General C++ Programming - April 2014 (Page 34)

undefined reference will be the death of me
So I'm sure this program will work as soon as this error is handled, I honestly have no clue WHAT is going on, the function is clearly defined and I checked all...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you sir, in my tired stupor I seemed to have forgotten a vital f... (by SeaLabEZF)
Unhandled Exception issues MS 2010
Hey guys, so I'm having an issues with buffer overflow and I'm not quite sure what to do. I've stepped through it a few times and since I'm pretty new at progra...
[6 replies] Last: @booradley. Thanks for correcting it. "For loop" range check should b... (by kannanmj)
Problem with copy constructor in linked list
Hello ! I have problems to put a list inside a linked list. I appriciate any code given as help. I have the following conditions to fulfill: - main.cpp can N...
[1 reply] : - missing virtual dest... (by ne555)
cin.getline error message
My program is designed to read input from the user and then store that input in a structure variable. Whenever i use the cin.getline() function, it comes up wit...
[6 replies] Last: Your textbook is not using arrays of std::string. (by cire)
corrupt values
Hello. looking for some help getting over this wall. When I input a list of employees (17 of them) with their id #, hours worked, and pay rate. I got an error m...
[2 replies] Last: durp. Thank you. (by EddyZaEagle)
Does anyone have an example of a complete program that uses CLASS TEMPLATES...
Preferably with separate class header, class implementation, and main files, and also uses the header #using namespace std;? I understand classes but I'm com...
[3 replies] Last: (by xismn)
need help writing c++ version of python code
Hi I'm attempting to write the maximal clique algorithm for use with an adjacency matrix. I'm following a video which explains how to code and implement the ...
[2 replies] Last: This code here does what I want but I dont want to copy it straight ou... (by sankacoffie)
Need help with Constructors?
Hello all. Im trying to creat two box in this program using the default constructor. When i call to try and display the info, it says that x, y, and z are not d...
[2 replies] Last: i was able to get it working, had a few stupid errors thanks for the h... (by RyanR1211)
a data structures advice
I'm working on a homework assignment and looking for some advice. my data is workers ID and salary. (different ID can have the same salary). I'm planning on u...
[1 reply] : Just use a linked list maintained in order for the salaries. Would be ... (by requiem31)
Ok, so I am trying to run this code but it's not giving me any errors. So I have no idea what's wrong with it. It couts the results in a table but the vectors a...
[3 replies] Last: void getCandidatesName(ifstream& inp, vector<string> &cNames, ... (by Hippogriff)
by kopals
Please find the mistakes
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class xyz { float l,b,a1,pi,r,a2; public: void switch(); }; void rectangle(); { cout<<"\n enter the value of l="; cin>>l...
[6 replies] Last: No need to prototype a switch statement because it's a statement. That... (by requiem31)
Setting external libraries - CMake
Hello, I'm using the QtCreator IDE and I want to use wxWidgets with it. I have "C:/wxWidgets/include" and "C:/wxWidgets/lib" directories respectively. So how w...
[no replies]
by Argy
Image on CMD
Hi,i would like to know if it possible to "run" an image through CMD.In other words i want that image to be opened on CMD. BTW the image which i am more intr...
[3 replies] Last: You can, but you shouldn't. Relevant links (by Duthomhas)
by Duncan
Simple tree but pointers changing themselves
Hello all. Strange thing happening and I am at my wit's end. Sorry for the lump of code but it's meant to generate a simple tree. As you can see from the output...
[1 reply] : Figured it out. The short answer is the children vector should be of p... (by Duncan)
Class template error
I got an array class, but I'm getting this error: Error 1 error C2953: 'Array2D' : class template has already been defined Here's the code: #include...
[3 replies] Last: each header should have header guard: file Tools.h: #ifndef _TOOLS... (by elszon)
Im having trouble doing with a but of code that seems to be syntactically correct but does not see to work the way I expected it to work. the snippet is below: ...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, that's not going to do what you want it to do. What you have is ... (by long double main)
Hi! I am struggling to write a program in C++ which evaluates a!(a+b)! for integers a and b? Can someone help please!
[7 replies] Last: Thanks. I'm fairly new to C++. I've just started teaching myself recen... (by AceSmith)
How to reverse bit: 1 to 0, 0 to 1
How can I reverse/toggle bit like 1 to 0 and conversely, 0 to 1? For instance: 01000100 ('D' 68) to 10111011 ('╗' 187). I think it is a great way to encode ...
[1 reply] : Bitwise unary operator ~ (by keskiverto)
Need Help, getting an error and not sure how to fix it!
My assignment is Develop rational number class that can • add • subtract • multiply • divide • reduce to simplest form Your class must be able...
[1 reply] : The error messages are clear enough. You have for example c.addition(... (by ats15)
by vetyst
Troubling with sizeof char within structy
Hello, i've been strugling with an troublesome compiler bug i think. for the following code you would expect the total struct size to be 5 however that is not...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, knowing what to look for really saved my day. Solution; In mi... (by vetyst)
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