by kimrobert
PROJECT of ROLL in/ ROll out
[1 reply] : Please, do not double post. It clutters forums and spreads attempts to... (by MiiNiPaa)
by hug
undeclared Identifier
[3 replies] Last: FIXED!! I removed "const" from the .h instantiation :) thank you !!! (by hug)
by kyloren2015
Capitalizing First Letters in String
[4 replies] Last: Oh, I just realized that he wants the first letter of each word capita... (by kevinkjt2000)
by mnm71
send data socket TCP,ERRoR sendig: Bad file descriptor (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: Thanks for posting that. What errors are you getting now? (by koothkeeper)
by leourb
Variable Templates C++ 14
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for help Cubbi! (by leourb)
by radasca
Read text from file
[1 reply] : (by Yanson)
by wcassella
Trouble with initializing static variable generically
[5 replies] Last: oh, and if[]/6 applies to member functions of c... (by Cubbi)
by sariki
Recursive Algorithm using characters
[4 replies] Last: Well I got it working I appreciate you explaining it I guess I just di... (by sariki)
by Hugh Jass
Assigning member values in destructors
[5 replies] Last: If it sets. If it does, then it hase own methods to catch invalidpoi... (by MiiNiPaa)
by technologist
int vs. typecast
[4 replies] Last: Textbook examples: const_cast : implementing non-const accessor in te... (by MiiNiPaa)
by mSkull
Subscript operator issues
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, that got it working (by mSkull)
SFML Help |
[4 replies] Last: Okay, Thank you, I will try that :) (by Boyancyoperated)
by prateekpatni
taking input from function argument and then console input
[3 replies] Last: If you place s1.setData("India") before getData, x will point to strin... (by MiiNiPaa)
by IWishIKnew
wxWidgets: wxListCtrl column width
[3 replies] Last: You can do that after each request / for each column. The reason why i... (by coder777)
Priority queue |
[2 replies] Last: Looks fine. Consider: template < bool MAXHEAP = false > struct edg... (by JLBorges)
by Dhust
Help me develop SysLibrary
[no replies]
by jakethecat
Can't find guide for OpenAL
[1 reply] : Hi there, As far as I know, OpenAL is obsolete. The last stable versi... (by xismn)
by technologist
keep newer copy MingGW
[10 replies] Last: It does: I thought the "crazy" compiler was causing serious pc rot wit... (by technologist)
by composter
FMOD in Code::Blocks
[no replies]
by AldenB
How do I increment my Year type
[10 replies] Last: I see what you mean! I thought you meant write y++ into the add_day(),... (by AldenB)