General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 8)

sorting (array) c++ help please
hello...i am newbie, and i cant do my task, to Create a program to sort the data by using the method: - Selection sort - Insertion Sort - Bubble Sort - Mer...
[1 reply] : The best way to start is by making file with some data to sort. Then ... (by SamuelAdams)
Help With libmysql
Hey I'm trying to access my database to get the minimum and the maximum of the database. So I've written this code so far MYSQL *sock; sock = mysq...
[no replies]
MFC listbox
How do I add a item to a list Box here is my code that opens a fileopen CFileDialog mp3(TRUE,NULL,NULL,OFN_HIDEREADONLY,"MP3 Files (*.mp3)|*.mp3|"); if...
[1 reply] : Just use AddString() method of CListBox MFC class. http://msdn.microso... (by modoran)
how to make merge sort c++
how to insert mergesort function in this program, i have my task and my task is like this : selectionSort(A); insertionSort(A); bubbleSort(A); me...
[1 reply] : > how to make merge sort c++ See: (by JLBorges)
How to Descending This Sort??(Important!)
#include<iostream.h> //NAMA = STEVEN CHANDRA #include<iomanip.h> //NIM = 0101120129 void main() //TUGAS = SELEC...
[3 replies] Last: sort | rev (by ne555)
by daslee
Access violation reading location
Hello. I just started learning game development with OpenGL and SDL, but I got problem loading textures. I was got this error developing other c++ applications,...
[no replies]
Infinite loop...
Hi guys! Currently I'm making a "Find" function using an infinite loop. But when I run code, it always fails. I have no idea because I looked and checked func...
[6 replies] Last: Wow! So awesome!!! Thanks you so much so much JLBorges !!! (by Imadatobanisa)
sorting (array) c++ programming
hello...i am newbie, and i cant do my task, to Create a program to sort the data by using the method: - Selection sort - Insertion Sort - Bubble Sort - Mer...
[2 replies] Last: thanks i have code like this to answer my task like i ask you, but i ... (by Putri MSR)
Sort Character With Array (Help Please!)
#include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> void main() { int NumList ={5,34,32,25,75,42,22,2};// Input otomatis dari code int tmp; //untuk menampung...
[2 replies] Last: THANKS BRO!!! :) (by epenganteng)
Defining a constant datamember
Programe #1 // file.h class File { public: static const int var = 9; }; - // main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "file.h" using namespace st...
[3 replies] Last: > i want to know why programe#1 is working fine where as programe#2 do... (by JLBorges)
Student class
How can I have a class as follows: cin: student 1 : ID,Name,Last name,Address . . . . to student 10 : ID,Name,Last name,Address And have the abil...
[11 replies] Last: hahaha its ok. In fact, I didn't realize until i ran the program with ... (by SirSen)
Which way is faster ?
I have no idea which way is fastest.... :) bool bA = false, bB = false, bC = false; bool bA = false, bB = bA, bC = bA; bool bA, bB, bC;bA = bB = bC = fa...
[no replies]
Where is my error in this code?
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <winsock2.h> int main(){ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, there were two main's in your code. It should look more like this... (by coderguru)
by m1m6
convert infix to postfix
i have problem in convert infix to postfix some expression evaluate it correctly and other no ex: c*(a+b) evaluate it correctly but A*(B*C+...
[19 replies] Last: You write out the postfix expression, with .print, just make it write ... (by kbw)
Whats wrong with this code?
Hi, this algorithm is not working, i am trying to sort random numbers generated by the program, then using bubble sort to sort them. When the code runs i get ne...
[8 replies] Last: yeah i understand the idea, but i just cant seem to get your code work... (by mcoliver88)
by KK5
Problems with overloaded operators
Hello everybody, I have a problem with the use of overloaded operators for a self-defined class "SparseMatrix". Here first the class "SparseMatrix": class ...
[3 replies] Last: double& operator()(int m,int n); > when I change this operator also... (by JLBorges)
binary search tree
Hi everybody. I make logical mistake but I don't find mistake. my algorithm; #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct node{ struct node *le...
[no replies]
Need to include <xnamath> in two diffrent cpp file what to do?
Hi, I have a simple header, but its use stuffs from the XNAMATH header, so I included it in my main.cpp. but now that I need to include the header into another...
[1 reply] : and next (by ne555)
GUI Development with C++
I am a newbie C++ programmer (I have learnt enough about functions, loops, classes, constructors, destructors, arrays, pointers, file handling(fstream) and exce...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks all of you for replying. :D @modoran: Using either Qt or w... (by Shravan14k)
Hi guys. In graph(ADT), how can i display the path between two vertexes - start_vertex and end_vertex(provided at least one valid path from start_vertex to e...
[no replies]
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