by D14
Declaring variable help.
[2 replies] Last: @cire - let me know if this is helpful? In my variable list there is... (by D14)
by ravel1989
Some vector based questions.
[13 replies] Last: You need to understand that c++ is not c# To create an object with the... (by ne555)
by jarmstrong21
Need help finishing this program
[10 replies] Last: Could you please edit that to use code tags. You've been asked severa... (by MikeyBoy)
by ericblites
[1 reply] : > How would I alter this code to store ints or doubles Make it a temp... (by JLBorges)
by Jeremy07
Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Books
[4 replies] Last: > The books mentioned above, which one should I start first? Start wi... (by JLBorges)
by jezi21
Convert each function to a function template
[1 reply] : Templates are a mechanism for letting the compiler fill in missing inf... (by Catfish666)
by IWishIKnew
Need to find GDB
[4 replies] Last: Try this (by naraku9333)
by ashender
External errors in project
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys I really appreciate the time you guys took to help me out!... (by ashender)
by GoodWilling
Looping Question-Don't know where to put this
[8 replies] Last: Where'd your code go, man? Haha! I can't help much if the code disappe... (by Tresky)
by Greg Johnsen
issue with methods
[1 reply] : There are so many errors in your code, so I am formatting this code to... (by Sirolu)
by mathieu296
stl list::unique
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man all work :) (by mathieu296)
by xismn
Member function pointers and things
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Disch, even though I didn't quite understand the Set/GetWindowL... (by xismn)
by amfmusic
sentence review program
[no replies]
by chrisben
How to convert a negative number using ntohl?
[2 replies] Last: i received from others (by chrisben)
by looptesting1
struct initializing
[3 replies] Last: By the way, you shouldn't use new vList , unless if struct vList lis... (by Sirolu)
by Ajaycpp
including header file more than once
[7 replies] Last: (by Duthomhas)
Program stops after cin |
[9 replies] Last: ohhh i see, i didnt know that before. wow thats great to know. thanks ... (by fizanimtiaz93)
by Greg Johnsen
Erros with my methods and constructors
[no replies]
by Eng Khalid
'fclose()' causing problem in closing a .txt file opened in "w+" mode.
[5 replies] Last: @dhayden Thanks a lot, it really helped. (by Eng Khalid)
by Nitrosolid
Installed new library won't compile ;getting error
[no replies]