General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 30)

About file stream
When i write to a file and close it does it immediately writes to a disk or do i have to Sleep() some time before i can use it? ofstream out("file"); out...
[1 reply] : Closing a stream flushes all application buffers. Whether and when the... (by helios)
help me...:(
Hi I can not solve the following problem and I can not solve it. Please help me ... Thanks...
[1 reply] : I thought the cut & pasting of homework was lazy. Now there seems to ... (by cnoeval)
by beeb
My command prompt keeps crashing
When I run the program, my cmd prompt keeps crashing. If I take out the inputs of the pf array I have below, the program will run no issue. Is there a limit on ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh I see. Thank You (by beeb)
C++ Arrays Problem
So I need to declare and struct with variadic elements like this: struct ACTION_TO_TYPE { DWORD SomeHeader ; struct ACTION_TO_TYPE_IN_STRUCT ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok but is there someway like this: struct ACTION_TO_TYPE_IN_STRUCT ... (by BSODMASTER)
Simple question about classes
Hi! I have almost no experience in working with C++ classes, so this one should be easy to answer. If btree is a class of binary trees, btree::leftson() i...
[1 reply] : Assuming btree is an instance of a binary tree and leftson() returns... (by Athar)
Question - Dynamic Structures
I'm wanting to use dynamic structures for an application I'm trying to build. The inline structure has to change depending on the structure that is declared by...
[no replies]
double link list
Ok my first message on here I hope someone can answer me. Trying to do a register with char array but can get it working.. Have been googling a lot but can fin...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! (by dasmonk)
db listbox data to stringGrid
hello , i m working on a project in Borland Builder 6 and i have a db listbox filled with data from a DB and i want to make a doubleclick action on db listbox, ...
[no replies]
How to reach a Class within another class or struct?
Hi I was wondering how to reach a class after I declared it as a example. So if I ware to do it like SimpleCube Cube; how would I reach Position? v...
[4 replies] Last: Ah thanks guys, didnt know you had to do it that way >.< (by Conny14156)
align pointer in pool
have stack-based pool with allocation from end to begin (it's easier at least in assembler properly align memory). Have pointer (that responds for current eleme...
[6 replies] Last: Actually you can see they did it via "and" too but with one addition o... (by icegood)
by sog
While Loop inside a While Loop
Hi everyone, I've been reading these boards a lot for help while I've been taking an intro to C++ course. But I was hoping I could ask for some help. I'm ...
[1 reply] : (by SamuelAdams)
Copy part of char array to another !!!
I can't use string copy or mem copy because I need to copy in the middle. i am iterating through a string, and when I get to the word i want, i need to copy th...
[2 replies] Last: Your example is not in step with your question. Are you dealing with ... (by andywestken)
reading multiple files using fstream in object class
I am trying to open multiple text files using fstream in a class float_seq object that i have created but i don't know how to close the file in order to open th...
[1 reply] : I think this is what you want. /* close file here */ fin.close(); ... (by SamuelAdams)
by Dbass
PLC program to PC using C++ program
hi all, i'm given a project to be completed by end of 2012 and i have a big problem. I'm suppose to come out with a C++ program that will convert PLC program t...
[1 reply] : Start with getting a copy of the PLC program. It should be programmed ... (by SamuelAdams)
by m1m6
problem in cin
hello i have a problem in cin characters this is my code typedef char dataline ; dataline line; cout<<">"; cin>>input; while(input!="XT") { ...
[4 replies] Last: pls help guys :) (by m1m6)
Error with sscanf help
Hi, I'm trying to read an obj file which contains a mixed amount of info of types text, float and integers in columns. I am using getline to import each line an...
[1 reply] : It doesn't open the file the 2nd time and you have no check to see if ... (by SamuelAdams)
Need help here about array, hope someone can help
I been trying here and there, but still I can't find what's the problem about the array calling. hope anyone of you can help thanks. #include <iostream> #in...
[1 reply] : Do this and it complies, the unsort list is incorrect. #include <io... (by SamuelAdams)
by jkfde
How do you edit an array in one function using pointers in a different function. Here is functions Function Prototype: void userNumbers(int *); Main F...
[2 replies] Last: use the function void userNumber(int A ); and call it like this user... (by Darkmaster)
Data files to array
I have a data file (energy.txt) that I need to open and display each column into an array. 1980 1161562368 245994189 346239900 0 251115575 ...
[2 replies] Last: What about the rows? Well, you would need to store each cell in a 2... (by ajh32)
by game
Convert upstream results to vector and sort problem!
My output from upstream program is as follow: 10 2 3 34 55 65 67 76 23 56 9 5 29 19 29 19 29 19 56 23 23 43 45 12 56 43 12 100 234 123 12 12 34 32 4...
[no replies]
December 2012 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 43
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