General C++ Programming - April 2016 (Page 2)

Overloading operator for vector class
Hi, I'm working on a dictionary where the user inputs a word and the program looks up it's definition. I'm using a vector to store each Word class. I cannot g...
[2 replies] Last: Oh missed that. I still have errors though. LNK1169 one or more multi... (by Jarreno)
Need help with output - Menu item number will not increase and doesn't display correctly after first iteration
My code: (Line 58-62 is the problem) #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<iomanip> #include<string> using namespace std; const int FOOD_ITEMS = 8;...
[1 reply] : You don't ever set the value of menuItemType::count . For every one ... (by MikeyBoy)
by dkaip
finding a unique string
Hello. I want to make a program that runs in linux and windows, finding a unique string because of disk, encrypt and store it in a hidden part of the disc, so ...
[2 replies] Last: I mean the following. Opening the program examines the hard drive c: a... (by dkaip)
Project help!
Help me! Some operations can be performed on sets. We will consider only three of them: union, intersection, and difference. These are binary operations r...
[1 reply] : Please note that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewor... (by keskiverto)
Need Help
I need the program to allow the user to specify (via keyboard data entry) the number of coin tosses to perform. When you run the program, and it should say the...
[1 reply] : Prompt the user to enter how many coin tosses to perform http://www.... (by chicofeo)
Create a main menu for a game that will ask players to choose a player name and the player's last saved level (example level1). Create a text file named "dat...
[1 reply] : What do you need help with? Please, be specific. (by chicofeo)
Shallow Copy Vs Deep Copy
Can anyone explain the difference between shallow copy and deep copy in c++. I studied that but i don't have clear idea about these two.
[2 replies] Last: Shallow copying is creating a new object and then copying the non stat... (by balmerhevi)
Linked List Help
Hello. I need help writing a program that takes numbers from an external file, passes them through a linked list, displays the original list, a frontwards list,...
[1 reply] : Line 80 has the arrow (->) spaced away from HEAD. Fix that and post th... (by haglerchristopher)
Need Help on factorial
Write a program to prompt the user to key in x and n value to calculate the result for the following formula: Result = 1 + 2!/(x-2) - 3!/(x-3)+ 4!/(x-4)-........
[2 replies] Last: it appears he just trying to calculate a taylor polynomial. I would su... (by haglerchristopher)
compiler warning
My compiler is giving me a warning as it should about dangling pointer in the function. Can someone explain to me why this would happen. Is &value considered a ...
[6 replies] Last: Thank u for your time (by technologist)
by ry0823
infix to postfix multiple digits spacing issue.
Hello, I want to be able to modify my InfixToPostfix, so that between two operands, I can use space to separate them. An example of this would be for 34+12, the...
[1 reply] : Every time you append anything to postFixString, append a space. (by helios)
Write vector to text file?
I have a class Film of which i have created a vector of the data i now want to save this data of class Film to a text file I have been searching online ever...
[1 reply] : Something along these lines, perhaps: #include <iostream> #include <... (by JLBorges)
by dr86
Error while compiling library
Hello. I don't have too much experience in C++ programming. I need to modify one OpenFOAM's library. However, when I add changes and compile I have error: ...
[1 reply] : In file KinematicCloud.C , line 601, it should have been in initializa... (by dr86)
by Peril
Help With Counting Letters
Hello. I want to input a sentence (array) and then ask the user to input a letter, then I should count how many words include this letter. I should read the let...
[6 replies] Last: Oh thank you sir. I did this code : for (counter = 0; counter < len... (by Peril)
by motyas
Allegro on Xcode
Hello Guys! I'm new on this site (this is the first thing that i write). And i have a question... I program on mac (Xcode) but I am new in this, and when i wan...
[3 replies] Last: love you! :') (by motyas)
Sort regardless of uppercase or lowercase in a .txt file
How do you make it to where it sorts from A-Z regardless of upper or lower case? The function so far sorts it from A-Z uppercase and then lowercase. void so...
[11 replies] Last: Where do you set the tax percentage to something other than 0? I think... (by Zhuge)
Pls help to solve this
Statistical Calculator Write a program to read in PSI (Pollutant Standards Index) level for 7 days from a user. Produce the mean, and standard deviation of...
[2 replies] Last: I did do it but the bar chart i dont know how to do (by rickyuzuriha0436)
Empty file help
I got my program to work but I want to add an if statement where if the file is empty to print out a message to tell the user that its empty. Here is a small pa...
[3 replies] Last: It gets the number o... (by haglerchristopher)
graphic.h file can't open
error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'graphics.h': No such file or directory #include<graphics.h> Source code i refer to:
[2 replies] Last: Write a program to prompt the user to key in x and n value to calculat... (by rickyuzuriha0436)
Qt Won't Build Library Files
HELLO PLS i am just learning to use qt i want to use the qtwebapp and experiment with it but when i load project file and build as i would a normal app instead ...
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