General C++ Programming - April 2014 (Page 22)

Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'phone' was corrupted.
Im a beginner in C++ and i have no idea why i will have run-time check failure. Can anybody explain why this will happen. I've check thru the coding and no erro...
[7 replies] Last: What series of menu choices are you making when you replicate the run-... (by wildblue)
by kaiwei
why there are garbage characters after running the code?
I tried to run the code (saved as 1.cpp, see at the end) in my linux: I input in the terminal: g++ 1.cpp Then ./a.out hello.txt I thought it would ou...
[3 replies] Last: Oh, now I see it. argv is the name of the executable. Your loop star... (by helios)
C++ Program/ Challenge
Hello Everyone Im new here and I need your help. Could anyone do one of these programs?
[4 replies] Last: I think you should move this thread to the Jobs forum, since you're ad... (by MikeyBoy)
Polygon rotation and intersection
Hi all, I'm looking for a simple library with functions that will check if two given polygons (and circles) are intersecting, given their location and rotat...
[4 replies] Last: Well, i don't want to learn a game engine, i'm just fooling around wit... (by Nekoshet)
How to use g++ or clang in my IDE?
I am creating a simple IDE that has an editor + compiler. It has syntax highlighting, code completion, etc. It returns the C++ code (it's a C++ IDE) in a string...
[9 replies] Last: @giblit Thanks, just to say: #include <iostream> #define hey std::co... (by Just Me)
file program problem
#include<stdio.h> int main() { char ch, file_name ; char wordChoice ="->"; int count=0,z=0,i=0; FILE *fp; char *a ; fp ...
[2 replies] Last: if(z==1) { printf("%s",buffer); a =strdup(buffer); i++; z... (by gilbert)
Latitude e longitude GPS
Olá, sou novato em c++ e gostaria de uma ajuda de vocês... Preciso fazer um código que pegue a latitude e longitude atual de um modulo gps e compare com a ...
[1 reply] : [quote=google translate]Hello, I am new to c + + and would like some h... (by wildblue)
I don't know how to do my database program. PLEASE HELP ME!
Hey there, I have program that I don't know how to solve. Question : You are to develop a student record system tat makes use of the C++ structure and ...
[1 reply] : You could design it this way: -Create one DB class as the main, and a ... (by Aceix)
Moving in a circle
I'm making this program to mess with people and make them think its a virus. #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 //For hiding your console #include <cstdlib> #include...
[4 replies] Last: Its not very nice to mess with people like that. But it is indeed a b... (by CodeGoggles)
by sevone
read data from XML and plot graph.
My initial idea of doing this is using "TinyXML" as parser and use "koolplot" to plot the graph. "koolplot" looks like is a dead end for me as it unable to ...
[no replies]
by sevone
fill between lines of a graph (koolplot)
Hi.. i'm using koolplot plot graph and able to plot two lines in a graph. my question is how to fill between the lines? is it possible to do so with koolplot...
[2 replies] Last: hmm... >.< looks like gonna go back to openGL? thanks (by sevone)
Clearing the Input Buffer
Using cin.sync() works great so far, but my program still breaks if you copy something with multiple lines into the console. string test = ""; while(true...
[2 replies] Last: The behavior of cin.sync() is implementation-defined: different comp... (by Cubbi)
Segmentation Fault?
I keep getting a segmentation fault whenever I try to run my program. It compiles and everything okay, but when I run a.out and I input a string, it returns a s...
[2 replies] Last: A few issues: is_member should return false if character is not foun... (by Lachlan Easton)
Shared memory between processes
Hi guys Say now I have a dll, loaded and run by a 32bit program. One of the things that I access from the program in the dll are several 1024x1024 int buffer...
[1 reply] : ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory are the best options I've see... (by ultifinitus)
How many parameters do I need for == overload?
class point_c { public: numeric_t x, y; inline bool operator == (const point_c & p1, const point_c & p2) {return (p1.x==p2.x) && (p1.y==p2.y);} inline bo...
[1 reply] : I just answered this exact question in another thread. Here: http://... (by Disch)
function performance
What about this function: int any(char *s1, char *s2) { char array ; int i; if (s1 == NULL) { if (s2 == NULL) { ...
[1 reply] : How well each perform will depend on the strings passed in. The first... (by Disch)
by Pedreo
Read Function
I'm really having trouble finding a code to compile my program but here it goes. All i need is to create a "read" function to read all the data for a Player Ob...
[3 replies] Last: In main function flollowing veribles u r just declared (passing to th... (by NVTKrishna)
Need a nudge in the right direction
Im doing this assignment where i need to read in data that has hours worked, rate of pay, union member or not(0 or 1), and their ID with EOF. I am having some d...
[7 replies] Last: i'm completely lost, my infile keeps coming up as an error when i'm ma... (by bmccormack)
well can someone show me some different ways to send a file using c++ code without any extra programs?
[1 reply] : http://sourcefo... (by helios)
CV-qualifier question
Just a quick question for anyone who has knowledge about this stuff: if I have a cv-qualifier for a variable (e.g.: const ItemType& data), how would I pass it b...
[6 replies] Last: bar() represents simply any code whatsoever where the reference may ha... (by helios)
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