General C++ Programming - December 2015 (Page 11)

open a c++ file
Hi, I am new to c++. I have a program that when I open in it in visual studio 2015 I get hexadecimals instead of code. Is there a way to get the code please?...
[1 reply] : If you only have the executable program, there is no way to recover th... (by Moschops)
c++ programming
write a program to simulate the popular traditional Malaysian game “Congkak”. In order to do this, you should first understand the rules of the game. You ma...
[3 replies] Last: Use what you've learned in class, google and youtube to get started on... (by TarikNeaj)
by riceli
Storage Allocation and Code Generation
I have project that told to Storage Allocation and Code Generation but i dont know where start. Do you have any example that I take a took and know where to s...
[1 reply] : Can you be more specific? What's the goal of the project? (by helios)
by a10e29
Good idea gone bad
Greetings and Salutations! Here are the forces involved: int mosPos ; SDL_GetMouseState(&mosPos , &mosPos ); int getHexFromXYPos(int ); // returns -1 i...
[8 replies] Last: I do know that it's impossible to pass an entire poly dimensional arr... (by coder777)
by rondoR
Beginner calculator. Need new ideas.
So I started learning C++ yesterday and now Im looking for something to do. I made this shitty calculator I know there is better ways to do this but this is all...
[1 reply] : This is a great place to start: (by koothkeeper)
Pig Latin Project Help
I'm making a project that is supposed to change things to Pig Latin. Can someone help me on that?
[1 reply] : I guess you need to - get some input from the console - translate it ... (by Thomas1965)
2d array program
I need to come up with a program that will read four quarterly sales amounts of six branches of a company from an input file. The sales amount read from the inp...
[1 reply] : Two mistakes I can see: for (i=0, i<=5, i++0) The last 0 doesn't be... (by Thomas1965)
Converting intergers to character
Enter numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 output: A B C D E F G H I how can i convert it using pointers this is the code: #include <iostream> #includ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <i... (by TwilightSpectre)
help me to solve this program
write a program to simulate the popular traditional Malaysian game “Congkak”. In order to do this, you should first understand the rules of the game. You ma...
[1 reply] : Dont double post - (by TarikNeaj)
A problem to code
Bob got a task at school to collect ‘N’ stones. Each day he can collect only one stone. As ‘N’ can be a very large number so it could take many days to...
[2 replies] Last: So the trick is to find the minimum number of days, figure it out and ... (by SamuelAdams)
Ref Helper c++
I need some help finishing this c++ program that will act as a referees helper, does anyone have the time to help??? #include <iostream> #include <ioman...
[1 reply] : it does not keep track of a (touchdown) in the score, and also it does... (by datboilossss)
Problem with running program in VS2015 using f5
In my console based program, I have a title or banner, whatever you want to call it. It's basic ascii art. When I run the program by hitting ctrl + f5, every...
[6 replies] Last: Ok so I don't yet have the problem sorted out, but I have it more or l... (by turtlesavage)
Code::blocks about
Freind. How are you. I using new programe Code::blocks Software, please help me how Use It, how add file, how make windows app's, e.t.c more. Help me tha...
[1 reply] : (by JayhawkZombie)
Acceptable use of smart pointers?
First, I'd like to thank you for your help when I've asked questions, and for being patient with me. You recommended not using manual memory management, and ...
[17 replies] Last: > What did you put in the reason field, just out of curiosity? "Might... (by JLBorges)
by Ozzy69
Help with lib curl
Hello, error in line 104. Help me. Look my code: /*************************************************************************** * ...
[no replies]
For Loops messing up
I am trying to make a part of the game hangman, where the user inputs a letter and then a loop check for that letter in a random array. If the letter is found, ...
[2 replies] Last: On line 12, after you cout a blank, you need to add a newline so that ... (by newbiee999)
Help with Hanoi Iterative solution. I think I am close.
Hi All! I am at that point in the night (morning) where I am about to give up. We have all been there!!!! I have been at this problem all day... I digr...
[10 replies] Last: Ok... This is solved! #include <iostream> #include <list> const in... (by Bdanielz)
Parsing a large text file
I am working on a program that reads in a text file that has all of the written works of Shakespeare and then allows the user to conduct a word search to see ho...
[4 replies] Last: To check if if a string contains another string you need to use the fi... (by Thomas1965)
how can user input matrix row by row ?
Hi , I hope you could help by today Actually question is about entering to matrices , add , subtract and multiply them I didn't now how to do this point ...
[3 replies] Last: /* ---------------------------------- This program compute the additio... (by cheme541)
Help with returning pointer (to vector) from function
I'm trying to create a function that transposes a matrix in the form of a vector array. The program almost works, except that the first 2 values of the new vect...
[2 replies] Last: Damn, that's eye opening. Cheers mate. I always thought you needed poi... (by Outlook)
December 2015 Pages: 1... 910111213... 22
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