by sujitnag
why :: before iterator class?
[4 replies] Last: thx, I start to read stl. it help me to understand. (by sujitnag)
by Musmula
Input/output strings/files
[1 reply] : NP, ask if there is anything else you need ;) (by MiiNiPaa)
by nthuth
Class design question related to video game
[1 reply] : you should almost never have logic in your code that asks an object w... (by MiiNiPaa)
One-dimensional array output problem |
[3 replies] Last: salam, codeto ba gcc compile kardam moshkeli nadasht. (by Nezar)
by Nezar
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys, every one of your answers taught me something new. (by Nezar)
by zoran404
3D graphics, Game design
[1 reply] : For modelling I would use Blender3D, it's free too. For writing the r... (by Callum5042)
by caibbor
std::pomise / std::future, uninteligible linker errors.
[1 reply] : The code posted is not the code compiled ("#include fuiture>" won't pa... (by Cubbi)
by ramye
Runge Kutta
[1 reply] : (by ats15)
by wuzamarine
my code is going out of bounds
[2 replies] Last: In void buymngr(), at line 17, you have int y = 3; y+=7; . You could... (by ats15)
by xHyperionx
Compiling problem
[2 replies] Last: Pretty sure that dev c++ has a forum, if nobody is going to answer. (by poteto)
by adina0822
Number of permutations
[7 replies] Last: Thank you! (by adina0822)
by pope
Class,set and get functions in object oriented programming using C++
[1 reply] : So, you're asking people to do your homework for you? Yeah, good luck... (by KarenRei)
by KarenRei
Member variable aliasing a function?
[4 replies] Last: "What's so difficult about x.sum(y) instead of x += y? " Are you sure... (by KarenRei)
by adina0822
[no replies]
by prestokeys
Issues with virtual inheritance and static data
[1 reply] : Solved! #include <iostream> #include <string> struct Thing { stru... (by prestokeys)
by xHyperionx
Letters to Numbers
[19 replies] Last: ok thx m8 (by xHyperionx)
by mercedec
putting a variable in a function and getting a return value
[5 replies] Last: Since you're using c++, you should really consider std::random (that i... (by KarenRei)
by superfury
VGA Attribute Enable Blink in graphics modes?
[no replies]
by Tommy1998
<Windows.h> SendMessage Help
[5 replies] Last: SW_MINIMIZE is intended to be used on already existing windows. Use SW... (by MiiNiPaa)
by MarkyMark
Run time error C strings
[1 reply] : Line 28: it checks if strPtr is null and sets loop_exit to true. Loo... (by MiiNiPaa)