General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 29)

How can i call C++ class in Python
How can i use c++ class in python , i am currently writing a project in school and i have already do same thing in c++ so i want to re-used my class in C++ in p...
[1 reply] : What you want to do is extend Python. (by helios)
How to write out my element in list?
My for loop code is looking like this. I have been trying to find how I can write out the *rit! I know how to do it when it comes to when the list is containg ...
[2 replies] Last: You made my day!!! (by dasmonk)
What's wrong with this assignment?
Hello again. Here's a procedure that I can't run. The exe-file just quits here for unknown reason: btree make_tree (btree a, btree b, char c) { btree...
[4 replies] Last: (by Moschops)
hii guys i really neeeeeeeeeed a heeeeeeeeelp in that: Open the customers file in append mode. b. Allow the administrator to enter the customer mobile number,...
[3 replies] Last: while (true) { //get mob number if (mob == 999) break; // more... (by Moschops)
Why it intends to call templated copy constructor instead explicit with parameter?
// set::insert #include <iostream> #include <set> #include <vector> #include <memory> #include <functional> //using namespace std; //////////////...
[1 reply] : TInternalPool pool(); This is a function declaration (by Cubbi)
While loop and arrays
I'm trying to keep running the program to input numbers into an array unless the user inputs a 10. For some reason, when I input a 10 into the program, the loo...
[4 replies] Last: If I have understood your problem correctly, a for loop would do the j... (by Hucaru)
File input to array
hey everyone. im new to c++. This is my first semester. I'm stuck with some work. I'm supposed to import data from a file, search for the minimum and output the...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the answer!! but i have a small problem. We are only allowe... (by praveen94)
templated typedef;
I have a 1st order RC low-pass filter. It's implemented as a class called Filt , and is defined as: template <class T> class Filt {/*...*/}; That name wa...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys. (by Stewbond)
virtual table memory Because the type of object pointed to by the Cat pointer is not determined at compile-time, the decision a...
[9 replies] Last: Oh Ok Thanks for your help (by rmxhaha)
while loop - 2 conditions with OR
hi guyz, i have a problem with a while/do while loop, and i'm not certant is it really a problem or i just dont know the rule about using it. For instance, is ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guyz so much, that really clears it up for me. Now when i ge... (by IronmanCro)
Problem with MIDI-protocol
Hi everybody, I have some troubles with the well-known MIDI-protocol. I am trying to make some kind of program that is able to generically generate .midi music...
[4 replies] Last: Ah! the number at the end has disappeared! I only had to use an int ... (by Niels Meijer)
Output Giving Garbage Value
Below i am pasting a source code of c++ program,My source code has to do simple input and out put operations on classes but when i compile the program class boo...
[7 replies] Last: Your default constructors for book and tape are missing, it's as simpl... (by Athar)
Moving a method
I am trying to move this method from one cpp file to another, but when I do I am getting all kinds of errors, could someone show me the proper way to move the m...
[1 reply] : If you post because you're getting error messages, it's usually helpfu... (by cire)
#include <iostream> int cout, main (); { cout << "hello , this is my" << endl; return 0; } // what is the error in this
[7 replies] Last: @Darkmaster yeah i missed that point, thanks... (by warkari)
what wrong whit nested class constexpr ?
This code fails to compile with gcc 4.7.1 struct Test{ struct Sub{constexpr Sub(int i){}}; static constexpr Sub s=0; }; "error: 'constexpr T...
[3 replies] Last: there is a simillar discussion on stack overflow community, http://s... (by Pony279)
Need help with C++ program
Overview For this assignment, implement a class called Product that will be used to represent a product that might be found in a novelty shop. class Produ...
[5 replies] Last: strcpy(idNum,ID); strcpy(Pname,PN); you were copying the strin... (by accountname)
Can not refactor in Visual Studio 2012
I can not access the refactoring menu, my code compiles and runs, and I can't use the shortcut; it says that the refactoring extract method is not available at ...
[2 replies] Last: Ah okay, thank you (by closed account GL1Rko23)
how to read matrix from a file
here my code, please help me fix: I think my code is right, but I can't get the right row and column, I write a test, the row and column is always 0 and 1, w...
[no replies]
create set with advanced allocator: how to create default Compare() obj?
I need smth like that: TBufferedAllocator<int> MyAlloc(my_pool); std::set<foo, std::less<foo>, TBufferedAllocator<int>> v_foo(std::less<foo>(), MyA...
[1 reply] : gcc (or, rather, libstdc++) fell far behind on many things C++11: regu... (by Cubbi)
passing files into function?
I'm writing a program and I have all of it working properly except the last part, the convert_to_wave function. The problem is that it's in a library, not one t...
[no replies]
December 2012 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 43
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