General C++ Programming - April 2014

is this possible?
I wrote a swtich statement and am wondering if its possible to put a loop into this code and if i could how would i do it? what i want is, if the grade chosen i...
[4 replies] Last: I think it won't work. if(case 'c'), it will compare if it is 'C', whi... (by iQChange)
I need to output the following and I cant seem to get it 1. * ** *** **** 2. **** *** ** * 3. 1 12 123 1234 4. 4444 333 22 1 5. ...
[2 replies] Last: What is the difference between numbers 1 and 7? (by RadWayne)
Sudoku Puzzle solver using hidden single and naked
could any body point me in the right place for some help creating a sudoku puzzle solver using naked and hidden single?
[no replies]
How to add a space into character Array?
I have a character Array 'Hello' I want to add a space in whatever space the users chooses. "Where do you want to add space? --> " 3 String after space is added...
[4 replies] Last: thank you for your help. i am still learning everything about c++ and ... (by Noob Programmer)
by Niven
SDL2 Programs stop responding
This is a problem I have been having with every program I write since I started using SDL 2. Whenever I compile my code and run my program, everything works per...
[2 replies] Last: That seems to have been the problem. Thank you. I can't believe I miss... (by Niven)
by teslaa
Transparent Image Window Overlay
I want to create a c++ application that when run in windows 7 shows what ever was on screen at the time (desktop etc) but with a small image in the bottom corne...
[no replies]
Maze game inputting into 2d vector
I am attempting to create a maze that is imported from a file and then placed into a vector that holds a vector of bools but I am not good yet with vectors. My ...
[3 replies] Last: auto infers the type from the context in which it is used. You can u... (by MrHutch)
erro how to solve it?
[4 replies] Last: Possible solution for exit 4 xcopy: (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
by Reaga
Dijkstra Shortest Path help (almost complete)
I'm one piece of the algorithm away from finishing an assignment, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to implement this pseudo code line. A weighted...
[5 replies] Last: class node_list{ public: node_list *next; }; class list{ public: ... (by ne555)
Help with finished program
Hi guys, i have a program here which is finished and working fine. i am asked to explain what it does almost live by line, and im not sure where to start with t...
[1 reply] : i am asked to explain what it does almost live by line So start wit... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Ram1
Can someone help me with this problem
Create a header file called Bag.h that contains following class template: Template<class ItemType> Class Bag { Public: Bag(); bool add (ItemTypy it...
[2 replies] Last: Public: change to public: Private: change to private: bool ad... (by Aceix)
by Jekjek
Error with functions!! HELP!
void sort_array(struct employee_data_structure a , int record_number); // Function Declaration sort_array(array_of_structures, record_number); // function...
[3 replies] Last: not yet but prof Simber emailed me how to fix it and i'm trying to fix... (by Jekjek)
cv qualifier error
I'm getting the following error in my ADT bag code: In file included from VectorBag.h:36:0, from proj2.cpp:28: VectorBag.cpp: In instantiat...
[15 replies] Last: > error: need ‘typename’ before ‘ItemType:: const_iterator’ be... (by ne555)
How To Make Special Purpose Libraries
There are many libraries in C++, but how are they made? For example: SDL, SFML, Open CV, STK There are no special functions in C++ from which we can creat...
[3 replies] Last: The problem with library files (*.lib, *.a, *.dll, *.so) is that they ... (by LB)
by AceK
How can i detect a cellphone connected to my computer.
Hi there, I need to know if it is possible to create a class that will detect if a cellphone is connect to my computer via a usb cable without knowing what the ...
[2 replies] Last: There is libraries which wraps USB interaction nicely. If you need to... (by MiiNiPaa)
Simple while loop question
I know for while loops you type while(argument){ do whatever } you have to use the brackets to enclose just like I used in my code right here. It is...
[10 replies] Last: ok thanks Peter and aabuezo. I understand it now. Thanks a lot again f... (by howellj8)
arrays (1,2)
Im trying to compile the code but it gives me certain errors and im also trying to fix certain certains parts of the source code but couldn't figure it out: he...
[20 replies] Last: I may have misunderstood something here. I assumed the value being pr... (by AbstractionAnon)
[6 replies] Last: ... (by MeNeedsHelp)
Explanation for an array out of bound output
My brother needed a couple of codes debugged the other day among them was the following program: I replaced the inputs at line 13 with lines 3,14 & 15 #in...
[8 replies] Last: I didnt no that it might cycle back to the first thanks I'll leave... (by soumyaxyz)
I was wondering if there was any way to travel from a leaf to the root. For example I search the tree to find the leaf i want and then trace/record the path bac...
[2 replies] Last: cool! thank you :) (by Unpredictableimp)
April 2014 Pages: 123... 41
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