and memorize this i...
[28 replies] Last: The more practice you get, the easier it will be to come up with solut... (by JayhawkZombie)
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