General C++ Programming - August 2015 (Page 6)

by k09p
EnumPrinters: How To
Hi, I am pretty new to C++ and I have been trying to develop an application using printers. I need to list every printer installed, and I thought doing it ...
[4 replies] Last: Perfect! Thanks a lot! (by k09p)
Static variables
I need to modify getup so that it does`t need to use ungetch(); I should do so using a static variable: /* Getop: get next operator or numeric oper...
[1 reply] : I'm not clear on what you mean. But getc/ungetc in the C standard lib... (by kbw)
by homing
getter/setter vs public for multiple subclasses?
Hey, I'm not sure if I should go with public variables for mutliple subclasses in a class or with getter/setter Right know I'm using getter/setter and avoid p...
[18 replies] Last: Then the initialization should be a responsibility of the inner class,... (by helios)
by cynic
My next move....
I find programming intresting and have tried c and c++. I fell like i have learned some basic like looping, branching etc. But now I fell like i am not making a...
[2 replies] Last: thanx for the suggestion. I tried it and it helped me get new ideas. (by cynic)
by Sid123
Need ideas for A level advanced project
I have been programming for just over a year now and in my final year of A Level computer science I am required to produce a solution to a problem of my choosin...
[5 replies] Last: Due to rather unique circumstances (for some reason I'm doing 4.4 A le... (by shadowmouse)
User defined Manipulator
In c++ hex,oct manipulators change a number to hex and oct.But I want make an user defined manipulator that will convert a integer output to binary.But I don't ...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> namespace detail { te... (by JLBorges)
GCC "changes meaning" error
Hi, The following code compiles just fine on both Clang and MSVC, but fails on GCC. struct Test {}; struct Foo { Test Test; }; prog.cpp:5:7: ...
[8 replies] Last: I'd say all where a variable name could then collide with the variable... (by NoXzema)
HELP! Cannot convert char to const char.
Hello, I am relatively new to C++ and I am have an error I am not sure how to fix. Can someone give me a hand. The error states that it cannot convert char t...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks helios. That was a much better way of accomplishing what I wan... (by tneufeld)
need help on my program currently,btw i can't post my code here due to avoid plagarism,anyon can help me?
[2 replies] Last: Your other posts indicate you are total beginner so no one will want t... (by cnoeval)
Pointer Compilation problem
Hey guys i am facing really big problem with pointer. I made a programme.It worked first but if i recompile the same programme without editing and run then i...
[3 replies] Last: I got it now.Thank you MiiNiPaa (by Alpha001)
How to delete data from textfile??
i'm trying to delete an account from account.txt.My program has a login fuction which compares user id & password with account.txt. i want to delete an account ...
[10 replies] Last: Look what file you are opening and what file you are removing. See the... (by MiiNiPaa)
reoving static cast things are same
The static cast was doing what it was supposed to. And reality check I commented the static cast out and the program works the same. Shouldn't the program throw...
[1 reply] : Implicit conversion / numeric promotion. See (by keskiverto)
create multiple class object.
Is it possible to create multiple class object from several input. For example: class computer{}; class AI1: public computer{}; class AI2: public computer{};...
[1 reply] : is there any way to create the object for each input, so that the obj... (by MiiNiPaa)
by leourb
Function with two typenames
Is it possible to handle a function that deals with two typenames T and U to let it return a U value? In practice I should have something like T = vector<int> ...
[4 replies] Last: Wouldn't overloading the functions be simpler? #include <iostream> #... (by JLBorges)
Assigning to members of elements in a dynamic array of structures ?
Hello, I've been working from a textbook's exercises where one question is creating a dynamic array of structures and would appreciate any help. If the st...
[11 replies] Last: What that's doing is creating a nameless temporary object of type sam... (by MikeyBoy)
Checking URL Validity
I have a tricky question. I wrote a very simple program that creates plausible URLS with parameters that I have placed and want to know which of these combin...
[6 replies] Last: Even if you use libcurl to actually make a request to the server, be a... (by modoran)
by Nybble
Crashing after emplace_back
Hello people, I have a problem with this app... it keeps crashing after (I'm guessing) emplace_back on the container. Here is a link: /...
[4 replies] Last: So, if I just use the normal loop to iterate it should be fine? right?... (by Nybble)
Newbie asking for help
This is not my code, i found it as part of a geocache description on instructables, but havent gotten anny help on there.... it's basicly hangman for arduino, b...
[8 replies] Last: Took me some time to understand what you meant, but have now changed t... (by newbie156)
by leourb
Template function specialization
I have an header like this: #ifndef Templates_Header_h #define Templates_Header_h #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<typename T> struct S { ...
[1 reply] : I am sorry IT was bad written in my book. I apologize. (by leourb)
c++ connnection with lan
how to connect database created on c++ via LAN?
[2 replies] Last: First of all, what kind of DB? If it's something popular like MySQL th... (by Computergeek01)
August 2015 Pages: 1... 45678... 17
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