General C++ Programming - December 2014 (Page 18)

Peaks and Valleys in 2d Array
I have to do a project where a file with 60 rows and 17 columns is stored in an array. The purpose of the project is to find all the "peaks" and "valleys". A pe...
[4 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> typedef struct pair pair ; struct pair { int high... (by JLBorges)
Hi i'm using const_cast to change the data of the constant variable. but on next while i'm trying to print the value its showing old data stored. #inclu...
[4 replies] Last: ok thanks MiiNIpaa (by raju8438)
by ceren
Segmentation Fault 11
Hello everyone, I have a simple c++ code where i define a dynamic array as: std::vector<double>IPWeights; and the pass it to a function called re...
[5 replies] Last: Guys, thanks for all the commands, but I figured out the problem was a... (by ceren)
Simple question about lambda expressions
What's the difference between: auto a = () { }; const auto b = () { }; Thanks in advance to anyone who replies!
[1 reply] : In exactly this situation there is no difference (aside from that type... (by MiiNiPaa)
C++ Exercise help
My code isn't working and my error list won't display so if someone could help me and tell me what is wrong and help me fix it that would be great!! Prompt: ...
[5 replies] Last: Here is the fixed code, understand that and not just simply copy. oks?... (by tanezavm)
Code Wont Finish Running! Help!
[7 replies] Last: That if statement must not be removed since it will handle the case th... (by tanezavm)
by kalf
Obsolete C++ Books
Hi All, I pre-apologise if this is inappropriate, or overly long. Given the volume of C++11 style answers on this site, I feel confident the users here can e...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks @MiiNiPaa, this is the sort of reasoned answer I was hoping for... (by kalf)
AVL add
I am writing an avl tree and when I insert numbers 0-50 and 0- (-50) it works perfectly. however, when i insert numbers -50 - 0 and 50-0 it crashes. has anybod...
[3 replies] Last: Please edit your post and make sure that your code is [co de]between ... (by LB)
by Kubani
some class exercise
Hi, Please read the exercise no.2 of this:
[6 replies] Last: Still waiting for someone to help me !:( (by Kubani)
by Anmu
Big Integer Division
Hello all, I have been programming my own Big Integer class and I have successfully made adding subtraction and multiplication functions for my Big Integer clas...
[4 replies] Last: I've been also thinking to code big division calculator. these things ... (by anup30)
Read/Write from file (fasta) in C++
I'm looking to write a program in C/C++ to traverse a Fasta file formatted like: >ID and header information SEQUENCE1 >ID and header information SEQUENCE2...
[1 reply] : Does this help? (by poteto)
by pha
freeglut (glut) and cImg library.
am using freeglut to draw a Rectangle containing a set of points. I have several small rectangles at the right side of the Rectangle containing points. I joined...
[no replies]
Array Problem
Ok so my program is working properly except for some nasty large, negative number it outputs and I don't know why. I have narrowed down the problem to these lin...
[4 replies] Last: ok so that fixed one of the numbers, here is the updated code: voi... (by tony2481)
Simple Chat. Multiuser problem.
So I'm making a chat program... basically you open the .exe file and it asks for your nickname, then you can write and send a message which will be viewed by e...
[no replies]
Call Function to output data
Hi guys, I am having an issue with my Call Function to output data. The compiler doesn't like the Call function to output data. Any ideas? #pragma once ...
[1 reply] : This is so disgusting that it doesn't even look like c++. Like I have... (by poteto)
in need of some help with my program
Hi. So i am working on a program that takes a user input of military time and converts it to standard time. I'm almost done with the program and i'm very very ...
[1 reply] : >_> (by poteto)
by Jt253
Don't understand how this program came out with this output
So here is the program I am working with #include <iostream> using namespace std; void test(int, int = 1, int = 1); void test(int, int *, int &); void te...
[1 reply] : What are you expecting the result to be? test(array , &array , arra... (by wildblue)
std::cin working in Eclipse but not Visual Studio?
Background info: I'm using Parallels Desktop 10 to run Windows 8.1 as a VM directly alongside of OS X 10.10. So on OS X, I primarily use Eclipse, and for Window...
[5 replies] Last: The header situation in C++ is a known problem, and hopefully modules ... (by LB)
I want to make an "In app search engine" but dont know how
Hello guys,well as a programming noob I like to make some useful programs to use on my every day tasks.I started a basic programming course this year and since ...
[1 reply] : The simplest thing you can do is to take each word from the search and... (by LB)
assignment help data structures,
Suppose in a Hospital, there are two physicians to deal with patients. Patients of all ages come for their check up. Physician ‘A’ is designated as physicia...
[5 replies] Last: Next time put your codes inside a code block to be more readable: ... (by tanezavm)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 31
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