by muddaser
win32 native console application
[11 replies] Last: 22/7 is a poor substitute for PI. It's only used when you're doing al... (by kbw)
by jayadelgado
trying to write a rotate function
[4 replies] Last: If you want to compare your algorithm with the STL version, see rotat... (by andywestken)
by doon
[3 replies] Last: times up for my assignment question. but i found this code on the int... (by doon)
by cross21
help with inventory functions
[4 replies] Last: yes it was very helpful. thanks a million!! (by cross21)
by tirvine13
Help Needed - Text Adventure Game
[4 replies] Last: Thanks For The Help. Problem Solved (by tirvine13)
by dekeenfrance
C++ double value exactitude
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for your answers. I have checked the link mentioned above. I... (by dekeenfrance)
produce a program to store the names and marks of students |
[2 replies] Last: Dream on trojansdestroy. Posters that just cut and paste the problem,... (by cnoeval)
by abdelboch
Array 2 D sorting
[14 replies] Last: i did nt get any respond that s why i open new thread please help!!!!!... (by abdelboch)
by LB
using x::y; - why is this not allowed?
[4 replies] Last: It causes ambiguities because there are things in namespace x with the... (by LB)
C++ Sqaure Class |
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include "" class Squ... (by theoneeyedsnake)
by doon
display list forwad and backward
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include "list.h" using namespace std; void print... (by doon)
by hitlar
why strcat get garbage value
[1 reply] : the reason is the tmp does not point to a memory large enough to hol... (by coder777)
by rmxhaha
type of container
[9 replies] Last: I did a google search of wiki AVL tree and came up with this: http... (by TheIdeasMan)
by nails420
Alphabetical sort
[2 replies] Last: to reiterate my message; Ok so i'm trying to write a code to sort a l... (by nails420)
by sharma
C++ Code for Project :URGENT
[no replies]
by vinaynaikwad
Redirect perror to file
[5 replies] Last: interesting discussion ... i have no any idea... (by Florencemy)
by sasho648
VC++ 6.0 cycles.
[no replies]
by AdamBomb89
converting 'int' to user-created class
[3 replies] Last: You CAN make it so that an integer will convert to an Employees object... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by thorpedo7
Extra qualification on member 'Operator>'
[6 replies] Last: I removed that but then it reads back an error that the operator> mus... (by coder777)
by ercz7c
HELP!!! Search function
[1 reply] : Firstly, you either need to make all the data members in class Person... (by theranga)