by gravedigger
code for Mph to Kph. URGENT HELP!
[3 replies] Last: dude, you only need one post per topic (by jasonwynn10)
by Debn
I need help for my hangman game
[3 replies] Last: This code should work for you: #include <iostream> #include <windows.... (by jasonwynn10)
by rsalzman94
Multiplying Random Matrices
[1 reply] : ... (by keskiverto)
by newbiee999
Do-While loop LOOPS forever
[3 replies] Last: @ Gamer2015 Thanks for the hint! It works !!! (by newbiee999)
by raguilar1
help flipping stars around on this program
[no replies]
by macl229
segementation fault in main() believe its in the switch cases. HELP Please I'm lost
[no replies]
by Schulter
Making "new" out of "malloc"
[13 replies] Last: All right, I think I understand it now. Thank you. (by Schulter)
by kemotoe
Parsing an input file to create a directed graph
[no replies]
by thecohshow
Get the last position of a string
[1 reply] : figured it out. Forgot to #include <cstring> -_- (by thecohshow)
by jack1414
Linked List search Operations
[no replies]
by jack1414
Binary Tree Database Help
[no replies]
by mkgdnf4
Expected initializer before 'Iterator'
[2 replies] Last: Why do you make typename DoubleLinkedList<ElemType>::Iterator Iterato... (by Gamer2015)
by thecohshow
Converting string to a char array?
[1 reply] : You can use std::string::c_str(): (by BasV)
by bbugyi200
C++ Command Line Timer.
[1 reply] : Check this out: (by coder777)
by Schulter
Confusion regarding rvalue references (1,2)
[24 replies] Last: That's... quite the explanation! Thank you, I think I understand now. (by Schulter)
by Jord440
Stable Sort
[7 replies] Last: and use the sort function sort(students,students+ len, compareBySchoo... (by Peter87)
by oneoldcoot
Need some help this array code.
[1 reply] : You never call PrintArray anywhere. (by Peter87)
by nourelrayes
string matrix to 2D array
[no replies]
by yj1214
Pointer members in the class
[3 replies] Last: General rule of thumb: If you have to manually delete, you are doing ... (by Disch)
by Mohawkuu
Vowel counting
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for the response. This works! I haven't come across ... (by Mohawkuu)