General C++ Programming - April 2017 (Page 12)

How to run this program in Xcode and atom on Mac.
So my team has did our assignment using uni windows pc and when I am home using my Mac to run the code, it stated a #include <conio.h> error. May I know how sho...
[1 reply] : #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<cstring> //for string ma... (by ACryingMan)
A "home-brew" copy without the hacks.
I'm trying to mimic std::copy() and I came up with the following template<typename iter1, typename iter2> iter2 mycopy(iter1 f1, iter1 e1, iter2 f2) { whi...
[4 replies] Last: From cppreference: Po... (by TheIdeasMan)
Just need help displaying the sum
// Hey guys, i need help displaying the sum of the major diagonal sum. I created the function that will sum the number of the main diagonal of a matrix. But, i ...
[no replies]
need help coding
1. Write a function call displayMenu without parameters which will display a menu 2. write a function called getChoice that has no parameters. It will ask the ...
[3 replies] Last: For getChoice() you want to: - prompt the user for their answer - read... (by dhayden)
How can I use a for loop to load elements into each of my arrays and then output the sum of each array into a sum array?
I am working on a C++ application that will load elements into the first array which is 10 rows by 10 columns and will load elements into a second array that is...
[4 replies] Last: @gunnerfunner (1473), Thank you for showing me how add matrices!!!!!!... (by dseals22)
Functions please help.
Is the following codes a valid function call? 61. convertMulti(rands, dollars, pounds); 62. cout << "R" << rands << " is converted to " << euros 63. ...
[3 replies] Last: You haven't addressed MikeyBoy 's point #2. (by AbstractionAnon)
this C++ problem. It keeps coming up with errors
here the problem Write a program named writeToFile.cpp which writes and formats the output. Ask the user for the filename and write to that file. Assume the u...
[1 reply] : Answered in your other thread. (by AbstractionAnon)
Need help to understand a function
The code below is written by my C programming tutor. I have to use this function in my following assignment, however i can not get the output pointer parameter ...
[9 replies] Last: Cheers, you!re right, most of it is shuffling pointers around to drive... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Linking MS excel to c++
Hi Guys, I want to learn how to link a MS Excel file to c++. Like I want to input details and want it to be stored in a MS Excel table. Also if I want to fet...
[2 replies] Last: You can use this library, works for older binary format: https://www.... (by Thomas1965)
Help with file input and appending a file
I am trying to read a file that has a list of books with their cost and price sold for then append the file such that it produces a file that has profit and rev...
[8 replies] Last: Thank You for all your help. I was provided the text file and therefor... (by amajmundar1)
using tuple and lambda
I am using tuple in lambda as below: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <tuple> using namespace std; int ...
[5 replies] Last: coder777: yes, of course, you're spot on! (by gunnerfunner)
Code is producing errors and im not sure why
Good day all So i have written a code that should in theory give discounts to various people depending on who they are (pensioners, students and other) however...
[5 replies] Last: Awesome, thank you everyone. Code is now outputting correctly (by halleyc)
Function headers
Can someone explain the difference to me about the two function headers with the float & amtC and the float amtC Consider the following variable definition...
[5 replies] Last: thank you (by halleyc)
Streaming to array
Having a bit of trouble with streaming, ive done it before with no problem..till now. its saying "no operator '>>' matches these operands" The code is file >>...
[5 replies] Last: Another point: don't loop on eof: (by TheIdeasMan)
by samiJ
error "not declare in scope"
I am working on creating a Robot shop, I've first created parts,then added main menu, now I am trying to add Robotmodel in the menu. I don't understand the logi...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags: If ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Functions with different return types and parameters. Need advice on my code! urgent
hi all i need to write a program that calculates and prints payslips. User inputs are the names of the employees, the number of hours worked and the pay rate...
[8 replies] Last: All sorted. Thank you to everyone who helped me! (by halleyc)
NOT asking for whole question to be done just asking for the start off of it
Hi So my main problem is starting a code off. I have the following question to write code for. If someone could please juts give me the starting lines of co...
[7 replies] Last: There's a lot of code here that probably doesn't belong. I see four ... (by dhayden)
Using ifstream for map<string, map<string, string>>
Just like the title says, I am not sure how to use an ifstream for putting data into a map<string, map<string, string>> called table_. I have tried using a istr...
[3 replies] Last: I do not think I'm suppose to do that as this is the header file I was... (by PirateCat)
Help am having problem with this c++ Palindrome app
Hi Everyone I'm actually having problem with a console palindrome app I created, the goal is for the app to check a given word regardless of length, then check ...
[2 replies] Last: there are actually 3 palindromes lurking inside rocktoflowracecar of s... (by gunnerfunner)
by user50
My website
Hi guys. I'm a programmer like most of you all on this forum and something that I always need is to see the latest versions of some of the software products ...
[1 reply] : It would be useful if the OS version can be correlated with the versio... (by JLBorges)
April 2017 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 16
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