General C++ Programming - April 2014 (Page 24)

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '3dMath.h': No such file or directory
What i need to do?
[2 replies] Last: ok (by apina058)
Drink machine
Hi guys & girls. ive read up on structures initialization but I have no idea if im doing it right or wrong. Im creating an soft drink simulation, and I have ...
[2 replies] Last: Might be something like // when I = the array index drinkarray .n... (by CodeGoggles)
Writing pointer contents into file
Hi, I have a character pointer that points to 4000 bytes of valid data. I need to write these valid contents pointed to by this pointer into the file. I am loo...
[2 replies] Last: @kbw Thank you. (by vinaynaikwad)
Deque implemented as vector of vectors?
I am unable to imagine implementation of deque as it promises random access,insertion and deletion at both ends in constant time. If a deque is implemented a...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot guys ....that is really helpful. (by venkatacplpl)
Stanard way to add version number to code?
Hello, Just wondering if there was a standard way people add a version number to their c++ code? I can just define a variable or #define and write the version...
[1 reply] : I don't know if there is a standard way. I normally just have a header... (by TwilightSpectre)
by lolo10
Virtual Functions!
I'm writing a program that calculate the carbon footprint for car, building, and bicycle. i have three classes building, car, bicycle. class called carbonfootpr...
[4 replies] Last: Refer to Given ex... (by kannanmj)
Using file stream in C++ to change sales.dat file. Help needed; thank you in advance.
How to pull the data from sales.dat and show the total sale and no sale using file stream c++? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!? I am trying to write...
[1 reply] : Would this be better instead, first off? while(inFile.eof() != true) ... (by Little Captain)
Unknown solution to error
I am getting two compiler errors in which it states that point and points was not declared in this scope and they both occur in RenderOrder.cpp. Since both stru...
[3 replies] Last: //in line 28 Point * point = createPoint(x, y, z); Points* points = ... (by theanne)
power of 2
can anybody help me with this design an application that will compute and display a table that will display 2 raised to the power of range of values 0 th...
[2 replies] Last: yeah, you need to understand the math.. int a = 2; int result; for(i... (by bruceda)
C++ and Java on Game Programming
I am opening this topic simply because I just feel like discussing some advantages and disadvantages that both C++ and Java have for Games. I want to see some i...
[1 reply] : First, this should really go to the Lounge: Click 'Edit Post' and move... (by TwilightSpectre)
Binary Search of 2D array.
Ok so I'm doing this assignment for a class where I have to use a binary search to see if the customer has been assigned a seat this is what I have so far. It'...
[no replies]
by ggggg2
Dound with CopyFile()
well I coded this: #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <sys/sta...
[1 reply] : First, you'll need some functions to manipulate file paths. Like these... (by Duthomhas)
Text Adventure - Building your world
Hi guys, Is there a good way to build a map in C++ for a text based adventure? A room should obviously have some sort of unique identifier (probably an integer...
[1 reply] : You could learn about text only games by looking at how some of the mo... (by Mats)
i've been looking everywhere on how to email a simple file like .txt .pdf etc and i can't find any codes that work it's ridiculous so if anyone can help it wou...
[1 reply] : This is an old library of miscellaneous stuff. It has a mailer that w... (by kbw)
Template Return Types
Hi, Is there a way to use preprocessing to conditionally return different types in a template. More specifically, is there a way to use preprocessing to bloc...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks! I hadn't been familiar with this stuff, but I can think of 100... (by smcguffee)
by younes
Converting string variable to float
I would like to convert a string variable to float. When acquiring data from text file, I use: while( getline( ifs, temp )) { num...
[3 replies] Last: There is a function for converting from string to float: see std::sto... (by TwilightSpectre)
by vanamp
Need help understanding 2 dimension Char array
I am new to c++ and am confused about char arrays. I think it has something to do with the null terminator(or maybe not). Here is what I am trying to do: ...
[5 replies] Last: Please Mark this thread as solved. Help us help you. (by CodeGoggles)
by zohan
can u help?
[1 reply] : Can't yoy do any of it? It's fairly explicit. (by kbw)
delete[] necessary when allocation fails?
Hey guys, I have a quick question about dynamic memory. I know that if you are dynamically allocating memory for a single data array and it fails, you can imme...
[4 replies] Last: Well, don't worry to much about 'allocation fails'. Todays computer ha... (by coder777)
by Nurlan
Change tooltip of CMenu item
I want to change tooltip text of CMenu item dynamically. The menu is loaded from resources (.rc). CMenu menu; menu.LoadMenu (IDR_REPORT_CONTROL); //IDR_RE...
[no replies]
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