General C++ Programming - April 2016 (Page 15)

by dgj918
Read Ints from file to members of Struct
I am trying to read from a .txt file that is formated like: 0,0,80 1,0,65 2,0,20 . . . 1000, 10, 70 I am trying to read this data into members of th...
[1 reply] : If I had to guess, n isn't big enough. (by Moschops)
by N1ck97
hi im looking for someone to help me with a bit of C++ i have a source code for a sprx menu for a game on ps3 but it has a login screen once you have loaded int...
[no replies]
by azrije
Converting Digital Elevation Map to Portable Gray Map; program is crashing
Hello everybody who has taken the time to read my post, I am very new here so please excuse me if I sound very noob-ish as I am a beginner in programming and a...
[1 reply] : The problem is a stack overflow. In main() you declare two big static ... (by Thomas1965)
by Elf00
Sorting Arrays
Hi, everyone. I need help with my exam here. The question is: You are asked to design, implement, debug, and test an interactive program to create an array o...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for telling me, I'm new here. Sorry about this. Have finished t... (by Elf00)
Need help with programming
I'm new to the forum, but I need some assistance with a program I am trying to write. I found a similar program, but it was using a one-dimensional array and my...
[1 reply] : I found a similar program, but it was using a one-dimensional array a... (by a10e29)
Read a File - Line by Line - moving up/down
I am currently working on a text editor and i only want to display one line/row at a time, not the whole file. I als want to skip forwards and backness through ...
[5 replies] Last: > Is there a reason why some programmers type "std::" in front of ever... (by JLBorges)
by ruck64
pointers and functions
hey guys so ive tried searching my problem and with some searching havent found an answer nor do i completly understand the issue it. here is the code #include...
[2 replies] Last: thank you i i was able to figure it out in tutoring today. i would hav... (by ruck64)
Pattern w/o loops
I have a star pattern: 2^n. How could I make it without using loops (i.e., using functions). I'm hitting blanks. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> ...
[1 reply] : Recursion can be used to produce iteration without loops. (by helios)
std::pair has no member named: end
Hi everyone, I have a pair list stored in a vector; I try to enter in the first column of the list to count the number of lists stored for each element in the v...
[5 replies] Last: thanks a lot for ur help;now its works whit ur proposition; (by ayoubou)
my code is perfect i just have a problem Using a switch to determine the letter grade and grade points
this is what i have so far #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // scores required for each letter grade. const int A_SCORE...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys so much for your help!! (by ashley21466)
Comparing two words and printing mutual characters?
Hello. So I have two char arrays: ABDBA and ABCED. How can I write a code, that would compare those two arrays and print the how much mutual characters (in ...
[1 reply] : A loop. for each pair if current pair is a match increment coun... (by keskiverto)
Program reads "error"
I was told to create a program for my intro to C++ class. I plug the program into Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2015 and it will not read it. Can someone aid...
[8 replies] Last: got it! appreciate the help guys! (by BryceConde)
Using Runge Kutta method to solve a system of ODEs
Hello everybody I try to solve a system of ODEs with Visual Studio 2015, and VS shows me result of program but It seems like VS didn't calculate anything. ...
[3 replies] Last: This is how your code ends for (i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) { cout ... (by ne555)
Room volume calculation program not running
Hi, im stuck on the last question for my assignment. Its to do with working out the volume of a room based on values that the user enters for the height, width ...
[4 replies] Last: Would it not be easier to initialize volume inside calculateVolume to ... (by NickBez)
Playing sound from resource
Hello! I have a problem regarding playing sound from a resource file. Of course, I could just include the sound files in the installation, but that would be too...
[11 replies] Last: I don't have the Visual Studio compiler of any vintage, I'm using gcc.... (by Chervil)
string functions not working correctly
Hi all, I'm doing a question for my assignment on functions. The question wants me to create two functions to input and display data entered by the user but i'm...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks it worked. (by NickBez)
Read data from text file
Hi everyone: I have to read some data from the text file : transmission number for node 1 is : 23 The TxEnergy used is : 223 PJ transmission number for nod...
[4 replies] Last: thank you very much for your Help Chervil ; now it works ;) ;) (by ayoubou)
iterator as a template type
Hi, I have the following type definition: template<class Key, class T> class Cache { private: std::unordered_map <Key, std::list< CacheElement<Key, T> >:...
[1 reply] : You need to use typename to tell the compiler that std::list<CacheE... (by Peter87)
Display first letter of string from a template
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sstream> using namespace std; template < class T> T inputData (...
[2 replies] Last: no not at all. thank you (by BigWeel)
my program display 0 after run after i enter the loan money, rates and year
my program display 0 after run after i enter the loan money, rates and year thank you for your helps please point out my errors, i am a beginning C++programer...
[13 replies] Last: You do say that this code: double loan::setloanAmount( double amount ... (by keskiverto)
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