General C++ Programming - December 2013 (Page 19)

Can anyone help?
I am receiving the error message 'TheGame' : is not a class or namespace name. I have included typedef Game TheGame; in the global scope of the game.h header. ...
[1 reply] : What is 'TheGame'? You don't have it defined anywhere. The compiler ... (by Disch)
Scope of inline function definition
I have observed that inline functions can not be prototyped. example: .cpp file: inline void whatever() { cout<< "this is inline"<< endl; } ....
[2 replies] Last: thanks. (by IWishIKnew)
C++ Functions/Arrays
I'm having issues with this homework problem. Can someone assist? I've started it out I just need a hint or help The remove function must remove the first oc...
[no replies]
Exercise solution chapter 9 from Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++
Hello, I'm new with C++ and I'm learning with the book "Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ (Stroustrup)" (2009). Until now I'm doing all the final...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, helped me a lot! (by AnaMota)
C++ Functions And Arrays part 2
Okay I'm trying to make the program return the index at which the first occurrence of the passed integer value was found, and -1, otherwise. Everything I've tri...
[3 replies] Last: Don't return -1 from main(). If you want the result to be 255, return ... (by Duthomhas)
Loop closes before finishing
Hey this is my first post and was wondering if anyone could help me. I'm writing a code that's suppose to do a payroll for my intro cs class. At first it was ...
[2 replies] Last: What I was trying to do was implement the output of payrate*wages into... (by DarkBlue)
Text Adventure Command Parser
Hey guys, I'm trying to write a simple text-based adventure game that I can expand on as a hobby and I'm wondering what the best way to implement a command sys...
[8 replies] Last: Happy to help. =) (by Disch)
I've made a program, and I want to password protect it, i.e. it would run only when the correct password is entered. . . The password should be a string, e.g. ...
[3 replies] Last: Basically, you make a loop that only allows you to exit when you've en... (by mattballj10)
Caesar Cipher
I am making a simple caesar cypher with a 2D array I have to make a function for the key shift so key=5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ FGHJKL...ABCDE Fun...
[1 reply] : This function returns single character. Did you mean to output each ch... (by JockX)
by zENZEz
Game project
Hi! I'm currently making a game using HGE and C++. I've gotten a really weird bug though and I can't seem to be able to solve it on my own, so I've came here...
[5 replies] Last: Solved it with an if-function under the i's for-loop and put it inside... (by zENZEz)
com+ dll and write to event viewer
i want to write to event viewer oid EventLogCls::WriteError( char* msg) { HANDLE hes = RegisterEventSource(0, appName); if(hes) { WORD dwEvent...
[no replies]
How to make bool cout yes or no
How would I even go about this? It couts the right values such 1 or 0. I want to know if I can "convert" the 1's and 0's to yes or no. This is my code: #inclu...
[9 replies] Last: ahhh that makes sense... thanks for that (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Printing a powerset from a linked list.
So I am trying to get to print a powerset from my linked list however I am not sure how to go about it. I keep running into this issue with however many element...
[5 replies] Last: I do not know anything about sets or STL? (by OLittleO)
help creating simple project
hey c++ experts, i need someone to create a simple app for me, if anyone willing to do it please pm me and i'm willing to pay for it via paypal.. thanks.
[3 replies] Last: This should really go into the Jobs forum, not here. (by MikeyBoy)
Can someone help me complete this code? I think im almost done but im unsure. I believe all I have to do left is make something to regulate their turns and score, cor...
[1 reply] : @ strugglinprogrammer , Do you have any question more specific than "... (by ritstudent)
How to make a loop that keeps track of whose turn it is and there score? This is my code, but how can I implement this?
[1 reply] : Use the modulo operator: bool endConditionMet = false; int playerSco... (by ritstudent)
c++ string occurence (1,2)
Im trying to write a code that counts the number of words in a string that end with ng. I started with this but this just checks the end of the string. I need...
[21 replies] Last: 1. Don't use character pointers or character arrays instead of std::s... (by LB)
How to make a loop that reiterates for a certain number of players?
Something that does something like this at this point run a loop for all players, in this loop use random to determine the face and depending on the face r...
[1 reply] : int nplayers = 6, i; //6 players in this example for(i = 0; i < nplay... (by Mats)
Can someone help me make my code work? (Code and errors in post)
I'm trying to make this code do this: I have 12 die, 6 green, 4 yelow, 2 red. the Green have 3 fish, 2 hooks, and a boot. yellow has 2 of each. red has 3...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, the turn is supposed to keep track of each turn. And I also have... (by strugglinprogrammer)
c++ write neg and pos numbers to file
im supposed to create a program that reads in a list of integers from the terminal and writes the negative numbers to one file and the positive numbers to anoth...
[2 replies] Last: i have no any idea... (by Clairessen)
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