General C++ Programming - August 2012 (Page 13)

Using same usb connection for 2 dll's
Hi, I have a robot which communicates with usb (C++ prog) I wanted to control the servos separately. So I had to use another code with separate dll, but with...
[1 reply] : Maybe have the main program centralize communication to the port, rath... (by helios)
c macros
so i am making a game that makes files and directorys for saving and stuff like that. the only problem is that my paths will differ from os to os. are there any...
[8 replies] Last: @abstractionAnon: i want to build my own path based on the os. (by Aramil of Elixia)
Loop main() without redeclaring variables?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Player{ public: int XP; int MXP; int Lvl; void Levelup(); void AddX...
[3 replies] Last: According to section 3.6.1 Main function of the C++ Standard 3 The ... (by vlad from moscow)
by dallas
Is C++11 regex ready for prime time?
I've been playing with regex for the first time, and having a great deal of trouble trying to get a simple IPv4 address expression to work. Can anyone see what...
[9 replies] Last: Boost regex is working great. Thanks all for the help! (by dallas)
Rules for declaration/definition separation
Hello, I recently stumbled upon some code in the Eigen linear algebra library which confused me about the rules for separation of declaration and definition,...
[1 reply] : What are the actually enforced RULES for separation of declaration/d... (by Moschops)
by viliml
What does it take to specialize basic_i/ostream? (1,2)
I tried to specialize basic_ostream and basic_iostream for the new character types like this in the <iostream> header: typedef basic_ostream<char16_t> u16ost...
[23 replies] Last: > I don't want conversion ... just regular char16_t intput and output!... (by JLBorges)
Problem with Void Pointer Casting
Hey! I have been recently working on a software in VC++ that can communicate with a decive (Oscilloscope). The manufacturer provided with Library (.h file and ...
[4 replies] Last: i tried two forms of casting: // main.c CAEN_DGTZ_DPP_PSD_Event_t ... (by agent47)
WriteFile input as Boolean
Hi, Would like to ask a simple question. I'm using NamedPipes to connect in between server and client, and I want my client to send boolean to the server to re...
[1 reply] : if you do cin>>boolalpha; It will accept "true" as true, and everyth... (by viliml)
Output of the program,intresting..
void main() { int ii; clrscr(); printf("ii=%d\n",ii); ii=12; printf("%=%d\n",ii); printf("%i=%d\n",ii); } my solution book says the output of...
[5 replies] Last: (by Moschops)
by iantac
Binary Search Algorithm for a "text file" in C++
I'm creating a program that will search for a word in a text file using binary search algorithm. I already read about binary search. Anyway, assuming the text f...
[14 replies] Last: haha I did it THANKS A LOT! first I placed all the words in a array a... (by iantac)
reseting an array, possible?
can you reset an array? For example, i create an char array that reads hello. I print it out. Now I want to give this array another string of chars. But as i al...
[5 replies] Last: @mathcat As you are talking about char array as string, just set yo... (by vlad from moscow)
Read/Write Multi Level Array to file
I need to improve memory usage in my program and storing a my buffers to a temporary file when it's not using them would be helpful. Here's a basic layout of t...
[3 replies] Last: Thx, didn't wan't to risk destroying the data before consulting the fo... (by awsdert)
Help with parellel input and ouput.
Im creating a simple chat program in C++ with a DLL called "39dll" When you type something, obviously, it gets sent to whoever else is connected to the main ser...
[3 replies] Last: OK it seems that i can't use '39dll' with the WIn32 program, so i need... (by killerloader)
Can someone explain how its work
you are required to produce a piece of code to simulate the process involved in a Supermarket transaction. Your code should involve three files, Supermarket.cp...
[4 replies] Last: Surely your teacher has given you enough of an idea to do the assig... (by TheIdeasMan)
by mk532
data file handling
Dear all, I have a problem with data handling of a text file consists of numbers and characters. Here is the part of my data file: timestep 1e-5 coordinates...
[no replies]
Hi everyone, I'm a student and this semester we are doing Object Oriented Programming but the book prescribed for the course is the worst book I've ever read. I...
[1 reply] : Pure OOPS: (by JLBorges)
by vw4x4
what do you mean by a standard output stream ?
can anyone tell what standard output stream means?
[4 replies] Last: And this is exactly the same question as your earlier thread. Edit: A... (by TheIdeasMan)
by vw4x4
what is the concept behind cout object?
what is the concept behind cout object and also insertion operator ?
[5 replies] Last: It's been previously recommended you read Wikipedia's description of s... (by kbw)
Boost: Serilization help
I am using code::blocks to make my program. When running I get the windows 7 box saying program has stopped running. the line in question is ia >> aMap; l...
[no replies]
by Techy0
Program Runs But Doesn't Work How I Want It To
Hi, I'm try to simulate a fight between two people. Two xs are to walk across the screen and perform some mathematical calculations to decide who wins the fight...
[7 replies] Last: I think I just need redo some parts in a more organized way and add so... (by Techy0)
August 2012 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 31
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