General C++ Programming - August 2014 (Page 14)

How to design this data structure?
Very often, I believe you will get into this problem. You design a class like this: class cell_c{ private: double p; public: class_c() { p=0;...
[7 replies] Last: if Flux() uses other cells in the collection then it should be a membe... (by dhayden)
string to int to BYTE?
Hey there! Right now im creating a program that use xbox inputs and then send out keyboard functions using sendInput(); It works fine, but now im creating a...
[3 replies] Last: You might consider strtol also. (by dhayden)
problem with bool operator in class
Hi, I'm having trouble understanding this error I'm getting in my copy constructor and my bool operator in my class methods file. Could anyone please explain to...
[1 reply] : /*void Grid::applyMove(int startPosRow, int startPosColumn, int endPo... (by JLBorges)
Changing class type of a vector element
Hello, I am programming a 2-D platformer video game. The stages are composed of an array (really a vector) of 16x16 px^2 tiles. I have defined a base class "...
[7 replies] Last: The struct method just seems a bit inefficient, because only a very s... (by Disch)
How to use Qt with Visual Studio?
I heard that you can't use it with express, but that doesn't seem right... Can you use it with Codeblocks, at least? I just hate the Qt Creator IDE. I don't lik...
[10 replies] Last: Well, I am just gonna suck it up and use the Qt Creator. Thanks for al... (by AceDawg45)
by Kubani
Joining in a C++ open-source project
Hello all, I'm not an expert in C++ but also not only a novice. My knowledge in C++ is at the middle. I like to go into practical world of C++ by taking part...
[3 replies] Last: Dear Avilius, That project is very hard for me. I even don't understa... (by Kubani)
Exception handling and input from std::cin
So, for my first attempt at exception handling I put this together. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> int number_from_cin() {...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry, I misread to understand that OP wanted to clear input buffer of... (by Duthomhas)
Starting C with knowledge of C++
Hey guys, I've posted a little bit on these forums and gained some valuable knowledge of C++ thanks to some very helpful people here. I'm still a beginner reall...
[10 replies] Last: Okay, thank you. (by Bogeyman)
Multi data types in a line and read to struct
Hello. How can I read this file in to my struct? 12345 Joe Lim KH 879.00 12233 Kay Suet Yee 35.98 23781 Leong Jing Yang 10.00 ...
[16 replies] Last: Thanks I solved it :) (by csstudent123)
console app
Hello This program is not implemented? If the do-while(); Put, and the error is still not implemented. Why is that? Where is the problem? Please hel...
[2 replies] Last: first studies programming language? (by novanauliazami)
D3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexed Failed
my program is Directx Program that draws a container cube within it smaller cubes....these smaller cubes fall by time i hope you understand what i mean... The...
[no replies]
big problem anyone !!!
so i am trying to run dev-C++ on virtual box because because of windows`s 8 compatability issue with this version,(however the recommanded dez-C++ 5...
[1 reply] : You have windows 8? and you want to install virtual machine in order t... (by codekiddy)
Challenging Issue
I'm trying to create a web portal in which I browse two different web pages at once via the same browser windows (no tabs, etc.) I basically want the window ...
[3 replies] Last: Then what do you care what language the browser is written in? You'll ... (by helios)
by RiHdz1
Input Validation in for loop
// PROBLEM - Use INPUT VALIDATION so number entered is positive. I can't get it to work #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main...
[2 replies] Last: The loop works, the problem is the INPUT VALIDATION. I shouldn't be ab... (by RiHdz1)
by sturre
An online help with scripts..?
Hello, geniuses! I'm no pro nor am I too qualified programmer but very interested in programming C++. My backgroud is some light operations with Linux shells, I...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, thank you Krisando! Well, frankly that's what I felt while I was l... (by sturre)
printing a grid using a class
Hello, I'm stuck on printing my grid from my class file to the main file. If I pull out the print code and put in on the actual main program, it prints, but if...
[3 replies] Last: grid.cpp(19): error C3867: 'Grid::getStart': function call missing a... (by wildblue)
Help me please
I am having an extreme problem with this program. I can get rid of some errors but then even more show up. And to top it off it wont let me force a run says the...
[9 replies] Last: There are still 0 differences in the source files between this most re... (by Disch)
Creating a multidimensional array in an infinite loop???
Dear Experts, from the example given below, I would like to Generate a matrix who stores a generated array for each iteration. I have an understanding of input...
[7 replies] Last: well my problem is that I want something in the form of a table(e.g 1... (by kbw)
ifstream doesn't read from the file
I wrote a program which was supposed to decrypt a file encrypted with the XECryption algorithm. Now, I know the decryption algorithm, but I have a problem with ...
[9 replies] Last: [quote=Chervil]But the code I posted worked - using Turbo C++ 3.0 and ... (by Breehc Nicdoll)
#include<conio.h> #include<windows.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<time.h> #include <stdio.h> void loading(); void gotoxy(int ...
[1 reply] : Please, do not repost; you do already have a thread on this: http://ww... (by keskiverto)
August 2014 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 25
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