by beginner93
fixing array index out of bounds problem
[1 reply] : #ifndef H_myArray #define H_myArray #define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 100 te... (by tanezavm)
by cageybee
Extracting numbers from a string
[10 replies] Last: to tanezavm: Hey, bud, thank you very much for your help. I kept look... (by cageybee)
Difference Between conio and conio.h |
[2 replies] Last: One statement includes the non-standard header file name "conio", and ... (by doug4)
by AeonFlux1212
type conversion during binary file read/write
[no replies]
by MrBond90
Why is this function not working?
[2 replies] Last: Put your whole code or at least we can see how you declare the array y... (by tanezavm)
by tiputipas
Doubly-linked list
[1 reply] : I think you should at least try to code it by yourself and let any bri... (by tanezavm)
by fafner
New language - function syntax
[no replies]
need help with if-else statement |
[5 replies] Last: loop through array and if worker ==loop : if location greater or equ... (by damianbloch49)
by giorgik
function argument of type pointer
[5 replies] Last: That's nice, but it doesn't demonstrate that you're passing the pointe... (by MikeyBoy)
by csstudent123
Monolithic libraries in C++ ?
[no replies]
by csstudent123
Confused about literal and class method
[14 replies] Last: Thanks everyone (by csstudent123)
by SimonKruse
getline(cin,string) doesn't work for files?
[1 reply] : cin>>b; //This should instead be getline(cin,b) !!! This is a form... (by MiiNiPaa)
by erik341
What to do next...
[no replies]
by HDxLafresh
Water Collision
[3 replies] Last: I tried using !obstructed, still allows me to go through it at first, ... (by HDxLafresh)
by kam hagh
OpenGL Hellow world (SFML) won't compile!
[no replies]
Error while using __asm |
[1 reply] : (by Lachlan Easton)
by srgnuclear
How to do forward declaration of vector in a header file.
[13 replies] Last: > any ideas to solve it ?? No. The behavior of a C ++ program is und... (by JLBorges)
by iamirish79
Translating code into C/C++
[no replies]
by vlkon
Null statement - prevent optimization
[11 replies] Last: Access to volatile objects are evaluated strictly according to the ru... (by helios)
by jthan
sorry! abt files
[1 reply] : (by MiiNiPaa)