General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 17)

cannot pass the object from server
I'm sending an object of class account to client.when the server search for the object in file it gets the object accurately but when it is sent to client and...
[2 replies] Last: what is meant by end of field and end of record markers ?? (by Pter0dactyl)
Link list using STL related problems
Can any body help me ... i am facing problem in passing list<string> to simple function. here is the code // called in main as void main(){ int const S...
[6 replies] Last: thanks for helping bro ... problem solved by using the list<string> ... (by Hassan Ahmad)
by Tavrin
Class problems
Hello, I'm having some problems with solving something in C++. Right here is an example: Say I have some header file named Book.h with a class Book defined it i...
[1 reply] : Use either class Author; class Book { setFirstAuthor(Author*) ... (by vlad from moscow)
Where to go from here ?
Okay so ,im fairly an expert in the following topics in c++ now.. Functions, loops, arrays, classes, structures, pointers, constructors, conditions,all opera...
[4 replies] Last: STL is the next step please move on (by kham)
Definition type
In short, I have no idea... Which way is faster? Func(char *str, double d, int len, bool bExtra) Func(char str ,double d, short len, bool bExtra) Func(char st...
[8 replies] Last: @buffbill (403) There is no difference between the parameter declarat... (by vlad from moscow)
Need Help
Hi guys, I am really having a problem on this question, I know it is not clear but I need an answer for it!!!! Write a program for a game where the ...
[1 reply] : There you go (by Kart)
Debug Error
[1 reply] : You're the second person today that I've helped with this: size; aa... (by Volatile Pulse)
Help with Binary File Handling
I was making a game (sortof). What I am trying to do is have it keep a Highscore List. It was not working. Before I get to the problem, here is the code: #inc...
[7 replies] Last: Glad it worked. From what I understand, a binary file isn't 101101110 ... (by Volatile Pulse)
by anwind
cannot provoke function
Can any one check this program for me? It won't run function loadData properly. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespac...
[7 replies] Last: You need to specify what's not going right. When I see it doesn't run ... (by Volatile Pulse)
by Alam
Plzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me whats the problem in this programme Its very urgent.......... # include <iostream> # include <iomanip> # include <string> # include ...
[1 reply] : Code tags, error message. (by Athar)
C++ Programming Language
Hello Friends, In C++ Programming Language : How can I declare a function that returns a pointer to a function of its own type?
[4 replies] Last: I could be wrong, but I believe the OP wanted to create a function tha... (by Volatile Pulse)
My programming is not working .. does anyone know how to correct it ?
this is my problem : Write a function that computes the minimum in an array recursively. The key to this problem is the following: If we have an array A[0:...
[no replies]
.exe file help
I need to create an exe file where when I run C:/project.exe(space)input the program in my .exe file will read the input. What do I have to do or add...
[no replies]
Help please...
Ok I'm new here and I thought I can get some help with a program I'm working on. First let me give you an idea of what the program is about. I have to write a ...
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by Skuzzi
I know C++, but I don't always know how to use it. (1,2)
I have been learning C++ for a little over a year now, and I got a pretty good understanding of some of the fundamental stuff. I can look at code and understand...
[20 replies] Last: > Nobody should have to learn how to build their own vector, input str... (by JLBorges)
Explain Please (TOH program)
I am looking into this iterative solution to the Towers of Hanoi problem. I specifically do not understand what is happening the logic in line 12. Any explana...
[7 replies] Last: Well i a have realized that x&x-1 is the same as x-1 when x is odd... (by Script Coder)
what are the unary values for unary boolean operators
I am implementing boolean operator overloads and have some strange results for unary operators. My code shows that in gcc 4.5.3: ex...
[4 replies] Last: unary means that i only requires one operand binary means that it only... (by DeXecipher)
Software Version Control (help appreciated)
Im working on the design process of my engine and I have a decent amount of source code complete but I'm realizing that my project grows its going to be hard to...
[2 replies] Last: yeah I've heard about get. Guess I'm gonna get Git. (by DeXecipher)
Compiler problem(i think), using templates. forbids comparison between integer and pointer.
Main.cpp cout<<isLowerCased("something")<<endl; some.h template <typename T> bool isLowerCased(T elem){ if(typeid(elem)==typeid(char)){ if...
[3 replies] Last: Templates are useful when you want to deal with a whole *family* of ty... (by Cubbi)
WUFI and C++
Hi There, I have been writing a program with C++ that can combine a series of randomly generated numbers and place them in an existing xml file. I have gene...
[no replies]
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 43
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