General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 24)

How to find GCD AND LCM of two numbers in c++? help please..!
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How to display tax from this code.
cout << " Tax deducted:" << tax << endl; cout << "Total Balance : " << totalBalance << endl; cout << "Interest Rate : "; if( accBalance <...
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I need help with the program
Here is the question 1. Write a function convertArray ( ) that takes an array of integers a, and the size of that array as arguments. Then it converts the ne...
[1 reply] : You use return before the loop terminates therefore you get a false va... (by Maniax)
How to check if std::cin (or stdin) has data in it's buffer.
Hi guys, I need to be able to check if an input buffer (in this case std::cin or stdin) has data that can be read without blocking the program. Meaning, I ...
[3 replies] Last: I was able to get what I wanted by just having my Qt framework call a ... (by snow 56767)
Final assignment need immediate assistance
Using the code that i will post below i need to add in certain functions that I will list in a moment so what I'm asking is can someone give me assistance on ho...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "main.h" #include <std... (by RogerWang)
Opening File Help
Hello. I am attempting to open up a file and display it to the screen as a tic tac toe board. The file would have this on it this X . O X . O . X . and it...
[6 replies] Last: Get yourself a piece of graph paper and a pencil. Pretend each square... (by Duthomhas)
How to loop a list that is in a list?
Hey all smart people! I have a question about list. I have create a list in the main program that i each of the element of this list has another list. How w...
[1 reply] : How would you write it for a single parents object? Take how you woul... (by cire)
How to work out %20 in c++
Need help working out 20% of the interest. the program asks if to tax interest the user selects y or n, but need help on how to work out %20 of the interest the...
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Hoare's Sort
Where am I wrong with the breakdown on the algorithm? For: 33 6 21 12 19 29 38 22 14 40 ... what is the contents of array A after the first pass of Hoare's ve...
[1 reply] : I don't believe either of those sequences are correct. The pseudo cod... (by cire)
ifstream help
Hey there C++ codies, I need some help again. I'm supposed to open a file that is provided by the user. Its supposed to be allowed to take a space if the user e...
[1 reply] : maybe your file doesn't exist. Program works for me. C:\Temp>testxx... (by SamuelAdams)
For some reason this code isnt working that well...I need to input the users gender then based off that their height and weight and to exit enter X or x
[1 reply] : if would help if you used code tags I don't know what this is but it ... (by SamuelAdams)
Reading Specific Data From txt file
I'm having a little trouble getting my program to read specific data from a text file. This is the data in the text file. 1#27200 2#15000 3#23000 4#1200...
[1 reply] : To fix this i had to gut the program and start over "almost". moved ... (by SamuelAdams)
Need help with taxes.
I need to amend the code below so that tax can be deducted from interest. the programs needs to give an option at the start if to tax the interest. Tax rate sh...
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need help with code using arrays
I have a code and i am using arrays and it is mostly completed. What im doing is getting the average of 8 players on their hits walks and outs, but i need to fi...
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Data strucuture c++ exercise
I have to do this: Information on the sale and purchase of a company will be saved in a data structure. Struct consists of the name of the shopping company, t...
[2 replies] Last: It is ok now? How can I improve it for the program do that exercise sa... (by manutmac)
Need help with C++ work
In your program, define a class called Tracker that will track fuel and mileage for a jet. The class should have member variables to track the miles flown and t...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags. your compiler should show you the conflicts. (by SamuelAdams)
Simulation program
I'm making a simulation for severals queues. I'm supposed to input number of queues in the beginning and then simulate all thoose. Output for each queue each...
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Input issues from a text file
Hi, recently I've been working on developing source code to run the famous John Conway's Game of Life. My source code compiles and works, but it doesn't have an...
[1 reply] : You need to go through your while (loop) and add {} after each for and... (by SamuelAdams)
by tsc
Rapid XML how to get line number
i'm currently using rapid XML, Does anyone knows how to get line number in the file from this parser? Thanks
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I found these two OSS sites which help simplify the complexities of threading in C++ and C. You should check out Intel Cilk Plus. has sample ...
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December 2012 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 43
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