General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 18)

Creating Opengl texture from byte array
Hey guys, I am trying to read in a photoshop .raw file and use its data to create an OpenGl texture. Here is the code I have at the minute GLuint _texture; ...
[1 reply] : I'm posting this as a follow up, because everyone hates the guy who ju... (by petemyster)
String Help
I am supposed to create the "dem bones" song/ The output should be the song, using strings. This is what i have so far, and i don'tknow why the program wont wor...
[5 replies] Last: @sebelius you are a genius! (by Smac89)
Buying algorithms
I'd like to ask a general question of the experts on this forum. When do you think it is a good idea to buy code from a service, and when to program it yoursel...
[6 replies] Last: Quite a few around here, but my real point was that it's a lot more ex... (by Cubbi)
i need a help in looping code
Good night every one ... when i run my program its write to the file for only once i mean when i enter for example : mobile: 77777777 firist name: jey last n...
[2 replies] Last: thanks Mr.Adams her is my code #include <iostream> #include <fstr... (by heba1333)
Large scale problem with array and linked list
Hello everybody I have a question, can anyone help me? I write a program to solve "Shortest Path Problem" and use an array of linked list to store the parame...
[13 replies] Last: I thank you for your consideration (by shmokarami)
a single machine scheduling problem
Hi. when I do my home work, I'm stuck for hours, I hope you can read the requirement and exam my code and help me. A very simple version of this general proble...
[6 replies] Last: Hi, Darkmaster , I want to write this code in a class method, what sh... (by ylxin1993)
Don't have to copy my own header file in a new Project
Hello Guys, I've created a couple of header files for myself that I use frequently now mostly when I create a new project I include one or two of them i...
[1 reply] : create empty project? (by Darkmaster)
roman numeral error validation
Hello. I am working on a little side project for school and have no idea where to start with the error validation if the user of the program enters a invalid ro...
[6 replies] Last: alright, the code is commented. (by higgy1726)
Hello, I've written a code that can make a function with parameters run in a new thread. Something that generally isn't possible with the CreateThread method. ...
[10 replies] Last: What's wrong with CRT _begintreadex() function from <process.h> ? If... (by modoran)
Rewrite recursive function in cycles - I'm desperate
I spent last nights trying to rewrite the following code using cycles...but wihout success :( Thanks, Ozzman // Permutation.cpp : Defines the entry point for...
[no replies]
Storing Array in Array ?
Im a new learner and yet, I have to create a big (I guess) program. for this part, the idea is to show a table, and I manage to create it somehow it took a lot...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Stewbond, at least I understand the concept that array can be p... (by feezul93)
my sorting array style vs bubble sort
// this is my code for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { for(int j = i + 1; j < n - i - 1; ++j) { if (arr > arr[i + 1]) { int tmp = arr ; ...
[2 replies] Last: Your way doesn't work. You sort `i' and `i+1', but you do not consider... (by ne555)
by Untrue
Array structure to files
After the first record of array the program gets an error. Here's the code; #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_FN 50 #define MAX 3 typedef s...
[2 replies] Last: I don't know about file names but yeah he said array of files. (by Untrue)
How to use wildcards with argv
This is a personal project not related to school work. I have a program that works like the dos find command, except mine shows line numbers in the output. Wh...
[8 replies] Last: I just did some very basic testing using std::regex and the tr2 filesy... (by cire)
Basic homework help :(
Hey guys, I am currently in an online C++ class and needless to say, I am completely lost. I am currently using the C++ for Dummies book (the name is fitting, i...
[2 replies] Last: okay, thank you! :) I wasn't 100% sure how to do the actual formula so... (by Talvira)
Xcode mouse/key simulate
Hello, using Xcode how could I simulate a mouse click, a key press or move the move cursor (set, increment, decrement)?
[1 reply] : help? (by SoapChicken)
ridiculous interview i was asked
anyone have any idea how you would code this, code would be nice so i could see it but an explanation isnt discouraged Write a function "void link(char **t...
[6 replies] Last: alright , now im confused on placement if the isnt a match of the numb... (by imgregduh)
How to make an alphanumeric with restrictions
I want to make an alphanumeric string generator that uses capital letters and numbers to make a random string. I also want it to only use 7 numbers and 18 lette...
[1 reply] : 1) pick 18 letters, put them in an array. 2) pick 7 numbers, put the... (by Disch)
Powerball Program
I'm not sure how to use pointers and arrays! I need help with all the functions as well... please help a.s.a.p! Assignment7: You will implement a ...
[1 reply] : Pointers are declared like this: int *name;//it can be int/char/long... (by Smac89)
Maintaining Program State Variables
Let's say I would like to maintain variables, such as: bool usbConnected; //Whether the USB connection has been established int programState; //W...
[4 replies] Last: What it gives you is an "interface". It facilitates component interch... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 43
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