General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 33)

what are the rules for using dirent ?
[2 replies] Last: ... and only read from it, don't write into it. (by kbw)
I have NO idea what I am doing wrong
Program is to: 1. read a set of integers from a file into an array 2. perform a selection sort on the array 3. search the array for a value input by the user. ...
[6 replies] Last: While rewriting, consider this. The C++ I/O Streams library treats da... (by kbw)
by dydyha
filling a 2d vector
Hello, I'm new in C++, and I have a small problem with filling a 2 columns and n rows vector with 2 variables: for (ms::it i = _ms->starting (); i < _ms...
[5 replies] Last: std::vector< std::pair< int, double> > mytable ; int x = 78 ; double ... (by JLBorges)
Edit PHP File using C++
I am trying to get my c++ program to take user input from a form and then the c++ program takes it in and prints that input to a file that is located in the sam...
[2 replies] Last: you can try something like this... if(file.is_open()) { .... } else... (by tejashs)
by hamdi
algorithm of v-disparity steriovision c++
hi every body , i need a programme on c++ of algorithm of v-disparity steriovision
[2 replies] Last: check out the opencv library (by Darkmaster)
Issues with Constructor
I have the code below to run several basic calculations and then output the results in the main function. However, the program compiles but doesn't return corre...
[1 reply] : numer+","+denom; This appears top be an attempt to add an int (nume... (by Moschops)
Window Linker Error
I have been using the Windows Subsystem instead of the console for my sfml projects, and I just figured out why my static linking wasn't working (I know its sad...
[3 replies] Last: Use /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS in project settings or command-line. (by modoran)
Project euler problem 11
You need to look at this page to see what i am working at: I compile the program but the answer my program tells is the big...
[10 replies] Last: what fun2code had worked, ty for the time anyways, in the beginner for... (by closed account ETAkoG1T)
Question about Inheritance/Constructors
Hello all. So I have two classes: Parent Class: Load Child Class: Blit When I separate the two objects like I have below, cLoad.LoadPicture() always comes ...
[2 replies] Last: If LoadPicture always comes back false then the problem is within that... (by MrHutch)
Using Stdio.h
Hey guys could someone help me with this question using #include<stdio.h> First produce a program which requests the inputs of ten floating point numbers be...
[3 replies] Last: code for the first part: #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> float m... (by geek007)
Need help with my boardgame program! Thank you!
I wrote a program for a boardgame called Santorini, the game play part is okay, but the robot doesnt work, here is the source code: main.cpp: #ifdef __APPLE...
[6 replies] Last: First, I edited my last post a little. Class member functions go in a ... (by TheIdeasMan)
How to get mouse movement regardless of the cursor position?
When getting mouse movement, every method I've found gets the cursor positions in different times and compare them to get the movement. But this way has a ser...
[1 reply] : It's good you have clearly identified a learning style which works for... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Overloading the -- operator
Below are three pieces of code, main.cpp, my header file, and CarDealer.cpp. The question I have is on overloading the -- operator. My first problem is that whe...
[8 replies] Last: ok so I got rid of the & sign for my << overloaded operator but now it... (by thorpedo7)
Dijkstra's algorithm issue
After numerous Rewrites, and many different versions of this, I am stumped and frustrated. It won't continue onto the next node in the sequence, it just stays ...
[2 replies] Last: I visit it when it is the node I'm connecting from, when it is u, and ... (by Jakman217)
Find sub string position in a string
Here is a very short program for finding a sub siting in string Hope you like it :D #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<s...
[no replies]
How to figure out if a word is already in a file? If it is, increase the count by 1, if not, add the word to the vector.
//How to figure out if a word is already in a file? If it is, increase the count by 1, if not, add the word to the vector. //Also, the comparison is case sensi...
[1 reply] : Did not understand your question. (by SamuelAdams)
Even/Odd issues
Everything works, except there is something wrong with the even/odd gives weird numbers. Any ideas?? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdli...
[no replies]
READ 600MB text file in efficient and fast way???
I want to read 600MB text file in a way as fast as possible.. please help me if any can
[3 replies] Last: memory mapping is usually helful when dealing with fast access to file... (by Cubbi)
Finding a character value in a string
The goal of my project is to define a character array with a word, for example "Christmas". I want the output to create a vector of strings where the first one ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by thorpedo7)
Even / Odd Help
The program works except when I place the evenOdd function in it. I get a bunch of errors. I need to get the program to display the even numbers first, then the...
[6 replies] Last: I have edited the program, and this is what I have so far: (Everythin... (by akemikanegae)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 43
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