General C++ Programming - December 2013 (Page 27)

by D14
Declaring variable help.
What is the main function of the variable: numSpace(n) Thanks
[2 replies] Last: @cire - let me know if this is helpful? In my variable list there is... (by D14)
Some vector based questions.
I would like to know why cant I delete custom objects from my vector and why am I geting a warning when applying a method to all of the objects in a vector? (I...
[13 replies] Last: You need to understand that c++ is not c# To create an object with the... (by ne555)
Need help finishing this program
This program is working almost perfect i just am having trouble wit the last output below. if a user inputs a letter anywhere in the SSN then i need to o...
[10 replies] Last: Could you please edit that to use code tags. You've been asked severa... (by MikeyBoy)
How would I alter this code to store ints or doubles. Here is the output I would like: Using bigQ to store the integers. Contents of bigQ: 12345678910111...
[1 reply] : > How would I alter this code to store ints or doubles Make it a temp... (by JLBorges)
Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Books
Hi guys, may I know that what are the differences between the books of " programming principles and practice using c++ " and " The C++ Programming Language " ? ...
[4 replies] Last: > The books mentioned above, which one should I start first? Start wi... (by JLBorges)
by jezi21
Convert each function to a function template
I am assigned this program by my instructor and he wants me to convert the function to function template. I do not know how to do that. Please help me get good ...
[1 reply] : Templates are a mechanism for letting the compiler fill in missing inf... (by Catfish666)
Need to find GDB
I've been looking for a while now (hours???) and I just can't find MinGW gdb.exe 64-bit build. Can anyone else find one?
[4 replies] Last: Try this (by naraku9333)
External errors in project I know it has to do with table.cpp; however, I can't figure out what it is causing it any help would be appreciated. ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys I really appreciate the time you guys took to help me out!... (by ashender)
Looping Question-Don't know where to put this
Sorry I put this twice. Don't know if it's general or beginner... So my assignment is to make this program run as many times as the user wants, then create a f...
[8 replies] Last: Where'd your code go, man? Haha! I can't help much if the code disappe... (by Tresky)
issue with methods
there is something wrong with my methods please help #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; //*************** Place your class de...
[1 reply] : There are so many errors in your code, so I am formatting this code to... (by Sirolu)
stl list::unique
hum i am wondering if i can use a function to use unique for my class and also i want to count how much each of them is duplicated. i mean i have (420,250,420,6...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man all work :) (by mathieu296)
by xismn
Member function pointers and things
Hello, (My question contains a trace amount of the Win32 API, so if any of you wizards see what I'm trying to do, and know a better way of doing it, please say...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Disch, even though I didn't quite understand the Set/GetWindowL... (by xismn)
sentence review program
Im just working on a program for my papers that check a sentence I input and it will tell me if its a incorrect use of grammar. So far ive got it letting me inp...
[no replies]
How to convert a negative number using ntohl?
Hi, I receive a negative number but in big endian order. ntohl seems work for unsigned only. Is there a method for me to translate it back to the original...
[2 replies] Last: i received from others (by chrisben)
struct initializing
Hey guys just a quick question- when I initialize a struct, struct vList{ struct varNode * item; struct vList * next; }; like so: struct vLi...
[3 replies] Last: By the way, you shouldn't use new vList , unless if struct vList lis... (by Sirolu)
including header file more than once
Hi, When I am including header file (#include <stdio.h> ) 2 time in a same file, am not getting any error but if I am including my own file(add.h) including ...
[7 replies] Last: (by Duthomhas)
Program stops after cin
the program is of an address book. the syntax is all fine, and the initial menu of options does show up. but once you punch in the cin, the program just stops. ...
[9 replies] Last: ohhh i see, i didnt know that before. wow thats great to know. thanks ... (by fizanimtiaz93)
Erros with my methods and constructors
the purpose of this program is to take the players information and change it using structures but I am stuck and dont know how to fix the problems with it ...
[no replies]
'fclose()' causing problem in closing a .txt file opened in "w+" mode.
/* I am scanning the words free of vowels from a dictionary file, and writing them to a new file 'vowels.txt'. Everything works fine. BUT When it comes to clos...
[5 replies] Last: @dhayden Thanks a lot, it really helped. (by Eng Khalid)
Installed new library won't compile ;getting error
Heres the pics and the code. also here is the library link t...
[no replies]
December 2013 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 37
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