General C++ Programming - April 2014 (Page 4)

Pointers (Average Median)
Hi, this is the exercise: write a program that can be used to gather statistical data about the number of movies college students see in a month. The program s...
[1 reply] : sARRAY = *sARRAYptr; movAVG(&sARRAY, sNUM); movMED(&sARRAY, sNUM); ... (by codewalker)
by bonita
object type method return
hi guys i am new to c++ and trying to learn. for instance. i have a struct and method.I am trying to learn what i can do with the method if i define the return ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you that was really helpful (by bonita)
Receipt printer?
I am just wondering if their are certain receipt printers out their that install drivers similar to normal printers so you can easily print a receipt off them w...
[1 reply] : yes there are, e.g TYSOO printers from fametech. They have drivers wit... (by anmol2701)
2-Dim array
I want to write a program to read in 15 integers from the user, and then store them in a 5x3 array, and print out the numbers as a 3x5 array.
[7 replies] Last: Swap all 5's and 3's around. (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
Help With Game
I've been stuck on this problem for like an hour and am desperate :( an its due tomorrow. I'm working on the game of Nim and this is my code so far. #includ...
[6 replies] Last: Well what exactly are you trying to do? If you want to increment i unt... (by giblit)
Game slow down from drawing player
I've been making a shooter game and have just added sprites for players. After I added drawing the players, the game has been sorta slow and sometimes takes 5-1...
[no replies]
2d Array Issues
I'm working with SDL...but this issue/question doesn't need knowledge of it. I'm working on a tetris game with a 2d array that contains bool values of wheth...
[5 replies] Last: However, since it's an array shouldn't it not contain any values? (As... (by xismn)
by Irhcsa
Simple Questions
I have a few more questions for C++. First question is: I understand and am familiar with cout. However on this forum I have seen people using: std:...
[3 replies] Last: You should look up what a namespace is: namespace hello { int x; ... (by LB)
Reading Input from multiple Keyboards and Mice
Hello, I wanted to know if there was a way to separate the inputs received if there were a few keyboards and mice hooked up to a desktop/laptop. Would the...
[2 replies] Last: I am building the program primarily for the Windows platform, XP and n... (by djones6600)
Golfer's Handicap Program
I need help starting a do-while loop in my program that runs up to 10 time that asks the user to enter up to 10 scores, which include the slope and rating for t...
[1 reply] : We are not here to do your homework for you :) Best thing to do is ... (by Codermik)
stucked in a code help ??
hi guys. I was writing code but i cant figure out how to write one function. This is my question: Define a class Recipe that keeps info for number of ingredie...
[no replies]
Best way to use shared_ptr
Hi While developing a Matrix class, I ran into a problem and I'd like your points of view. I have an Add method, which is std::tr1::shared_ptr<Matr...
[1 reply] : IMO, this whole scheme is wrong. Idiomatically, the prototype of an op... (by helios)
Visual studio c++ DLL easy debugging?
I don't want to have to copy and paste my DLL and header files into the host application every time I want to run my DLL. Is their a way in visual studio I can ...
[no replies]
Hey, can anyone spot this one? It's starting to frustrate me a little. I'm using glm as a matrix library in my engine. It has it's own ortho function, similar ...
[1 reply] : I'm a huge tool. Accidentally put a const qualifier on the end of the... (by MrHutch)
plotting a graph using a GUI
Hi all, I am currently creating a program the reads a text file of co-ordinates, puts each x and y co-ords into an array. From this I perform some calculatio...
[no replies]
Using ifstream to open multiple files
I am currently working on a C++ program for school. I am actually not finding too much difficulty in constructing the functions, enum-types, arrays and structs,...
[8 replies] Last: Chervil and Abstraction - you are both correct. I changed that code af... (by Lightshows)
by Nanyo
hello I need help I'm trying to do simple calc but I'm faling with all my tryings: #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main() ...
[1 reply] : Did you even read the response to one of your other posts? Line 41:... (by AbstractionAnon)
by recker
Pretty much lost
I am almost pressed for time and don't have a good grasp of programming from scratch. I am looking for someone to help me with this I have skype if you are open...
[1 reply] : Please note, that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewo... (by MiiNiPaa)
Sort Payroll Structures
Hello, I am trying to solve this project I was given for school. I am unsure how these structures and arrays work which is why although I added alot more code ...
[5 replies] Last: Agree with AbstractionAnon, you have to store data in the struct to ge... (by krrish123)
Use of functions
Write a program that uses two functions ; one finds the largest number and second largest number ; and second function finds the average . The data, comprisi...
[1 reply] : Please note, that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewo... (by MiiNiPaa)
April 2014 Pages: 123456... 41
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