General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 23)

by BHX
Need Guidance: Want to Make an IRC Client
Sorry if this is the wrong forum to post this in. I'm bored and decided to do something I had been wanting to do for a while. I was thinking about using Qt a...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, gives me an idea of what to Google for now to find the most up... (by BHX)
Catching exceptions thrown from constructor of a global instance of a class
I know that having global variables is not appreciated. But in the book, The C++ programming language, by Bjarne Stroustrup, Author says that " The only way to ...
[no replies]
Simulation program queuesystem
Hi! Im having problem with My code where i can't enter the last if. This simulates a queuesystem. Are My calculations right? Seems like everything becomes ...
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Base class ctor
If i have 3 classes to inherit as follows a:b:c And the following line included in main function c(b(a())); the copy ctor of b when called from ctor o...
[2 replies] Last: Posting a minimal, compilable code snippet that illustrates the proble... (by cire)
there's an error
what will i do if there is an error like this? In function `int main()': jump to case label crosses initialization of `int hop' crosses initializa...
[5 replies] Last: while(choices!='D' || 'd'); This is not equivalent to choices != ... (by cire)
Do you know this error?
Psh I have been working on this for days doing research and everything possible. I have now given in to asking for help lol. Anyone have a suggestion as to how ...
[4 replies] Last: I have now given in to asking for help lol. Anyone have a suggestion ... (by cire)
anybody help please?
Your CONSOLE program must accept positive integer numbers as elements for two different SETS. Given with choices, you will perform union, intersection, and di...
[4 replies] Last: you can put ... (by dovip)
Binary Trees problem
I only need help with finding the maximum leaf level and the minimum leaf level. I got my code to print out something for them but I'm pretty sure it's not righ...
[no replies]
by ajitm
How to write lost focus event for combo box with drop down style
As combo box is having three styles, Simple, drop down, and drop list. I want to write event lost focus for combo box when style is drop down. Can you plz h...
[no replies]
Building Libgd on Windows XP / MinGW
Has anyone built Libgd on Windows XP using MinGW. It almost seems that it can't be done. I'm getting a myriad of errors not matter what I do. Is there a tr...
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21 76 118 If I have the above numbers and some function like below: hashvalue := (i*i) mod 97 and using Linear Probing, where are the locations wh...
[1 reply] : 21^2 = 441. Modulo 97: 53... (by helios)
by iky
strings in loops?
hi. im trying to make a loop that will end when the user types in 8 numbers for the telephone number. a function will read in the telephone number itself and th...
[5 replies] Last: Ah! Okay... In that case I would still suggest reading in the numbers ... (by Binary Thoughts)
passing a struct to a constructor
struct charType { int health; int strength; int constitution; int stamina; int per; short colorCode; char character; bool friendly; }; charType gobli...
[5 replies] Last: You can try passing by reference: Character::Character(int, int, int,... (by pogrady)
Program that checks if a user inputted double variable is valid breaks when it's not valid. How do I fix it?
I'm working on a project for my C++ course and part of it is to make sure there is no way the user can break the program by entering in bad information. The ...
[5 replies] Last: The canonical way to do that is: #include <limits> // ... std... (by cire)
Diamond code
/*c program for number pyramid*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int num,r,c,sp; printf("Enter number of rows : "); scanf("%d",&num);...
[no replies]
Miles to KM. Km to Miles etc..
#include <stdio.h> double m2km(double); //Convert Miles to KM double km2m(double); //Convert KM to Miles int main(){ int loop = 1; int choi...
[no replies]
helpe me plz
tp1.cpp template <class T> T permut(T &a,T &b) { T c=a;a=b;b=c; } g++ -c tp1.cpp -o tp1.obj tp2.cpp #include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> #include<str...
[1 reply] : expln prblm plz... nd uz cd tgz! slct ur cdz n prs teh <> btnzzz.* ... (by cnoeval)
Guess Game Problem
Its a guess game with 4 rounds.. i just need to find the average number of guesses. I DO NOT need the number of guesses for each round which i already have. ...
[4 replies] Last: Yep, I was thinking lines 71-72 but wrote 83-84. My bad. (by toum)
Sending application with static libraries.
i am using MSVS 2010 Express, Visual C++. and i have the allegro libraries linked statically, i was wondering how i would send my application to my friend, but ...
[4 replies] Last: oh wow, that was very informative, thanks a bunch man! (by Naughtyusername)
Need help
Why does this not display 2% when it outputs all the answers. It does the calculation of 2% fine but doesn't display "interest rate: 2%" #include <iostream> ...
[5 replies] Last: Use code tags. Can't see any changes from the first post... #include... (by Maniax)
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