General C++ Programming - April 2016 (Page 19)

by josex
I need help
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[1 reply] : If you can avoid it in the future please avoid multiple posts. The lin... (by wizebin)
read file using function with reference variables , parameters
I have files of daily high and low temperatures. Each day's temperature record consists of 5 integers: month day year daysHigh daysLow. program must read a reco...
[7 replies] Last: Since you never use the variables you created in the printTemperature(... (by jlb)
Time delay without using built in libraries
How can I write a time delay without using built in libraries?
[no replies]
Proper Design pattern?
Hello all...I am looking for a little help in selecting the correct design pattern for a project I am working on. C++11 is available and this will run on an em...
[no replies]
issue with nested loop
I'm having trouble with calculating grades using nested loops. my professor wants this. ___________________________________________________________________...
[2 replies] Last: I'm having trouble with the input and output of the files. I know I ... (by green15)
C++ Console Homework Project
Howdy. My C++ teacher asked me to write this console project two weeks ago, I'm still trying but I couldn't write the program and I have just one week left. So ...
[14 replies] Last: @rabster: It should say "bad number" when you enter a letter. And can... (by Sikkirigi)
Why is this in a c++ programming forum?
[3 replies] Last: That's problematic. If I tell you "delete your post", I have to delete... (by helios)
bad_alloc on vector.push_back
I'm getting a bad_alloc error when I attempt to push to a vector(see the line marked // ERROR HERE). What could be the problem? /* * Files: bellmanFord.cpp...
[3 replies] Last: don't forget to delete it when you are done. (by ne555)
by sdksw1
I need help with C++ project: the contents are below
Class project 2: 1. Create an array to hold 5 grades 2. Prompt the user to enter 5 grades and store them in the array 3. Compute the sum and average of the...
[1 reply] : Please note that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewor... (by keskiverto)
Necessary Software to Execute Program
I wrote a program for another department I work with at my company. I would like to just give them the code, so they can use it. But does the person who receiv...
[4 replies] Last: If you're using QT, there will almost certainly be QT DLLs that the us... (by MikeyBoy)
by tommyg
I am trying to do an assignment for my c++ class. this is what the code should do.... This program will as the user to enter the time he/she arrived at the C+...
[1 reply] : So arrivalTime is an int , but you're telling people to enter the v... (by Moschops)
std_lib_facilities.h problem
I have a problem with "std_lib_facilities.h" how can i add it to cygwin compiler? thank you guys.
[1 reply] : Download the file. (by Moschops)
by Sam786
C++ needs doing
need help with doing this program
[3 replies] Last: while (usr_rsp == 'n' or usr_rsp =='N'); if (usr_rsp == 'Y'or usr_r... (by Sam786)
hey guys
can we build with c++ an app like whatsapp ? which library do we use ?
[3 replies] Last: With Embarcadero C++ Builder (or Delphi) you can develope on windows a... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
compiling error
if i compile my following code in code blocks it compiles perfectly but when i try it in eclipse it shows a lot of errors. Can someone tell me what can i do? ...
[4 replies] Last: Also, turn on as many warnings options as possible, they are your frie... (by TheIdeasMan)
ifstream cannot locate file
Here is the opening code I am working with: ifstream inputFile; string filename; cout << " Tablerock Member Services" << endl; cout << "***********...
[1 reply] : A few things... it depends on what program you use to write your code... (by HotShowers)
help with a linked list program based on classes
this is my Header file #include <string> using namespace std; class Employee { private: typedef struct Emp { int person; int salary; ...
[1 reply] : Declare typedef struct Emp { int person; int salary; Emp* next; } *... (by sylphsang)
by theox
Trouble with exception handling
ONCE I WIN OR LOSE THE OUTPUT OF THE BOARD GETS MESSED UP. #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> using namespace std; const int N...
[3 replies] Last: Thank You guys for your input I appreciate it, I was able to figure ou... (by theox)
void pointer question
Regarding void pointers, what is their usefulness? E.g. #include<iostream> int main() { int n = 5; void * n_ptr = &n; int * i_ptr = static_ca...
[5 replies] Last: Wrote a small routine using vgr926's step wise assistance: This will b... (by technologist)
Curly braces vrs parenthesis....
Hi, Given a vector: vector<complex> wc{ {1.5, -2}, {3.4}, {2.6, 5.13} }; If i call the constructor with {}, I get an error: assert(wc == complex...
[no replies]
April 2016 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 23
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