General C++ Programming - August 2012 (Page 20)

Save data
How can you make a C++ program save data from where it is and what variables are what?
[11 replies] Last: No, you have to enter them through the stream! Well, in theory you cou... (by viliml)
bugged calculator..
hi im trying to do Bjarne Stroustrup's exercise (calculator), it worked well but when im trying to add new function in the calculator (add new variable) it has ...
[7 replies] Last: erm sure, actually i just make new header files and copy all contents ... (by Sendy Hipo)
sdl camera?
i am currently writing a game engine for a 2d rpg game, and i want to create a "camera" that will follow the player around. the way i create my maps are by usin...
[2 replies] Last: hmm, so my approach was correct then? damn, guess il just have to figu... (by even821)
Connecting mysql and c++
I would like to connect c++ and mysql any good libaries and tutorial?
[3 replies] Last: tnx Krofna thats what i need (by Anon777)
Using templates as class members
Hi all, was wondering: If I have a given template 'octree' in which instances of are defined like: Octree<int> myTree(50);//Template argument is tree node ty...
[2 replies] Last: Wow. That worked fantastic. Thats some funky C++, never seen that befo... (by Major Tom)
C++/SDL Clear Surface?
Hey everyone I was wondering how I would clear a surface from the screen with SDL. Here is my CGame class which runs the core function of the game. I wrote t...
[12 replies] Last: That's because you're drawing the background over them. Either draw th... (by helios)
by MrKieG
keypress issues with glut
If anyone knows much about openGL/ glut i'd appreciate the help. void handleKeypress(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { if(key == 27) //27 is escap...
[1 reply] : One thing I can say is that comparing it with VK_* doesn't make much s... (by KRAkatau)
Searching an Array
First off this is a homework question, please don't do my homework for me as nice as that would be... I have to make a program that can search a library for ...
[3 replies] Last: so, whenever you give a function a return value, something has to hold... (by Aramil of Elixia)
Help with Exception Handling
Hello fellow member! I am an Intermediate C++ Programmer, and while studying Exception Handling, I encountered two problems. Firstly, how does the compiler ...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks for the tips! (by Neil010)
Problem with writing to file
I'm trying to make a logger thing for a game engine that logs the important things that happen and errors too. I ahve this code: void Log(char* input) { F...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks JLBorges! Now its working perfectly with slight adjustments :) (by Affected1)
Nested If Statements
Ok, first of all, sorry if this is vague and/or poorly worded; I am not much of a programmer really! If anything needs clarifying or I've made a mistake please ...
[6 replies] Last: thank you very much everyone! (by disparity)
Classes, inheritance, interface.. etc etc
I had a hard time naming this topic but i hope this is ok. So my problem is that im making a 2D tower defence game and i was just gonna start making the tower ...
[15 replies] Last: Zeph, That idea sounds simple and clear yes, thank you. By the way, i ... (by stoffe1100)
by viliml
Weird thread output
Look at this code and it's output: #include <iostream> #include <boost/thread.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace boost; void thread1() { ...
[12 replies] Last: Oh,i just forgot to make the second thread output the number 2. Instea... (by viliml)
by devync
My blackjack game, needs some clarification.
Hello, there is a card example in the book that I have, that I want to morph into a black jack game with other features. So below is the code. http://pastebi...
[3 replies] Last: (I was told on how to find the remainder is you take divide the Divid... (by shacktar)
Complete c++ Thread Library??
hi c++ guys, my question is....What is the best and illustrative, way of learning thread in c + +, which is the most complete library to use threads in any appl...
[4 replies] Last: ok Volalatile Pulse, I gonna learn SDL threads... I believe in you (by Nitros8891)
Difficulty of networking?
I know very little about networking, but in the recent months i have been developing an OpenGL & win32 game to test my skills, and im interested in learning net...
[6 replies] Last: Any network library will do it. I've only ever used gamespy's network ... (by closed account o1vk4iN6)
rpg battle: class references
Passed on from beginner forum under recommendation of another user for the past week or two I've been rebuilding a small rpg that i wrote in visual basic up ...
[2 replies] Last: You should mark it as solved now (by viliml)
by cdf
reading a binary file of class with struct as member
I would like to read a binary file that has a number of class P objects, and one of the members is an array of struct C objects: class P { protected: d...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, let's say the file uses this structure: 1st 4 bytes contain an in... (by Stewbond)
by vijkrr
how to create and travel in tree
Hi all, Assume I've two type of data types, 1. Simple 2. Complex struct Args { bool type; list<Args*> argslist; }; Create a list tha...
[3 replies] Last: You mean you want to store references to user defined structs in an ar... (by Major Tom)
by Kovs95
Cola Machine
Hey! I was practicing my programming skills with some simple exercises because I am a beginner. Whenever I start debugging this program, if I choose 1, for exam...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot Soranz! Your suggestions were very helpful and now my pro... (by Kovs95)
August 2012 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 31
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