General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 19)

by bleaz
Programming Programs
Hey all I was just wondering what everyone uses to write their programs? I use DEV C++ but is there a better one to use? Free or not. Thanks.
[9 replies] Last: Code::Blocks is just the front end for the IDE. You have to either get... (by Raezzor)
C ++ performance
Please, look at the test sample : Very simple code: for (volatile long i = 0; i < 1000000000;i++); // A billion loop I see it took about 5 seconds to comple...
[6 replies] Last: With volatile, let's compare computers and compilers 3.55 GHz Power ... (by Cubbi)
Processing Data From a File
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; // Function prototypes void avgGrd(int, int, int, int,...
[4 replies] Last: cout << "Enter Student ID (999 to end): "; cin >> searchId; inF... (by Pianokey09)
Partially-filled array
I always have problems with partially-filled arrays. I need to write a program and part of it involves, to 1.) ask user to for a sequence of digits and end whe...
[9 replies] Last: @cire I see what is going on but I haven't dealt with "unsigned" and "... (by danielmtnz)
fixing undefined reference
The undefined reference is on line 33 in "customer.cpp" I had the method "amountFor" originally in customer.cpp but I want to move it to rental.cpp while still ...
[1 reply] : amountFor is a class function of the Customer class, and the Rental cl... (by Moschops)
Moving Mouse Cursor
Hi, without using winapi how do I move the move cursor (set, increment and decrement)
[1 reply] : You can't. See your other thread. (by Duthomhas)
Simulate mouse and keyboard
Hi, without using winapi how do I simulate a mouse click and a key press?
[1 reply] : You can't. Even if you write a service you must still use the Windows ... (by Duthomhas)
by m1m6
how to use a file path
hello how to let user to input the path of a file in c++ then the program will take the path and read data from file....
[4 replies] Last: thanks it's work :) (by m1m6)
2D smart pointers array
#include <iostream> #include <memory> using namespace std; int main(){ //this just builds a 2D array pi that looks like //0 1 2 3 4 //5 6 7 8 9 //...
[2 replies] Last: What a crazy idea, I have to try it. // *** change 1 *** uni... (by Cubbi)
Help with button function
Hello i need help creating a button that will save whatever the user is typing into an XML file so then when next time they open it. Here is what i have working...
[no replies]
Networking in c++ (winsock)
Hello, I've been learning networking with winsock for a while and created simple console server and client. The client gets input from the keyboard, sends it to...
[5 replies] Last: Xathael, I have not done what your doing but if you were willing to s... (by SamuelAdams)
Buffered image to screen dynamically?
I have written some code to convert (in this case) some VGA-rendered graphics for my emulator to the PSP's screen (sizes stored in PSP_SCREEN_ROWS and PSP_SCREE...
[no replies]
what problem am i facing?????
This is my code for a program: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() ...
[5 replies] Last: Basically this program will do the foll job: You are given a sequence... (by Bhargavi16)
Using macros to declare classes?!
Ok this is a really interesting question that could be rather useful in the right situations but I'm not sure if it's possible. I've been doing a little reading...
[9 replies] Last: Don't all programs compile themselves in that sense? Still confused... (by Disch)
by jkfde
Pointer Array Help
I need to dynamically allocate the donations array in my code, and ask the user to input the value of the array. Here is the original code // This program sh...
[2 replies] Last: It needed to be allocated dynamically. i was having troubles getting a... (by jkfde)
Help With A certain Button
Hello to all reading this i would like some help/examples how could i make a save and load button(that actually functions as a save and load button) i have not ...
[no replies]
How to find a char in a string
I have to write a program where I need to find if a string in an array has a matching char in my char array. I was wondering if anyone could help me out and sho...
[3 replies] Last: Its not to just find the first of. The program has the user to pick be... (by closed account L6k21hU5)
Correct Solution
Problem Statement: If you start with $1 and, with each move, you can either double your money or add another $1, what is the smallest number of moves you ha...
[5 replies] Last: No, wait. Two additions. Not one. I think it is the most efficient, a... (by Moschops)
by LB
User-defined literals + embedded scripts
I was wondering, since user-defined literals can be evaluated at compile-time, would it be possible to embed scripts that are interpreted at compile time and ex...
[no replies]
Any way to know the functions and class of a given header?
Say that I want to use the d3d9.h header. How can I know the functions and class/struct it has, what they do and how they work?
[6 replies] Last: what they do and how they work? So, if by that you mean that you wan... (by Ramses12)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 43
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