by Manannan
Convert Between 16 bit Scaled PCM Data to Floating Point PCM Data
[5 replies] Last: New code works :). Thanks for you help and for the C++ primer. (by Manannan)
by Fasanor
Strings concatenation
[2 replies] Last: The only input you need is the number of files. Once you have that you... (by thmm)
by zongul
Access violating reading location
[7 replies] Last: I don't think mixing of 64 and 32 bit. It will created mess. (by matt112)
How to have multiple template parameters? |
[8 replies] Last: You know, you could just use the example I gave you in your last post:... (by TheToaster)
Where to namespaces and functions go? |
[2 replies] Last: functions are always by design visible to any TU so namespace is need... (by marhuum)
by Dee5
Snake game
[7 replies] Last: This isn't an English 101 essay. You don't need to type your code in 1... (by TheToaster)
by Khumbelo
Double array
[3 replies] Last: You can send me an email if you have an answer I'll give you an answ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by shubham1355
what is execution time / speed of cmath library functions? (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: Can anyone tell me in how many nanoseconds these functions will be ex... (by dhayden)
How to convert string into string? |
[2 replies] Last: Please don't double post. (by TheToaster)
Where do I include header files? |
[7 replies] Last: what does a class have to do with it? I'm highlighting a specific ca... (by MikeyBoy)
by kennethlee99
txt file to array, then output the txt file, then calculate the mean
[13 replies] Last: I actually agree with fewdiefie. Dropping code like this on a beginner... (by dhayden)
by kimtaehong
Differences on local/global vector/c style array
[1 reply] : a 2-d array is one block of memory, so it will have fewer cache misses... (by jonnin)
by ravss2
Factory Design Pattern Example - Review
[3 replies] Last: A factory could also be a class if it needs resources. Imagine a facto... (by thmm)
How to include partial string? |
[6 replies] Last: @mbozzi Very elegant solution. I totally forgot that you can iterate o... (by TheToaster)
by Exynos7
For Loop, confused
[2 replies] Last: int main() { int start{}, end{}; std::cout << "Enter a start... (by TheToaster)
by cjharris85
program to read in various types of test questions
[5 replies] Last: load the questions into an array of questions. You need a class for ... (by dhayden)
by icecody12
help on dealing with simplifying
[6 replies] Last: Thank you guys I have been trying to get it to work for our overall pr... (by icecody12)
by fewdiefie
I need help understand this
[2 replies] Last: why does the CPU have to wait 36 cycles exactly It's just math. At... (by dhayden)
by Slee p
Why can't I declare "queue" for my class "linkedQueueType" in the main file
[4 replies] Last: Templates aren't real code. The types are missing! They're just a temp... (by dutch)
by Mitsuru
Thread & Task, how are they identified?
[no replies]