by BigWeel
Stuct problem
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much (by BigWeel)
by maryam1367
.c file
[3 replies] Last: I dont know about the .c program my Prof. gave this file to me to just... (by maryam1367)
by baril
expected a declaration error is at the bracket before the while loop at the bottom PLEASE HELP
[1 reply] : your code indented #include <iostream> #include <time.h> #include <co... (by ne555)
by rabster
Encryption program
[no replies]
How to sort by characters in a text file. |
[no replies]
Help with modifying using arrays. Urgent help. |
[1 reply] : To me all it looks like is to check for upper and lower case and sort ... (by Hedgehog Ninja)
by sunsflower
priority_queue maximum size???
[3 replies] Last: I've checked the pointer and they are all valid even when exception is... (by sunsflower)
by lord1319
Generator Set Problem
[4 replies] Last: Pardon my mathematical terminology. It's been a number of years since... (by doug4)
by theboiz9
C++ programming for class
[3 replies] Last: Here is your code cleaned up enough to compile. Search for "dmh" to s... (by dhayden)
by codebusters
preferred way of finding neighbours in a 2d array
[2 replies] Last: Sometimes you can avoid the bounds check altogether. If you have to s... (by dhayden)
by paula12
C++ Array
[1 reply] : A Magic array is an n x n array Your array will be a 3x3 array, so ... (by doug4)
by ljamison
Struggling to Create Efficient Card Game Class
[4 replies] Last: @whitenite1 OH MY WORD!!! At first glance, this looks EXACTLY like w... (by ljamison)
by codebusters
solve minesweeper c++ in an OOP way
[7 replies] Last: Not quite. There would be 50x50 = 2,500 fieldSpace objects. Only 100 o... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by Kubani
My problem in using VS 2015
[6 replies] Last: Thank you very much JLBorges. The problem is solved. :) Also thanks to... (by Kubani)
by technologist
array - copied or not copied
[9 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for helping me. (by technologist)
by a10e29
union questions
[1 reply] : > Can unions be private? Yes. struct A { // both type and membe... (by JLBorges)
by Kernul
Problem with C vectors of class 'Team'
[2 replies] Last: Oh, I got it. Thanks for the help! (by Kernul)
by vlad1977
Poor performance of COM-component
[no replies]
by CoreyS18
Im a beginner at c++ and i have no idea of what im suppose to do
[3 replies] Last: I know what the questions is asking me to but writing the program is t... (by CoreyS18)
by newUser3940
Solving quadratic equation in system
[1 reply] : For a parabola, I don't think you need a special library, or even a pr... (by Michael37)