by rakan92
Non-Preemptive Priority Scheduling problem !?
[1 reply] : Well the first thing I see is that both sortbyarrival() and sortbyprio... (by dhayden)
by nelson0078
how to make transposition cipher more secure
[4 replies] Last: Thanks it helps a lot :) (by nelson0078)
by ayati
subject: use deduced function template return type for a type definition
[2 replies] Last: Hi JLBorges, this is what I have been looking for, thank you very much... (by ayati)
by saad1199
How to pass an array to function as a perimeter .
[2 replies] Last: You should probably pass the number of elements in the array too: int... (by dhayden)
by j65168
-std=c++11 Error while compiling
[3 replies] Last: I stand corrected. Thank you, Peter87. (by JLBorges)
by technologist
var and &var
[8 replies] Last: @ Corecplusplus When writing this tutorial I had a lot in mind so s... (by TheIdeasMan)
by hazelG13
[4 replies] Last: @ Corecplusplus I mentioned this at length in another post, but I w... (by TheIdeasMan)
by bishoposiris
Trouble making localtime_s work
[9 replies] Last: More C++14: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <chrono> ... (by JLBorges)
by als
Implementing move constructor and assignment with unique_ptr<>
[3 replies] Last: > Exception thrown: read access violation. > std::_Unique_ptr_base<bl... (by JLBorges)
by Bite7
Implementing quick-sort into stack
[no replies]
by tarekhojeiri
SDL_Rect and 2 dimensional arrays.
[1 reply] : Why does it have to be a 2D array? Just use a vector and draw each ele... (by helios)
by novapack
Configuring SMFL
[3 replies] Last: Yason thanks but more errors caming up now how will resolve Entry po... (by novapack)
by ashley21466
Arrays and reading them in reverse, please help!
[2 replies] Last: Thank you sooo much!! (by ashley21466)
by ashley21466
Please help writing a with arrays, 20 numbers read forwards and backwards
[no replies]
by AcarX
Fastest way to get different elements between vectors
[2 replies] Last: Thanks I'll implement and use that one. (by AcarX)
Lottery code won't work! |
[no replies]
by gedamial
Troubles deleting dinamically allocated char array
[4 replies] Last: Thanks man! (by gedamial)
by sofia95
Function Templates
[1 reply] : You can use the Complex class (by Thomas1965)
by tk13
Text message decoder (loops)
[5 replies] Last: std::basic_string::at returns a reference to the character at the sp... (by xismn)
by novapack
help mi set up STMP in code::blocks
[no replies]