by ashley21466
Im having a problem with nested loops
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help (by ashley21466)
by glasses
C++ and HTCondor
[no replies]
by Pjonathan
Undeclared Identifier - Inheritance and Header Files
[3 replies] Last: Which ones specifically? I've tried that and it didnt give me the int... (by TheIdeasMan)
by technologist
can't change array vars
[3 replies] Last: You could write a small amount of code to copy over the values of a ne... (by Moschops)
by SneakyLizard
Stuck With An Error For My Code
[2 replies] Last: If you want pre-compiled headers, change this line: #include <stdafx.... (by xismn)
by MistieOut
Fraction Calculator - Cin issue
[2 replies] Last: I am not trying to retrieve an operator. I split the getFractions up ... (by MistieOut)
by aeca97
Undefined reference to 'Class::Function()'
[4 replies] Last: Okay, man. Thank you for your answer! (by aeca97)
by RadWayne
Fast Toffoli Gate Implementation
[2 replies] Last: That was leftover from a previous implementation. It hadn't occurred t... (by RadWayne)
by csstudent123
implementing queue...example help
[1 reply] : a) When a customer arrives for service what service/s should be perfo... (by cire)
by Gyiove
trying to convert year,month,day etc into int time number. Having some problems with code.
[6 replies] Last: Okay this is something new to me. I always thought that if something r... (by Gyiove)
by dgj918
___chkstk()__ms () error
[3 replies] Last: And which line is line 137? Line 137 was in cygwin.S , but the fil... (by cire)
by AmmmG 01
Merge Sort programs!?
[no replies]
by bishoposiris
Error opening an old VC7 solution
[no replies]
by Ghostman513
error with code
[6 replies] Last: > this is for a project where they want us to test 50 numbers from an ... (by JLBorges)
by istemihan
vector keeps different elements inside and outside of the function. Why?
[1 reply] : All of your functions are passing the vector parameter by value . Wha... (by Chervil)
by HotaLIsa
what is wrong with my output?
[1 reply] : You need to be more specific and should give details about the problem... (by istemihan)
by yj1214
is it possible to make command prompt with c?
[1 reply] : The original Unix was written in C. The Unix had already a shell (writ... (by keskiverto)
min/max time_points cannot convert to calendar times
[2 replies] Last: Since there is no "ctime_s" in C++, you'd have to say what library you... (by Cubbi)
by Zanies
Array Bag Smart Pointer Output Help
[6 replies] Last: thank you so much fun2code!! that really helped! (by Zanies)
by Angrybear
Http or websocket to connect to MySQL advice
[no replies]