by pocketasian
Word Counting from Array onto Output File
[3 replies] Last: Yes, make an int array with the same size as wordList ( int wordCoun... (by coder777)
by ultifinitus
Vector General Stack Memory Question
[7 replies] Last: That'd have the same effect, sure, but would require boost as an addi... (by poteto)
by Stinger9x19
I need Help writing my code...Please
[2 replies] Last: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double lenght... (by lmptitfy)
my first boost graph library program failed |
[2 replies] Last: oh i see the problem. it is the difference between matlab and BGL. Tha... (by breadbread1984)
by Demexxus
How did you get started with programming and where did you learn
[1 reply] : I guess your post should probably go into the "Lounge". I got started... (by koothkeeper)
by panjgoori
Need a simple program of Functions
[1 reply] : This should be in Beginners. Just read a fundamentals of c++ tutorial... (by poteto)
Text adventure, having two separate story lines but combing them |
[5 replies] Last: Okay here is my code. The problem with this is that this is due next M... (by SoulTechNameI)
by BigBadHarv
Hash Table Help
[1 reply] : Also, i was given this line to insert: i=toupper(name )+toupper(name )... (by BigBadHarv)
by nunii07
double linked list (insert beginning or end)
[no replies]
by wildchild
find the averages for each athlete
[2 replies] Last: Change the average formula (by dismo)
by malek
Disk Drive Properties with the right click
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for your time, i want to know about defragmentation and quot... (by malek)
by Charzardly
Sorting code wont run properly, please help
[1 reply] : I need to sort 50 records and everything runs perfectly until i includ... (by Charzardly)
by mahmoud2592
CodeBlock doesn't run
[5 replies] Last: @poteto But there might not be anything wrong with Code::Blocks, more ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Thanase
What does the "pragma once" in this code mean?
[1 reply] : (by shadder)
by arwa12
input value of f(x)
[2 replies] Last: (by Militie)
by MikeM82
Hope I'm posting this in the correct forum..
[5 replies] Last: The other three are all built-in types ( int, double, char ). The tem... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Shuruki
Storing inside an array and Sorting
[1 reply] : Just finished the assignment. I was able to figure it out using the tw... (by Shuruki)
by yj1214
How do I learn 3D programming?
[13 replies] Last: [quote=spiroth10]to put it simply, you CANT just take a 2d library and... (by ultifinitus)
by Devilester
Shorten variables
[2 replies] Last: you can shorten it in c++ like int TotalProject=0,TotalTest=0,TotalM... (by shadder)
by NovaSkyer
Online Game Programming
[1 reply] : Yes, the server should do all the game logic (to prevent cheating) whi... (by LB)