General C++ Programming - December 2013 (Page 14)

C++ ATM machine fixed but not right...
so i need help with figuring something out please //ATM.cpp #include "ATMfinal.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> #include <str...
[2 replies] Last: okay so i fixed that new code... //ATM.cpp #include "ATMfinal.h" #in... (by jlivecchi)
Getting back into C++ looking for intermediate challenges!
I know a majority of C++ but I'm not too advanced. Some of the things I've made so far with C++ are: single/multiplayer Tic-Tac-Toe game with decent AI, Hangman...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Albatross! I'll give it a shot. Much appreciated! :) (by Michael Wilson)
Examination Help immediately
the output of cout<<ceil(6.7344444); and the output of cout<<floor(6.734444); and cout<<"Celing="<<ceil(-6.1); and cout<<Floor="<<floor(-6.1); reply pls
[1 reply] : Why not just plug those into a compiler and find out (you'll need <cma... (by Albatross)
Call By reference, and returning wrong valu!
Write your question here. #include<iostream> using namespace std; void getInput(int& numOfDays, double& itemPrice); double total(int& numOfDays, ...
[1 reply] : > cout << "\nThe total is: " << total << "\n" << endl; `total' is th... (by ne555)
Type 10^-9
how to type 10^-9 in visual c++ ?
[2 replies] Last: 10e-10 Or 1e-9 (by ne555)
Open Watcom C++ & bare metal
Is it possible to use Open Watcom C++ to make program which works on bare metal?
[no replies]
Txt file with DOS codepage
// I'm using CString text; CString file_name; text = "My text."; file_name = "MyFile.txt"; FILE *fp; fp = fopen(file_name, "w+"); fprintf(fp, text + "\n"); fclo...
[1 reply] : CharToOem (by ArnoldRich)
Need help with simple Division program
So I was trying to make a program to divide any 2 numbers, but whenever I run I get either 0 or an extremely inaccurate answer. Any help would be greatly apprec...
[1 reply] : theres a lot easier way to do this. exp: #include <iostream> int m... (by titsmacgee)
Can someone help me get started on my assignment?
Would anyone like to help me get started on my C++ assignment involving structures / arrays? (Not allowed to use strings) I'm not asking you guys to like..DO m...
[1 reply] : No limit may be placed on the length of the input. That's good to kn... (by xismn)
error: expected ';' before 'std'
I'm bored so I made a simple calculator and I haven't completely finished it BUT I cannot seem to figure out what's wrong with the code. plshelp. #include...
[4 replies] Last: Compilers usually tell the line number for the error too. Why should ... (by keskiverto)
by ekor
Question: Write a program that calculates sum of the numbers in the given positions. Input specification There will be 4 lines of data. You will be first...
[1 reply] : Question: Write a program that calculates sum of the numbers in the g... (by Chriscpp)
Commentate on my work
Please commentate on my project. This is for a class i am taking. If there are any mistakes please let me know. I am not the best in fact probably last in class...
[8 replies] Last: I got my code working, but the calculating function is not working pro... (by closed account ETA9216C)
by xfat7i
change c code to c++
can someone pls help me changing this code to c++ #include <stdio.h> #include <string> typedef struct { char name , ...
[2 replies] Last: thnx very much (by xfat7i)
by Ceset
preventing errors
hi everyone. i come across with a problem which i solved but the thing i wonder is SDL_FreeSurface(surf); mTex = CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surf); ...
[4 replies] Last: ok i choose the first option then. thx to all of you (by Ceset)
What would be the best way to remove the decimal point from a float number
Hi, What would be the best way to remove the decimal point from a float number? For instance if I have a float number .2546 I would like to be able to remove...
[2 replies] Last: That works, thanks a lot for your help! (by fstigre)
2D arrary
how would one write a function that doubles every element of a 20×10 2-dimensional array? this is what i've got so far. double arrary ; for(double i=0; i<...
[5 replies] Last: i think so. (by closed account ETA9216C)
I don't know how to multiply the matrix with the array!!
This is my program, it has a 1D array and a 2D array (matrix) #include <iostream> using namespace std; class vector { private: int size; int *p; public: ve...
[10 replies] Last: The class "multiply" does not make sense, really; classes should usua... (by andywestken)
Did I use friend class correctly?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class vector { private: int size; int *p; friend class multiply; public: vector(int a) { size = a; ...
[3 replies] Last: Making multiply a friend class of matrix , just means that methods ... (by MikeyBoy)
C++ - Winsock server receiving distorted buffer
I am trying to repetitively send the screen bitmap buffer of a client to a server. The program works perfect when the client and server are running on the same ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot... that worked! What exactly does buf+=n; do? I googled... (by Paradigm)
by Ceset
pointer to pointer assignment
hi everyone i have a problem with my texture class private: SDL_Texture * mTex; ... public: void SetTexture(SDL_Texture * tex); ... void textur...
[2 replies] Last: L B thx for your help firstly. i found out i was including texture cl... (by Ceset)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 37
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