General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 28)

by nada33
my problem in c++
Hi every one! i would like you to help me to write this code #include<iostream> using namespace std; bool Update(int sales ); { int salse ={{1,2,3...
[2 replies] Last: that's why it's called a education *an You want to update the sale... (by pogrady)
'std::out_of_range' what(): vector::_M_range_check
Does anyone know what the following is supposed to mean? terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): vector::_M_range_che...
[1 reply] : After you overstepped the array, std::vector threw the exception std::... (by pogrady)
Base class
Why can't I use this class as a Base class when I have a array Vertex array? class Object { struct Transform { struct Position { flo...
[2 replies] Last: class Cube:public Object { }; ^that, Says object is invalid base... (by Conny14156)
Question about functions I suppose
Okay so I need this to go from a starting screen to a menu and then ask for a call sign and then assign the X to a call sign then lead to the actual game and my...
[2 replies] Last: I do have a function to show a menu and it assigns a value to the two ... (by RogerWang)
problems using a txt file and Array
Hi, so im trying to use array to access data in a txt file. Each value in the row corresponds to a different value. This is the data in the txt file.. C14...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, sorry i havent copied the whole code, only the section i has havin... (by cantdocplusplus)
Encrypting user input text files in c
Hi, I am very new to c and i am having some trouble with an assignment. I have to write a program that encrypts a file that was chosen by the user. I managed to...
[no replies]
by beeb
getline() not reading all lines in txt file
So I made this function to check username and password. I've put two usernames and two password in each file. I tried to use a loop to read all lines but it's n...
[no replies]
Homework question- help?
Here is the question: Assuming int numbers ;is initialized somehow, write a function counter() that you can send the array to, plus an extra integer, and the fu...
[1 reply] : try this int count = 0; int counter(int numbers , arraysize, integer... (by elfico)
Struct Array problem
So can somebody help me with normalizing this code: SYS_ERROR MapProfile(SYS_DI_ADAPTER const * a0, SYS_DI_PROFILE * a1, ACTION_TO_TYPE const * a2) { a1->Cle...
[6 replies] Last: This looks like the construction of some sort of linked list. If I ha... (by toum)
Programing a payroll calculator with C++
Hi, I'm new here but I really need some help. I was wondering if someone could help me with my C++ project. Here is my situation, my final exam is coming up an...
[3 replies] Last: Kart is right. If you can put some codes together, we can assist u. th... (by elfico)
2 Structs into a function gives me some problems.
Hi! I'm creating a list that worked great! But now i would like to add imaginary numbers to my singel linked list as well, so i created another struct which giv...
[3 replies] Last: It gives me Compile errors ... so what are they? (by Disch)
Reading a large text file
Hi there, I'm working on my final year project at the moment and for it I need to parse really large XML files. My question is when I read in this file is it...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Peter87, I'm just curious in case there is a technical limitati... (by masterofpuppets690)
Maps inside of Maps
i have a map which has another map inside of it map<string, map<string, int> > SubjectCode; after adding all the values inside how to i iterate th...
[2 replies] Last: im a little confused on what auto does ? when i try to compile my cod... (by artiomso)
set allocator as it should be
That stuff drunk my blood during last week. Take plese a look and say what else is wrong there: // set::insert #include <iostream> #include <set> #inclu...
[1 reply] : I think it would be a good idea to look at some of the existing alloca... (by Cubbi)
calculator program
I'm trying to write a calculator program that takes in two numbers and an operator and solves it. I have the entire program working fine, except I can't get out...
[5 replies] Last: That is an excellent point. I actually switched them to if statements ... (by palauan73)
by maroun
can't find the problem
Hey all, This is the header checker.h #include "player.h" #ifndef CHECKER_H #define CHECKER_H class checker { public: checker(); ~checke...
[2 replies] Last: enum board_type{NON=-2,EMP=-1,BLACK,WHITE }; It's declared global (... (by maroun)
Homework help please!
Create a C++ program that generates two random numbers that are between 1 to 20. The program asks the user to enter the sum of these two numbers. If the user e...
[2 replies] Last: You need show us here for your codes. We will take a look it. (by dovip)
Reading input with whitespace
Hey there, I need help getting input from the user with whitespace. Basically I'm prompting the user for a file name, and i want it to read the input if they in...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you toum, that helps :) (by MrHatchi87)
by beeb
last element of vector duplicates after removing an element and function to check integer crashes
So I used the function to remove an element out of an vector and the last element duplicate. I understand that it needs to fulfill the set number of elements I ...
[5 replies] Last: ok. you are right, the fact that i wasn't using the index screwed ever... (by beeb)
by dovip
I am using on Dev C++. However, I couldn't figure out it...because I got many error. In function `int StringToNumber(std::string)': 13 no match for 'operat...
[5 replies] Last: Ah! it worked. Thank you, Peter87. (by dovip)
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