General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 26)

How do I get in to list that is in a list!?
srand(time(NULL)); int rand_cust = 0; list<cash_register> l1; list<cash_register> ::iterator it; int in; cash_register b; ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the answer! I have one more question if want to loop throu... (by dasmonk)
Why do i need to use cin.get twice ??
Hey guys, i was writing a very simple program and came a across an problem. In order to stop my program from closing i had to use cin.get () twice? Is this norm...
[1 reply] : cin >> b; This leaves extra junk in the buffer. Try inputting 2xyza... (by firedraco)
I need help sorting by Last Name my Linked List
This is what I have for now. I need to : 1.Modify function Find() to locate a person by last name in the linked list. 2.Function Sort() shall organize t...
[no replies]
Loading .obj file in OpenGL
Ok so I have made a basic parser and loader for a 3d .obj file made in Blender. I know that the code isn't great, I made this pretty quickly and it certainly co...
[1 reply] : Here is the .obj file that I am using. Sorry about not commenting the... (by Jayhawker07)
Void Function Arrays
Hi Guys, Need some help and keep getting stuck. Need to populate an array using srand() and rand() with random #s 300-500 with a while loop using a void...
[1 reply] : This line right here: return fillArray; ends your main. Nothing ... (by pogrady)
by beeb
Function call not working
I'm trying to call this function that will ask for the user input and return it back to the main() into the variables I've set so they can be used later i...
[3 replies] Last: Hi :-) a function in C/C++ can't return more than one value (Lua can)... (by rzed)
Binary Tree
I am a little confused about how to draw a binary tree using Pre-Order Traversal, the root would be the first number going from left to right? So if I have 48 3...
[2 replies] Last: So given these numbers: 47 43 20 24 32 44 35 , how would the tree look... (by t2nator)
by beeb
Possible? Using a variable w/in a if statement outside the statement
Is it possible to access a variable that has been assigned a value within a if statement to used outside of the statement inside the main function?
[1 reply] : Obviously, you can. You probably mean a variable that has been declar... (by Athar)
Problem with pointers (inherited classes)
Hello again. In my project, AnyObject is the basic class containing a destructor and a constructor only, and Lex is an inherited class, which includes a publ...
[13 replies] Last: struct node { AnyObject d; node *ls; node *rs; }; To expoun... (by cire)
by Smac89
Extend an array
Trying to extend an array by creating a new array and filling that array with values from the previous one PLUS the new value: int count = 2; long int ...
[8 replies] Last: @helios, thanks man, you have been helpful (by Smac89)
by bear24
Merging and sorting
I am new to C++ but I have a basic understanding of most of the concepts. My assignment is to create a program that manages data for a basketball team. Here ar...
[no replies]
by gal064
sophisticated problem
hi, I came across with sophisticated problem. I need to build pattern to string that built like this "1-2,3,4-5,6-7,8-11,12..." Namely, collection of r...
[1 reply] : Since you don't know how many ranges there are, you have to populate a... (by Cubbi)
If there is a need to post the full code, please let me know. i have posted only the error code which i am getting. #include <stdio.h> double compare; doubl...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () {unsigned long... (by Adelina2297)
help with graphics programming
Hi all, I'm looking for some decent coders (ideally software engineering, or a computer science major, or generally good coders for w/e reason) to help me writ...
[8 replies] Last: I see to be having trouble signing up for aim. Do you have a gmail or ... (by xDarkShadowKnightx)
PLZ HELP Delete a element in a list
Ok I want to delete a element that cotains a artist that write in but how will i do that? else if(i==6){ system("cls"); ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks!! (by dasmonk)
Recursion Function
I've looked at some tutorials online but I still can't figure out how this is evaluating to 341. If the first value is 4 and is passed to the function then the ...
[4 replies] Last: Once i = 0, it stops calling itself (that is why there is no tryit(-1)... (by ModShop)
Emulater type program?
Hi, I want to make a program for my (way younger)brother that only lets him open up programs that my parents let him. I have come up with several ideas, but ...
[no replies]
Static Member variable: pointer to static member function of another class
I have two classes that I want to be able to communicate. Rather than using friend methods, I want to keep a static member variable, which is a pointer to stati...
[no replies]
Can someone help me???
I cant seem to figure out how to make this lab work.... these are the instructions here is a link to the instructions.
[7 replies] Last: NVM I DID IT!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!! at least i believe i did. it comp... (by stansmith)
Enumerated types and functions
Using the code that i will post below i need to add in certain functions that I will list in a moment so what I'm asking is can someone give me assistance on ho...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "main.h" #include <std... (by RogerWang)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 43
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