General C++ Programming - December 2014 (Page 21)

fixing array index out of bounds problem
Hey guys, I'm stuck on this assignment and was wondering if you could give me any pointers? The directions are: Design and implement the class myArray that ...
[1 reply] : #ifndef H_myArray #define H_myArray #define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 100 te... (by tanezavm)
Extracting numbers from a string
So, I have a string and I need to extract numbers from it. I've tried different things but they are not working. So, Here is what I have: int main() { ...
[10 replies] Last: to tanezavm: Hey, bud, thank you very much for your help. I kept look... (by cageybee)
Difference Between conio and conio.h
What is the difference btw #include <conio> and # include <conio.h>
[2 replies] Last: One statement includes the non-standard header file name "conio", and ... (by doug4)
type conversion during binary file read/write
Here's the code of a list of objects containing 6 sides and a reference (by ID) to the object next to each side (like a beehive). This chunk of code extract the...
[no replies]
Why is this function not working?
I'm trying to find first non zero element in an array then replace the zero with nextCard. it just will not work. Any thought? void addToHand(int hand , i...
[2 replies] Last: Put your whole code or at least we can see how you declare the array y... (by tanezavm)
Doubly-linked list
Hey, I need just one last program, please help me. Here is condition: Create Doubly-linked list. Write the function, which compress list, from some one after...
[1 reply] : I think you should at least try to code it by yourself and let any bri... (by tanezavm)
by fafner
New language - function syntax
Based off of Jonathan Blow's ideas about a new programming language for games (check them out on yt if you haven't, he has some really good ideas), I decided ou...
[no replies]
need help with if-else statement
I working on a project where you have to write in a input for a worker at an amusment park and then calculate the wages for the worker. This is what I have ...
[5 replies] Last: loop through array and if worker ==loop : if location greater or equ... (by damianbloch49)
function argument of type pointer
Hello everyone. I have to write an example in which you use a function having as argument a pointer passed by reference in C++. Can you provide an example li...
[5 replies] Last: That's nice, but it doesn't demonstrate that you're passing the pointe... (by MikeyBoy)
Monolithic libraries in C++ ?
Please explain to me in simple stepwise form, what is monolithic libraries and how c++ support it if any? I have search some sites but it is not explained good ...
[no replies]
Confused about literal and class method
In Javascript you can get substring "string".method(x,y); how come I get this in C++ by passing a literal but not an object? in C i do this class s {...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks everyone (by csstudent123)
getline(cin,string) doesn't work for files?
I have got a problem with the getline(cin,string) command. When I am trying to store a full text in a new file, it doesn't work. Therefore I am forced to us...
[1 reply] : cin>>b; //This should instead be getline(cin,b) !!!   This is a form... (by MiiNiPaa)
What to do next...
I've just finished reading a c++ programming book called jumping into c++ by Alex Allain. My main objective is to later on be able to make some games, but I kno...
[no replies]
Water Collision
Currently, everytime I move my player into the "w" on my map it doesn't recognize the collision I set up. I shouldn't be able to move onto the "w" as it stands ...
[3 replies] Last: I tried using !obstructed, still allows me to go through it at first, ... (by HDxLafresh)
OpenGL Hellow world (SFML) won't compile!
g++ new.cpp -lGLEW -lsfml-window -lGL /usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccvlqoGI.o: undefined reference to symbol '_ZN2sf6StringC1EPKcRKSt6locale' //usr/lib/x86_64-linux-g...
[no replies]
Error while using __asm
I'm trying to use this function: void ChangeSizeOfImage(DWORD NewSize) { __asm { mov eax, fs: // PEB mov eax, [eax + 0x0c] // PEB_LDR_DATA mov eax, ...
[1 reply] : (by Lachlan Easton)
How to do forward declaration of vector in a header file.
Hi, I have a header file in which we include vector at the top. But we want to remove that include. On doing so I get compilation errors as the header file uses...
[13 replies] Last: > any ideas to solve it ?? No. The behavior of a C ++ program is und... (by JLBorges)
Translating code into C/C++
I am new to C/C++, I have played around with VBscript codes, but no C/C++. Heres what im playing around with for fun so i can start writing code in C/C++. Below...
[no replies]
by vlkon
Null statement - prevent optimization
Hello everyone, recently I was looking into embedded programing of AVR microcontrollers. At this site
[11 replies] Last: Access to volatile objects are evaluated strictly according to the ru... (by helios)
by jthan
sorry! abt files
can you please give me a brief perspective what is it really about?(files)
[1 reply] : (by MiiNiPaa)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 31
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