General C++ Programming - April 2015 (Page 12)

Word Counting from Array onto Output File
For this problem, I have to have two text files: one for list of words that need to be found and other containing the document that needs to be search. The resu...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, make an int array with the same size as wordList ( int wordCoun... (by coder777)
Vector General Stack Memory Question
Having a bit of trouble getting a stack based vector implementation up for some reason, having some really really weird memory stuff going on- hoping you can gi...
[7 replies] Last: That'd have the same effect, sure, but would require boost as an addi... (by poteto)
I need Help writing my code...Please
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double lenghtft; double lenghtin; double thickft; double thickin; double wid...
[2 replies] Last: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double lenght... (by lmptitfy)
my first boost graph library program failed
I tried to create a program loading a graph from a file with boost graph library. The execution of the following codes causes an segment fault. Could any vetera...
[2 replies] Last: oh i see the problem. it is the difference between matlab and BGL. Tha... (by breadbread1984)
How did you get started with programming and where did you learn
I'm new to programming and I just wanted to know where did you guys get started and how long you have been programming. This is my first post to anything on thi...
[1 reply] : I guess your post should probably go into the "Lounge". I got started... (by koothkeeper)
Need a simple program of Functions
Hello everyone. its my first post here but i have been monitoring this forum closely about any troubles i faced in programming. Out teacher gave a program abo...
[1 reply] : This should be in Beginners. Just read a fundamentals of c++ tutorial... (by poteto)
Text adventure, having two separate story lines but combing them
So I was assigned to create a study tool for world history, so I went with a text based adventure game. At this point I want the player to decide the government...
[5 replies] Last: Okay here is my code. The problem with this is that this is due next M... (by SoulTechNameI)
Hash Table Help
I need to convert the hash table from the below to one that inserts the name of the months of year and the number of days in each month into a Hash table of siz...
[1 reply] : Also, i was given this line to insert: i=toupper(name )+toupper(name )... (by BigBadHarv)
double linked list (insert beginning or end)
pls help, our prof asked us to create a double linked list, and this is what i came up with: struct node{ int data; node *LS, *RS; }*head, *tail, *tm...
[no replies]
find the averages for each athlete
I have to find the average of each athlete.But with my program ,the sum of the score score doubles up .And it affects my average of each athlete.How can I get a...
[2 replies] Last: Change the average formula (by dismo)
by malek
Disk Drive Properties with the right click
I am developing a c++ project, to get disk drive device properties.I want to know if is possible to get properties that we get can get'it whith right click on t...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for your time, i want to know about defragmentation and quot... (by malek)
Sorting code wont run properly, please help
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <Windows.h> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> using namespace...
[1 reply] : I need to sort 50 records and everything runs perfectly until i includ... (by Charzardly)
CodeBlock doesn't run
When i run a specific code(program) at codeblocks, it doesn't run or build ?! why ?
[5 replies] Last: @poteto But there might not be anything wrong with Code::Blocks, more ... (by TheIdeasMan)
What does the "pragma once" in this code mean?
#include <iostream> #include <string> #pragma once #include <cstring>
[1 reply] : (by shadder)
by arwa12
input value of f(x)
I want to write a C++ program for bisection method where I want to ask the user to input the value of f(x)(mathematical function).I have no idea where to store ...
[2 replies] Last: (by Militie)
Hope I'm posting this in the correct forum..
Ok... student here... so I'm not looking for an answer... nearly some guidance... Sorry if I get the posting of it incorrect I'm just trying to find some help. ...
[5 replies] Last: The other three are all built-in types ( int, double, char ). The tem... (by AbstractionAnon)
Storing inside an array and Sorting
Hello guys, I am having trouble with some storing. My issue is a bit complicated but I will try to be as detailed as possible. I'll describe the program first, ...
[1 reply] : Just finished the assignment. I was able to figure it out using the tw... (by Shuruki)
by yj1214
How do I learn 3D programming?
I have experienced 3D game programming with few engines such as Panda3D and irrlicht. But now I want to move onto something more challenging. I would like to ma...
[13 replies] Last: [quote=spiroth10]to put it simply, you CANT just take a 2d library and... (by ultifinitus)
Shorten variables
How to shorten this? int TotalProject,TotalTest,TotalMark; TotalProject = 0; TotalTest = 0; TotalMark = 0; Is there any w...
[2 replies] Last: you can shorten it in c++ like int TotalProject=0,TotalTest=0,TotalM... (by shadder)
Online Game Programming
Hi, I want to write a 2D online game. My qustion is how should it be divided to client and server, should the server do all the game logic while the client onl...
[1 reply] : Yes, the server should do all the game logic (to prevent cheating) whi... (by LB)
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