General C++ Programming - August 2012 (Page 19)

Initializing an array of classes
Hi, I am trying to create a particle engine. This class ParticleEngine contains a pointer to a specified number of particles, then it will go through and doo ...
[2 replies] Last: You could use "placement new" and allocate the memory, and then loop o... (by closed account 1yR4jE8b)
c++ a problem
ı am new at c++ ,ı will ask some questions about my programm. is there anybody to help me please add me
[1 reply] : if youre new to c++ then it should belong in the beginners section. Po... (by stoffe1100)
Why is it that my program gives an error when I instantiate an object of a derived class with embedded sub-objects of the base class? The base class itself work...
[1 reply] : (by ne555)
ios:: Explanation
Hi, I am learning cpp with the help of a book. But suddenly, in the book they use ios:: . But they didn't explain it. They used it while explaining some functio...
[1 reply] : ios is used for streams (for files and other): http://www.cplusplus.c... (by coder777)
by Cagdas
Battle Ship Game Random Generator
Hi everyone, i'm a kind of newbee in both this forum & c++ programming, anyway i wrote a code which is randomly generates ships in a 10x10 grid. here is the ...
[no replies]
Installing SDL
Before I get started, I'll give the system specs. Windows XP Professional MinGW 4.7.1 GNU Make 3.82 So, I downloaded a copy of MinGW from
[6 replies] Last: I actually meant the sdl-config path was incorrect. I believe I have f... (by Volatile Pulse)
XOR expression
Hello, I have an expression: X = X ^ ( (X >> 2) + (X << 5) + Y ); I'd like to know how to express Y, and how to get Y after we calculated X.
[18 replies] Last: Yes, I know! (by viliml)
Class Help - Cannot define data members
I'm playing around with some basic C++ and I'm having trouble with a class I'm writing. Just about everything works fine, but when I create the Cat class the co...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. I guess I changed the code earlier so it would just cout on th... (by sikuneh)
Writing values in a list to a textfile
Hi, is it possible to write values that are stored in a list to a text file?
[4 replies] Last: Thanks alot man. I have also figured out a way. I will put it here if ... (by CLearner88)
What program do you use to write your code?
I use kate (text editor on linux) to write all my code. Back when i was using windows i would use visual studio for But i dont code in anymore, s...
[15 replies] Last: Vim on Linux (sometimes Kate if using a KDE-based distro) and when wor... (by oldcrow)
OpenGL Function Pointers
Hello Everyone - Whenever I compile my program I get a memory error, due to the fact that nearly half of the OpenGL function pointers point to 0x00000000. I hav...
[14 replies] Last: Additionally glBlendColor (and everything afterwards) was a function t... (by BrokenSilenceDev)
Searching/Filtering Database Results in App?
Hi, Apologies if this is not the right place for this question. I'm just wondering what's best, any help would be appreciated. Say you have obtained a lis...
[5 replies] Last: Yes. SQL databases are notoriously bad at this sort of real-time filt... (by kbw)
MSVC++ Debugging question
When I run my program in debug, it cant open any files which are in /Debug/ directory of solution(where .exe is)... assert(File.good()); fails every time (Not...
[1 reply] : In project options/Debugging, you can set the working directory. If yo... (by helios)
SFLM input problem
I am writing Pong using SFML and am having a small problem with the input. When I press "W" which makes the paddle go up, it goes up 10 pixels then delays for l...
[2 replies] Last: sorry, I actually had something like that but it wasn't working. I fig... (by i2Fluffy)
help with a date program
I need to count the number of days that that date 13 appears in every month and on what day it happens from jan 1, 1900 to dec 31, 1900+N-1. N is a number that ...
[3 replies] Last: because, k is the number of days you've gone throug, and a week only h... (by viliml)
Generic Stack to store addresses
Hi there , I have tried to store addresses within a generic stack and then pop the addresses on the command prompt . Here is my attempt : //user define...
[9 replies] Last: Your adress class doesn't have a constructor that takes an int paramet... (by viliml)
So many you use them all???
Hello guys, I don't know if this is of any importance, but I use CodeBlocks. Well, I wanted to see how many different types (I dont think you call them type...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=xantavis] "Do you use them all? " That depends entirely on th... (by closed account zb0S216C)
finding a leap year
So I'm trying to write a program that produces the calendar given the year and month (which are both inputted by the user). Anyways, the book I'm using tell...
[2 replies] Last: thanks! (by closed account EAXiz8AR)
making a game loop
So im transferring from Java and now im making a simple game loop. I made an abstract class with virtual so I can reuse my game engine core class. My game engin...
[1 reply] : You can make Faust an abstract class by making at least one of the vir... (by Peter87)
C++ Input Problem
I have a problem in the following c++ program,while getting a input '08' and '09' it skip the next immediate input value. Why it is happening if you know the re...
[8 replies] Last: Octal notation knows the digits '0'-'7'. '8' and '9' are not allowed! ... (by Caligulaminus)
August 2012 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 31
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