General C++ Programming - April 2016 (Page 18)

by jubeh
Need Cheap ASP.NET 5 or ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting
Hi There Somedays ago I read news about ASP.NET 5.0 has been renamed to ASP.NET Core 1.0, N I'm starting a website with ASP.NET that I'm hoping to grow to mi...
[no replies]
Question A gallery needs to keep track of its paintings and photographs. It keeps at most 120 artworks on its walls. Each one is described by the following inf...
[1 reply] : Nobody will be doing your homework for you. Attempt it. If you have ... (by cire)
Declare a structure variable birthday of type dates.
[1 reply] : struct dates {}; dates birthday; Please read: http://www.cplusplus.... (by cire)
You should know that...
I was wondering if anyone knows of a condensced source of all of the "tricks" with windows/dos that would be beneficial for a C++ programmer. What I mean a...
[no replies]
Smart pointers, shared.
Well I am studying Smart Pointers and don't understand when a shared pointer points to the same object. That is, why is it pointing to the same object more tha...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, I do understand. That's what I was wondering Keskiverto. I thou... (by josheir)
Adding a value at the end of the array
[1 reply] : It seems to me some better names would help out. For instance, the fun... (by xismn)
please help with this question
Define a structure type Emp that holds and id (integer), a name(20 characters long), and time of type JobTime.
[1 reply] : (by Chervil)
Tetris Loop
Hello everyone, I'm currently making a tetris using SDL as a part of my coursework and I have a question. My tetris consists of a class TetrisWindow that cont...
[4 replies] Last: OK I got it, I will create a pointer to a falling piece. Thanks :) As... (by LieForBananas)
how to recycle pointer
The compiler complains about redeclaration of n_ptr, which makes sense. My goal though was to recycle the pointer and use n_ptr again. I need to know how to do ...
[2 replies] Last: No need to redeclare n_ptr as it is already type * pointer. int *... (by technologist)
I need help with c++. please text me.
Why can't you discuss the problems here?
[no replies]
I need help with a c++ scoreboard issue
I am currently doing an assignment that utilizes classes to create a basic score board, this is what I have at the moment: class Team { private: string...
[1 reply] : cout<< "\t\tHome Possession: \n\n " << scoreboardmain.getPos() << en... (by AbstractionAnon)
Return pointer to a vector of objects as a function return
I hope I can explain what I need to do, that is how lost I am. Let's say you have a simple class User. For this purpose let's say really simple class. What I...
[6 replies] Last: Alright, finally I got this but I am using vector<Class*> structure ra... (by Adaptron)
Help With Outputting data from 2 classes
Hello! I am working on a school lab and i have encounted a slight problem... The project is all about using 2 classes, a point class then use that to make a...
[3 replies] Last: Have you fixed the problem that Thomas 1965 explained to you? it won... (by MikeyBoy)
Code that runs code that is entered
Is it possible to write a code that when you type into it a piece of code (e.g. cout << "Hi!" << endl;) it would run that code. I have wondered if polymorphism ...
[2 replies] Last: did you mean: (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
Project using pass by value
This code is very lengthy, but I almost have it finished and ready to go. I have been testing the code here for awhile now, and i am having a couple small probl...
[3 replies] Last: When I compile though, I do not get any errors at all. That's beca... (by TheIdeasMan)
I need help with Caesar's Cipher
Write a C++ program that asks the user for the name of an input file and translates the contents of that input file using ROT13. Your main function should be re...
[4 replies] Last: I need help with the variable declarations I guess you are referring... (by keskiverto)
Hi , class Example{ private: void Example() { cout <<" constructor "; } public: static Example* obj; static Example* instantiate() { if(!obj) o...
[1 reply] : Delete the function oneMore() (by Moschops)
problem with asm block in C++
I have problem with sending back new value of parameter in function with asm block inside. Why I obtain the result as mod 256 (only low byte) ? #include "S...
[no replies]
Accessing Object names from Array
Using inheritance classes, I am looking to calculate the area of 2d shapes and area and volume of 3d shapes. I am now need to access the array determine the sha...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, Pretty good effort for your code :+) You already have all the st... (by TheIdeasMan)
How to create a looping thread?
I was wondering if it was possible to create a temporary thread that would always loop and execute until the classes destructor is called? So far I have this wh...
[5 replies] Last: > how did you learn all of those tricks? A little bit at a time, over... (by JLBorges)
April 2016 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 23
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