Need some help removing the space at the end of my output. |
[no replies]
by Tia
Calculate sum, product, power using recursions
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. Clear explanation. (by Tia)
by csstudent123
implement queue using vector
[1 reply] : push : push to the back of the queue (vector - push_back ) pop : po... (by JLBorges)
by fauxdiscours
Reading into a struct
[1 reply] : while(infile >> r >> g >> b) { Pixel::Pixel(int r, int g, int b)... (by Thomas1965)
Iterate through strings |
[3 replies] Last: So, I guess I could put them in an array also. But don't. Arrays are... (by Moschops)
Memory Leak when combining char arrays |
[3 replies] Last: It only results in a memory leak, if your calling code doesn't delete ... (by MikeyBoy)
by jpaz
Class HELP!
[3 replies] Last: Hi, Generally the file.h shows the function prototypes (names and para... (by ShaLee)
by rezy3312
recursion string error, why this is happening
[2 replies] Last: 1) Please use code tags when posting code, to make it readable: http... (by MikeyBoy)
by raiiiny
How to Format a Calendar Program
[7 replies] Last: I got it! I tried using setw() earlier but I was adding it in the wr... (by raiiiny)
by nelborr
linked list help
[1 reply] : First: Please use code tags: [co de] Your code [/co de] Read this: ... (by coder777)
by bluewizzard
Print the number of even and odd numbers
[2 replies] Last: I got it to work thank you for your help. (by bluewizzard)
by hebrerillo
debug lists in gdb
[9 replies] Last: Hi JLBorges I already tried printing the list in a readable form. But... (by hebrerillo)
by coder777
Destructor without constructor
[7 replies] Last: So, I'd say no move if not explicitly told. I don't want it since I wa... (by coder777)
class and its implementation. |
[4 replies] Last: okay i have solved the problem for evla {vertical ,horizontal, leftup ... (by riyadhhossain01)
Error unknown type vertices?? last few lines |
[1 reply] : Hi, First up, please always use code tags: (by TheIdeasMan)
by rezy3312
recursion why does it not work?
[4 replies] Last: thank you wolfycplusplus, found out the silly mistakes i made. (by rezy3312)
by Phil15
Never Redefine an inherited nonvirtual function
[7 replies] Last: All clear. Thanks everyone ! (by Phil15)
by mehrudin
Need to finish the asigment
[no replies]
by gedamial
How to create an Ammunition C++ class for a game?
[5 replies] Last: Something along these lines, perhaps: enum ammunition { ROCKET, GREN... (by JLBorges)
by Alexmad
Read a comma delimited data table
[1 reply] : If you are familiar with regular expressions: #include <iostream> #i... (by JLBorges)