General C++ Programming - April 2015 (Page 13)

One-Dimensional Arrays
Hello, I have been given the following assignment: INTRODUCTION: A railroad track has a spur line that is a dead end. However, at the end there is a ra...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks guys. Apparently, I was calculating wrong. I just verified 4 mo... (by barbiebj)
[3 replies] Last: You like adding -Albatross after everything, right? @Little Bobby Tab... (by Gamer2015)
by kanja
help in making structer assignment
I'm preparing this assignment for college but encountered some problems and i'm confused that where did i do wrong in it. I've tried using functions and seems i...
[1 reply] : void addrecord(student a) should be void addrecord(student a ) ... (by shadder)
sorting array
I have a project to do and what I need to do is pull in 500,000 numbers from a file and then sort them numerical. My thought was to do an array but some of them...
[3 replies] Last: Sounds like he's used JavaScript or something like that and wants to t... (by kbw)
by koopey
Post your space invader game!
caution: this is not a contest or something. i have seen many active users in this forum mention that they had created their own space invader game after a few...
[1 reply] : This should be in lounge. (by poteto)
Tabulation in a .txt !!
Guys, I hope you can help me. I need to do a program, in which I create the sin function, but that's not the point... How can I tabulate the results in a .txt f...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for your help Aaron Vienneau! But I figured a code that can tab... (by ProgramPasivo94)
by yj1214
Why do you put 'f' when using float?
float x = 1.0f; Why would you do this?
[1 reply] : Without the f, it would be treated as a double. You can read more ab... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
Free non-GPL C++ compiler
Its hard to believe but I've been looking for a free non-GPL C++ compiler for more than 1.5 months! Why I need that is: I am making a game engine, and it conver...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks everybody for their help! I just figured out that opening the s... (by Nafees Hassan)
Reading and Writing For Check Save
This code is supposed to play a game of craps while asking for the users name the first time, checking if the name exists, otherwise just play the game until al...
[1 reply] : I only have problems with the reading writing part, any ideas? Can y... (by shadder)
by Ahmadn
help in include and external libraries
I have downloaded an open source library from the web (written in linux)and I want to use it on windows 7, So, I have installed it with CYGWIN, but I don't know...
[no replies]
Deleting key and data in RBtree
I am working on RBTree deletion part for one of my assignment using Cormen as reference book. User will pass the key and data. The program should be able to sea...
[no replies]
by ozzone
Error Help Please!
When I run my code, I keep getting this error. How could I fix?? I would really appreciate it. Error 1 error C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may ...
[3 replies] Last: It's a bit rude of Visual Studio to complain about the use of standard... (by Peter87)
Population Program Problem
I'm new at C++ user-defined functions and my assignment is to figure out growth rate and estimated population. My only problem is in the estimated population wh...
[3 replies] Last: Do not use global variables (variables defined outside functions). Get... (by ats15)
referring to array index?
Howdy. I have an array of pointers to char arrays or c-strings(that's my goal anyway) and I'm trying to pass the index of a certain string as an int parameter...
[1 reply] : you need to search for "string 2" in the array. Something like int C... (by ats15)
Develop a C-Code that numerically integrates the following function using TRAPEZOIDAL RULE
e^7x*cos(0.3πx), ∈[-5,0] f(x)= x^(3)-0.23x+30.67, ∈[0,5] ^^^^^F(x) is...
[3 replies] Last: I know nothing of your instructor, but it may be simply to use a point... (by Duthomhas)
Having Trouble with Compiling This?
I'm not sure what's wrong exactly. I keep getting different errors with different compilers and nothing will build this thing. Need a second opinion, thanks.
[11 replies] Last: Thank You Guys that helped a lot! I've finished it completely. The who... (by Engineering)
by Ema
Please, can anyone tell me what are the smallest floating-point numbers in c++ and java?
Please, can anyone tell me what are the smallest floating-point numbers in c++ and java?
[7 replies] Last: FWIW, has_denorm_loss is pretty pointless given that it was droped fro... (by Cubbi)
Hello I heard you can simplify code by using arrays and down below I wrote code that figures out who ate the most pancakes. I was hoping someone could show me a...
[4 replies] Last: This is classwork. Where did you get this from? School? A book? It di... (by Duthomhas)
Does Anyone understand Psudocode and explain it to mew please????????????
[5 replies] Last: pseudocode is an outline of how you write your code. (by mjamesball9)
what am i doing wrong
Hello I have an issue, I am writing a program where I am trying to find out who ate the most pancakes. And I don't know what I am doing wrong, can you tell me w...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks @BarelyOtaku It is insane how precise you have to be with the ... (by mjamesball9)
April 2015 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 28
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