BiDimensional Arrays HELP! |
[1 reply] : I am having problems to find out these results: What kind of proble... (by AbstractionAnon)
by scapres75
C++ Sockets vs Java Sockets
[no replies]
by adryaneel
case study
[1 reply] : A simple survey of what kinds of apples people like would fit your req... (by Duthomhas)
by topnik1
[5 replies] Last: bool is_pressed = (GetAsyncKeyState(x) & 0x8000) != 0; Excellent.... (by topnik1)
by colper89
Linked List - Copy Constructor | Node problem
[no replies]
by Franconet
Problem with List class
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the advice. i Had found the problem Persona::Persona(c... (by Franconet)
by Franconet
Destructor called 2 time
[5 replies] Last: @MikeyBoy Ok now it's clear :) Thanks again :) @doug4 Yes you a... (by Franconet)
by ZPryor
Pig Latin
[3 replies] Last: Take the vowel checking logic and put it in its own function. You can ... (by booradley60)
by dekeenfrance
String as argument
[2 replies] Last: Got it! Just forgot this thing... Thanks! :) (by dekeenfrance)
by AceSmith
Need help identifying error in function
[5 replies] Last: Assuming you're including all the necessary headers, these are the com... (by wildblue)
by Rockyy
Memory Deallocation
[3 replies] Last: You haven't shown us the definition of cSampleQueue so how can we po... (by MikeyBoy)
by Chihaya
1 Error, why?
[9 replies] Last: The "right code" does not benefit you in any way if you don't understa... (by keskiverto)
by zinat
percision in c
[3 replies] Last: Modified version of trunc function which is capable of rounding to any... (by kannanmj)
by CRooky
Anyone know why this darn phone # program wont compile??
[12 replies] Last: Assuming the input is always given in the correct format (xxx) xxx-xxx... (by kannanmj)
by jaded7
cin.sync vs cin.ignore
[2 replies] Last: Easy, thanks. (by jaded7)
by simons
stack implementation in c++ with struct
[2 replies] Last: @4 MAX is system (from limits header) macro. So replace it with ARR_M... (by kannanmj)
by CRooky
Annual income program
[no replies]
by CRooky
Hyphens in program..??
[6 replies] Last: NVM..! switched it up a bit and got it to work now...thank you sir... (by CRooky)
by al1432
Loan Payment table
[1 reply] : I didn't include the system("pause"); bit, and it works fine on my e... (by smcguffee)
by smcguffee
Generic Data Members
[4 replies] Last: What sort of exception was thrown? (by MikeyBoy)