General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 20)

by Pludge
Post order help
Here is my code for traversals. I have preorder and inorder working. However, I can't get my postorder to print out more than the first digit. Any help will be ...
[no replies]
Variable detection help
Hello everybody...Currently I am making a simple program which only contains an input, and output code, and finally an union. The goal is how to detect type of ...
[7 replies] Last: > Can I solve the problem by extracting a specific bit of the generic ... (by JLBorges)
Calculating Relative Strength Index
Hello everyone, I'm trying to write a program to calculate the RSI of a stock. The following is inside a for loop. MSFT is a vector of Microsoft stock prices. O...
[no replies]
Invalid use of incomplete type 'ALLEGRO_BITMAP
Hi! I am learning to code and allegro and am starting to do my first legitimate game, but I need some help. I am creating a map class and in my constructor I co...
[3 replies] Last: If you want you can change this->roads to just roads .... (by Peter87)
Which defintion is better?
Which way is the fastest defintion? struct aStruct { int i; double d; }; Func(double d){d = 100;} Func (double *d){(*d)=100;} Func (double &d){d = 100;} Fun...
[1 reply] : You should think about correctness before thinking about performance. ... (by Peter87)
This is the last thing to do this quarter and it will make a pass/fail difference for me. I need some substantial help. This is the problem: Create a program...
[1 reply] : It's implicit that you'll need to write a BigNum class. (by kbw)
Can't Load dll file
[1 reply] : gdiplus.dll already comes with windows xp or higher, it is the one you... (by modoran)
Writing a Blackjack Code for Class
Hi, I am writing a Blackjack program for my C++ class. The game must contain the ability to bet before the cards are given out, the cards must be randomized b...
[1 reply] : I haven't checked out your code on the external link ,but let's say yo... (by Stewbond)
Reuse a thread ?
Hello. I have a simple question: is it possible to "reuse" a thread, or in other words pass a different method to a thread that already executes or executed an...
[15 replies] Last: lack of GC Garbage collectors pause the rest of the program when they... (by Cubbi)
SurfaceOfEarth grid program help needed
Would anyone know how to write this, or have a few pointers to get me started on this's the last program I need to write & I have no clue how to. ...
[2 replies] Last: bump (by Novacain605)
Insertion Sort algorithm - list of names
I am trying to use an insertion sort algorithm to sort out a list of names inputted by the user in the command line prompt. This code compiles and runs just fin...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks very much, helios. It took me a bit of time to find out which e... (by sephiroth1134)
class with custom constructor, within another class
Hi, I'm having trouble calling the constructor of a class within another class, that accepts some arguments in its constructor. Actually I got it working if I ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, the initializer works very well. -B (by formerBGIuser)
Converting strings to integers
Write a C/C++ program that accepts two integers (each of them could be positive, negative, or zero) as input and generates as output the result of their additio...
[3 replies] Last: Use code tags and explain the issue you are having right now. This is ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by Pain
account (username,password&information) in text file
hey guys i started to make a project about account banking problem: .......... the user input their information (name , address , telephone and password...
[no replies]
by Sooty
Dynamic array ? I just get 1 instance.
Hi, i have a problem... I am trying to create a dynamic array, the problem is, it's not creating an array just 1 instance of the variable type. Declarat...
[5 replies] Last: Thankyou, yes typing the array name followed by a comma and the elemen... (by Sooty)
Semester GPA program hellpppp!!
I know its alot to ask of someone but can anybody give me a little help on this. im still kinda new at this and i have no clue what im doing on this one. i do...
[no replies]
Converting speed
Hello everybody! Today...I have a question. I have no idea about the <math> function fabs() . Because, an example may prove : double fVal = -95.3886; double...
[3 replies] Last: Check your compiled code. It's possible that the compiler removed nega... (by Cubbi)
what are additional C++ techniques available to implement algorithms to process data types other than integers.
[8 replies] Last: #include< algorithm > sorting< first_iterator , last_iterator > ... (by Felicia123)
Function Pointer Issue
I'm receiving a linker error that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me: C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\College\CSC 4400 - Analysis of Algorithms\program/main.cpp:20...
[6 replies] Last: Apparently I moved them incorrectly earlier then. What I was doing wa... (by kevinkjt2000)
How to Initialize Two Dimensional Array in the Initializer List of a Constructor
Simple question, what's the proper way to initialize a two dimensional array in an initializer list. I realize this is probably very dependent on platform/compi...
[4 replies] Last: @Cubbi First of all, thanks for the responses! You are more useful th... (by ceruleus)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 43
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