General C++ Programming - April 2016 (Page 11)

Im having a problem with nested loops
Hear are 4 code i wrote but in order to get the output i wanted, i changed the codes into statements which isnt a nested loop and i cant figure out how or what ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help (by ashley21466)
C++ and HTCondor
Hello, I tend to use C++ sometimes along with HTCondor to run lots of jobs on many CPUs. My jobs are currently writing to data files without using the tempor...
[no replies]
Undeclared Identifier - Inheritance and Header Files
I've setup my code as seen below. You can also find the errors that I am receiving below the code. B.cpp #include "B.h" B::B() : f(), i(), b()...
[3 replies] Last: Which ones specifically? I've tried that and it didnt give me the int... (by TheIdeasMan)
can't change array vars
Below in change_array function I am trying to take an existing already initialized array and assign it new values. I am trying to experiment whether the array a...
[3 replies] Last: You could write a small amount of code to copy over the values of a ne... (by Moschops)
Stuck With An Error For My Code
I'm having issues with this code I'm doing and I was wondering how I should fix the error I'm getting back after trying to run it. The code is meant to encode a...
[2 replies] Last: If you want pre-compiled headers, change this line: #include <stdafx.... (by xismn)
Fraction Calculator - Cin issue
I am writing a fraction calculator for class and I almost have it completed. However, I am running into an error where my program will not allow me to enter in ...
[2 replies] Last: I am not trying to retrieve an operator. I split the getFractions up ... (by MistieOut)
by aeca97
Undefined reference to 'Class::Function()'
Hello, friends. I have a problem with this code. I'm noob in C++, it's for that I've some doubts about this. #ifndef CONTACTO_H #define CONTACTO_H #inclu...
[4 replies] Last: Okay, man. Thank you for your answer! (by aeca97)
Fast Toffoli Gate Implementation
I'm working on a genetic algorithm using toffoli gates for class. I've got the genetic algorithm working, but it's pretty slow. The evaluation function runs a ...
[2 replies] Last: That was leftover from a previous implementation. It hadn't occurred t... (by RadWayne)
implementing queue...example help
Hello. I know this is a somewhat assignment like question but I just need to be clear what it asks and how it can be done i.e. pseudo code example/plain Engl...
[1 reply] : a) When a customer arrives for service what service/s should be perfo... (by cire)
by Gyiove
trying to convert year,month,day etc into int time number. Having some problems with code.
Hello everyone. Here is my code #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <locale> #include <ctime> #include <iomanip> #inc...
[6 replies] Last: Okay this is something new to me. I always thought that if something r... (by Gyiove)
by dgj918
___chkstk()__ms () error
I am trying to simulate round robing scheduling. I have narrowed down the error to line 137 and this fault: ___chkstk_ms () at /usr/src/debug/gcc-5.3.0-3/...
[3 replies] Last: And which line is line 137? Line 137 was in cygwin.S , but the fil... (by cire)
Merge Sort programs!?
Good evening, I am doing a presentation on the history and use of Merge Sort, I am looking for famous programs, software and applications that use 'Merge Sor...
[no replies]
Error opening an old VC7 solution
I'm trying to compile the following code: <code> #include "SocketLib/SocketLib.h" #include <iostream> using namespace SocketLib; int main() { ...
[no replies]
error with code
cant figure out how to fix this error. here is the error code i get: line col 11 9 statement has no effect [-Werror=unused-value] 11 9 statement is a...
[6 replies] Last: > this is for a project where they want us to test 50 numbers from an ... (by JLBorges)
vector keeps different elements inside and outside of the function. Why?
I am trying to solve euler question 419 (source: I am keeping the numbers in a vector called testVec. I'm sharing code he...
[1 reply] : All of your functions are passing the vector parameter by value . Wha... (by Chervil)
what is wrong with my output?
why is my output wrong? cout << " Enter 1 for letter, 2 for envelope, 3 for parcel: "; cin >> EnvelopesNumber; cout << " Enter weight in ounces: "; ...
[1 reply] : You need to be more specific and should give details about the problem... (by istemihan)
by yj1214
is it possible to make command prompt with c?
It it possible to program command prompt using c? is it possible to make a program that can run another program?
[1 reply] : The original Unix was written in C. The Unix had already a shell (writ... (by keskiverto)
min/max time_points cannot convert to calendar times
Hi, I am not being able to get the dates associated with: std::chrono::system_clock::time_point::max(); or std::chrono::system_clock::time_point:...
[2 replies] Last: Since there is no "ctime_s" in C++, you'd have to say what library you... (by Cubbi)
by Zanies
Array Bag Smart Pointer Output Help
I want to be able to print out the part that says "The bag contains 1072 items:" and the information after that but but my code prints one item at a time and co...
[6 replies] Last: thank you so much fun2code!! that really helped! (by Zanies)
Http or websocket to connect to MySQL advice
I have a win32 app that needs to fetch data from a MySQL database. I would like to have an a c++ program that sits on the server and my app can send a encrypte...
[no replies]
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