General C++ Programming - April 2017 (Page 7)

Expression must have a constant value
I'm having some serious issues with my introduction to pointers assignment. The assignment is not complete, but I can't get past the return of a pointer in the ...
[1 reply] : There are at least two problems with the createArray function. 1. arr... (by Peter87)
C++ difftime bug?
When I run the difftime() function with the dates shown, it returns 74 days. However, when I check it, Excel returns 73 days. Does anybody know if this is a b...
[no replies]
Ive got these two questions on my homework and i can't figure out what they are supposed to print any help would appreciated. (1) int num ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...
[1 reply] : Compile and run the code to find out. #include <cstdio> int main() ... (by doug4)
I've got this code but I'm not sure if its printing out the right code and I'm just curious what it should print out? #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { ...
[4 replies] Last: C++ Misleading title, it's as C as you can get :P int ref ={8,4,... (by Golden Lizard)
OpenGL City Problem
#include <iostream> #include <GL/freeglut.h> #include <GL/glut.h> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> using namespace std; ...
[4 replies] Last: I will defer to JayhawkZombie on all OpenGL issues. It has been years... (by doug4)
How to pass a dynamic array of objects as a function argument?
The function call will be in main. Give me the code. P.s.: The Objects that the dynamic array points to, and the Function in question, are of the same type....
[no replies]
Linked List AddressBook Help
Can anyone help me to fix one little problem i am having. When i change the name of an entry, the name changes but the ID number associated with the Entry Delet...
[7 replies] Last: First I refer back to my original steps: 1. You need to replace the ... (by doug4)
by Angel1
help with showing text after void
hi guys , just wondering if y'all can give me a quick answer into correcting the function. when i call voidfillrandom in int main it doesnt continue the text ...
[7 replies] Last: Since the prototype has default values for range and min you can omit ... (by coder777)
problem porting ttf library to android.
hello all. I'm having some trouble with porting the ttf library to android. I installed the source/header/ file in it's own SDL2_ttf folder in ...
[5 replies] Last: I tried what you suggested but it didn't work ? I moved the freetype f... (by closed account N8RzwA7f)
USB Project C++
Hi! Iam about to start my second stage in my project. Iam going to put in a usb sensor device into my router and i want to display the data from the sensor...
[no replies]
URGENT! User input validation
How do I get this program to validate user input. I just want to make sure no negative numbers are input. i used a while look and a if even statement and cant g...
[2 replies] Last: So are you saying repeat the while loop after every function in order ... (by kirby3422)
Traffic Monitoring
My project requires me to simply develop a system to inform the user of road and traffic condition in the area of interest. It can be of any place and with any ...
[no replies]
how can I fix this ?
Write a program that reads in a line of text and replaces all four-letter words with the word “love”. For example, the input string I hate you, you dodo! ...
[7 replies] Last: @kledis23 - you'll also need to add in this requirement. Your progra... (by wildblue)
need help modifying 2 functions
hey guys so i have a few different files with code... here is a header file... #ifndef EMPLOYEE_H #define EMPLOYEE_H #include <string> using n...
[3 replies] Last: well i can do that but i need it to check to make sure that the user ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Need help running the program again if the user selects to input a new expense. Also, nothing is copying over to the output file. #include <iostream> #in...
[no replies]
Can somebody help me ? My output is not working.
Write a program that inputs a time from the console. The time should be in the format "HH:MM AM" or "HH:MM PM". Hours may be one or two digits, for example, "1:...
[3 replies] Last: THANK VERY MUCH GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (by kledis23)
help with tic tac toe winner
hello i need help finding the winner in my tic tac toe program. Program below #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> void...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for the help! (by iosgaming700)
multiple asio::async_write at the same time?
I'm using a tcp stream to reliably send messages, so I need each call to asio::async_write to finish before the next one starts. I've discovered that simply ...
[9 replies] Last: CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME WITH THIS ? Write a program that inputs a time f... (by kledis23)
by durell
Analysing Audio in C++
Hi there! Im experienced with C++ programming but have never done any work with audio before. I want to be able to analyse an mp3 or wav file loaded into ...
[1 reply] : (by Thomas1965)
Need help with fixing my code
Hi everyone, I have been making this game for a few weeks now for my uni assignment. I have finished writing the code for it, however while testing the game, i ...
[13 replies] Last: i'm not trolling, I genuinely needed help with the game. The reason I ... (by closed account SEw0ko23)
April 2017 Pages: 1... 56789... 16
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