General C++ Programming - December 2015 (Page 10)

by Oponn
Altering an array in a class
Hey everyone! For some reason I am having trouble altering the values of an array in a class. I wrote one function to set its elements to certain values and I w...
[no replies]
getline function
this is my code so far #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; int Yvote = 0; int Nvote = 0; int Pvote = 0; int Avote = 0...
[3 replies] Last: Here! Try this! string holdLetters; // Initially = to "" char v; ... (by keanedawg)
by Gyiove
fread & fopen with multithreading
Hello everyone! One thread is only writing the file and other one is only reading that writen file. Thread that is writing the file will be opening file w...
[1 reply] : The readers are not guaranteed to get uncorrupted data while the write... (by JayhawkZombie)
Why am I getting huge integers as the output for my code?
So I'm supposed to do the following: bigger, a, and b are parallel arrays. function's job is to set each element of big to larger of the corresponding element ...
[1 reply] : If a < bignuma and b < bignumb then bigger won't get set to anythin... (by dhayden)
need a little assist with small bump in the code!
I am trying to set up a statement that will let me show that the user has run out of attempts for this code guessing game. I am running into trouble however....
[3 replies] Last: Change the while loop to a for loop. It will make the code clearer. A... (by dhayden)
How do games manage this?
First off I'm going to state that I am a noob at c++. Anyways I was wondering how games manage to have large amounts of AI all running at the same time. For ins...
[1 reply] : They run different threads of execution. It's like running multiple pr... (by dhayden)
by moGo
Square formula.
Greetings, i am here in the search of help, i hope i find some. So my problem is that i need to make a program that reads and interval between two given numbers...
[1 reply] : It looks like there are two parts to this question. The first is a fai... (by Chervil)
by V07
Searching for a file in the computer[closed]
Hi everyone, I have a program which generates a string for the file entered. (The length of the string will be equal irrespective of the file...
[5 replies] Last: Hi everyone, First of all thank you for your replies.I hope... (by V07)
How to create application/game with online capabilities?
I don't even know where to get started. There's got to be a term for this concept. Networking? What should I be researching to learn about this?
[1 reply] : Note that h... (by Moschops)
by mzulf
sequence for arduino
int Relay1=2; // actuator 1 on int Relay2=1; // actuator 1 off int Relay3=3; // actuator 2 on int Relay4=4; // actuator 2 off int Relay5=5; // actuator ...
[7 replies] Last: The comment in the code states: // put your main code here, to run re... (by Chervil)
by AcarX
Server design patterns
I'm working on an emulator project and I was wondering if someone could give me few tips on design patterns for multi-connection servers. So far I've been using...
[no replies]
using of static cast and dynamic cast
can someone explain to me how to use this?
[4 replies] Last: why u keep ask me google? Because you're basically asking us to re-... (by MikeyBoy)
by PacR
How to allocate space for 3D plane?
Hello, do i have to allocate space for all pixels i want to use ?
[1 reply] : I think you should read this first. (by Thomas1965)
Reading 2 arrays and output from big to small
// bigger, a, and b are parallel arrays. // function's job is to set each element of big to larger of // the corresponding element of a and the corresponding ...
[1 reply] : for each position pos in [ 0, els ) set bigger <- larger_of( a ... (by JLBorges)
by AcarX
Inserting byte array using operators
I was wondering if something like this is possible using class operators: ByteClass bc; bc += {0x00, 0x00};
[1 reply] : #include <algorithm> #include <initializer_list> #include <iostream> ... (by cire)
change mixture of upper and lowecase
i'm supposed to compare the input of any mixture of upper and lowercase characters to a txt file. as long as the user has entered the correct spelling of the an...
[1 reply] : Read the file into a string (or a vector of strings) and convert the s... (by kbw)
by leel00
problem reading from a binary file
I am trying to write students to a binary file then read from the file and fill the mystudentVector. I am not sure where to begin. I am getting it to write to a...
[1 reply] : This is just part of my code I suspect there are a number of errors,... (by Chervil)
Undefined behaviour?
If I run this code in clang and input two character strings which contain a number followed by a generic character (e.g. "2a") if the char is in the set {a b c ...
[7 replies] Last: This has to do with the defect in the standard where the set of charac... (by Cubbi)
Need help with simple IO of a text file
Hello all, I have written this code from a tutorial video and I can't get it to compile. Can someone have a look to see what is wrong? Thanks! #inc...
[6 replies] Last: That made it work. Thanks! (by closed account 9yq5oG1T)
constant keyword question
I was recently reading about manipulating strings, and it was highly recommended to use the constant keyword with c-style strings...what I want to know is not s...
[1 reply] : > use the constant keyword with c-style strings Use the constant key... (by JLBorges)
December 2015 Pages: 1... 89101112... 22
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